SEC-S20W2 | 1st Half: Hot liquid and Solid Entries.

in #gastronomy-s20w23 days ago (edited)

Greetings to all lovers of kitchen and foodies .It’s another exciting week participating in this second week of gastronomy challenge.We are obliged to share our thought on Hot liquid and solid food and not forgetting the starter food , main food and dessert food for the day .

It’s always the wish of everyone to consume what is nutritious and will keep the body strong and healthy. I prepare my hot liquid and solid food on daily basis.Either for my kids,occasions ,family , friends etc . Not withstand this topic has limited our thoughts only in one personal meal preparation.


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Therefore, I will focused my discussion and explanation on what I prepare for myself hot solid and liquid starter for the day which is Tea . Starter, main and desert I mostly prefer for my daily meals . Stay tune and follow as I put my thought into writing below 👇.

Have you prepared any hot liquid or solid starter for any menu?

Yes I have prepared hot liquid or solid starter as menus especially for morning breakfast .This is Tea with a combination of Milk, overtine and sugar taken with bread .I prepare this frequently as a starter because in my location northwest region of Cameroon. Here places are very cold in morning and one needs hot liquid food to keep the body warm.

Its very easy to make tea at the start of day without no stress or much time spend. I make sure the tea I made should be rich in nutrients and gives me energy.That can be able to sustain in the morning period to carry out my activities,without any problem .That why in my hot liquid water i include milk, sugar and overtine .All these contain mineral and energy which is good for the body.

Ingridents needed nutritive Tea
  • Overtine
  • Milk
  • Sugar


Steps to make a nutritious Tea

Put could water on the Gascooker or kettle jar heater .Plug cable of the heater on the socket wall or stabilizer .Allow it to start boiling .Then you unplug cable .


Since my hot liquid starter is just for one person and it’s for myself. I measure two eating spoon milk, one teaspoon sugar and one eating spoon overtine. Then I combine all my measurements in tea cup.




I add hot water in to the ingridents of my tea in the cup .My hot water will always be normal so that the nutrients inside my tea should be rich and thick in liquid .Not too light. After I stir the tea together and make sure it’s not too hot but light hot.


Here my tea is ready, to make it heavy and to sustain for a while before the afternoon food . I take my tea with bread .

I enjoyed my tea with bread because the combination of both taste good .Some people will prefer cake, puff puff ,buns etc .I prefer bread with tea most of the time .


What cooking method did you use to prepare your starter

I used the boiling method, this because tea will always requires you to boil your cold water .in a kettle. You can’t used cold water .The essence is to keep the body warm.But earlier I mentioned your water should be too hot .Eventhough, while drinking your tea.One will always regulate the level of the hot liquid .To make sure it should not burn your mouth.

Which main dish and which dessert will go with the starter that you just prepared? Imagine a 3-course menu that goes with your starter .

The hot liquid starter tea I just prepared can go with many thing .I earlier said you can take tea with puff puff , cake ,doughnuts, Acra beans, fish roll , pie and bread. But I decided to go in for Tea with bread .


Tea with bread for a starter

For the main food that can go with the starter.I made white fried bean with boil rice .The fried beans will include include ingridents like green beans ,carrots ,green spices ,Garlic and white pepper. Boiled rice and fried beans the starter. Beans contain protein.


fried beans with boiled rice.Main meal to combined with starter

As for the dessert food , I will take a slice of Yoghourt cake as my dessert food.


yoghourt cake as my Desert food

At this juncture I come to end of my presentation.Taking hot liquid starter in to consideration , this is because at times we neglect going for heavy meal .In the early hours of the as starter .Thanks the course facilitators with this wonderful knowledge. I have learned alot and I will ensure to put all in to practice .I would invites @inspiracion ,@josepha @rafk and @crismenia to participate in this hot liquid and solid entries course .

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