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RE: Steemit is hiring!

in #gathering6 years ago

Some sort of godlike PR manager to handle damage control for the blockchain in the coming bear period for all cryptos is necessary as well. Someone who can make it seem like we have some unique value propositions so there's some sort of investment floor to stand on when the speculation cools off.


Pay-to-play services that use the blockchain and its native cryptocurrencies as their payment method would create non-speculative demand for STEEM. Hundreds of apps like SteemMonsters are needed.

I would say SMonsters is a bad example, as it is a speculative play in itself to most, but oddly didn't go the route that the rare pepe game did with some cards having fixed supply.

I haven't paid any attention to the kind of game SteemMonsters is. The point is, however, that to play the game, you have to buy cards with SBD, if I'm correct, which creates non-speculative demand for SBD and STEEM.

yes we really do need a salesman to sell steempower to people as something you can always grow via DPOS voting and the hopefully passive income you can make as long as steem price goes up or sideways, but even if it goes down you still earn steem tokens, so your stake grows even if the value in dollars doesnt, and for most of us we know that even if it takes a year or two steem is a long term winner for us that will easily earn its place above $10 or $20 for a decade or more if it goes through the possible next two years of a bear market with loads of development and infrastructure and steem ecosystem building and reenforcing. We can become a serious internet culture more powerful than the most dedicated cult like groups online, because we actually pay our users who engage the most... and so crypto investors will see value in us if we have a GREAT salesperson to SELL Steempower as a crypto you can actually USE and play with instead of just buying and boringly hodling

@markkujantunen brings up the need for more @steemmonsters like stuff and wooohoo yup thats right! i imagine it like a box of steem powered toys! We have SO many cool steem dapps and games to create, many of them will be kind of off chain with the game using steem accounts for the game accounts but handling the game off chain and that is ok! we will see SO many apps for steem as soon as people realize how fun and rewarding it is to develop for! its like making apps for the first iphone app store!
I am telling you, PYSCHOLOGISTS and professors will make steem apps and frontends that TEST peoples abilities to hold off rewards long term vs short term, we will test conditioning classical and operand and how people react to money and getting paid for upvotes and content and comments... oh ist going to be a brave new world indeed! Steem is worth exploring in an academic scientific neurological setting, so many steem based studies NEED to be done like facebook did, to find out how people react to the emojis etc to find out who we can improve the UI but ALSo to improve the way people save and spend their money, custom wallets that lat you lock your own wallet by making you solve an algebra equation to spend your money sooner than a month or so :D

We could develop so many great new ways to make plugins that find out EXACT amounts to upvote people based on how much they interact with you!
Automated upvotes decided by Bots is going to be the FUTURE of steem! The bot controlling your human account will upvote your repliers based on how much a user interacts with you and how long and original their replies to you are etc, how much they upvote you and how loyal of a upvoter or commenter they are can all be taken into consideration so you will have the freedom to set different parameters to ensure you are automatically upvoting the people who are virtually closest to you and trying the hardest on steem so no one gets left out :) For a more efficient experience where no one is wasted and everyone gets recognized automatically, these will be gamed so systems will need to be smart and hybrid between human and bots. It will be glorious!

rad ideas. Sounds like you'll neeed your own smart media token


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