How I Would Have. . .

in #gary8 years ago

Image of Gary

I recently watched The Libertarian Town Hall with John Stossel that aired on the Fox Business Channel on August 26th. Some of Gary Johnson's answers I agreed with, but some I did not. I just wanted to list some of those questions and answer them the way I would if I were running for president.

Q. How would you legalize cannabis in all of its forms?
A. That is simple, I would, at the federal level dismantle the FDA. Then, I would dismantle the DEA, and send the issue to the states to decide for themselves if it should legalized or not. This would also effectively end the so-called "War on Drugs".

Q. Why should a private business owner be forced by the government to serve a customer?
A. The government should not be able to compel a business owner to do anything! A business owner has the right to not serve customers. As a business owner, if you are prepared to discriminate against customers who have different religious views, sexual orientation, skin color, or anything else, you should also be prepared for others to discriminate against your business.

Q. Would you cut foreign aid?
A. Yes. Taking money from people in one country and giving it to people in another country is wrong. Especially, if the money given is being used to prop up a military dictatorship that oppresses its own population or the population of its neighbors.

Q. How would you defend the U.S. from ISIS?
A. First, lets all acknowledge that ISIS is a total creation of intervention in the affairs of Syria, Iraq, and Libya. To defend against them and any future threats is to stop all of the foreign entanglements. Let the world know that the U.S. Government is now out of the intervention business.

Those were just a few of the questions that he and William Weld got during the town hall that I didn't totally agree with his answers.


Agree 100%. I cringe at their answers sometimes.

I figured the libertarian party's worst is still better than the Democrat's and Republican's best. The only real change that we can certainly affect is local politics. The presidential race hasn't really meant much since the 1930's.

Oh absolutely, those parties are becoming more and more alike each day. They are both big government, just in their own ways. And yea, I totally agree, if people can get involved in local politics, that's where the real change will start. I'm a big fan of nullification, which is why I love what the Free State Project is doing/has done. If we can get a state to just ignore the federal government, that's where the big change really starts

I have told many people that I have already nullified the State in my heart.

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