RE: All You Need to Know About "Libertarian" Gary Johnson in Less than 4 Minutes
I had the opportunity to meet Gary Johnson on two different occasions. One was while he was still Governor of New Mexico. He seemed great at that time, and I enjoyed the speech he made and chatting with him afterwards. More recently, in the last presidential election he came to where I lived and gave a speech. By then, something just seemed off about him. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but to me it seemed he was way too focused on legalizing marijuana. I was open to that at the time, but the total focus on it as a single issue made me uneasy. Freedom is about way more than being able to use whatever drugs you want. Ron Paul seemed to have a better balance about those things. Anyway, I ended up not being able to vote for him then, and won't do it this time either.
Oops on the Hillary thing. Anyone who can call Hillary a "wonderful public servant" after all we know about her is at best not paying attention.