How does it serve the American people to bring controversial charges against an ex-president?
It seems to me that Attorney General Merrick Garland did a disservice to President Biden, who appointed him, and to the country he serves, by not conferring with the President BEFORE sending federal officers to seize documents at a former president’s residence.
Perhaps the AG wanted to spare the President any possible fall-out over the FBI’s actions, and therefore didn’t tell Biden or discuss it with him. Perhaps the AG did approach the White House and Biden’s people sought to protect the prez, allowing Biden to claim ignorance of any impending raid at Mar-a-Lago. After all, Biden's "handlers" might have concluded: Why not let the AG take the heat for what might be construed as a politically-motivated move to undermine Trump’s electoral hopes for 2024 and his still-dominant position in the GOP?
John Yoo, in his opinion piece, raises a number of important questions about the raid on Trump’s home, concluding that the Justice Department:
“cannot allow its desire to investigate Trump to undermine the very standards for equal justice under law that is its guiding principle. And that requires Garland and all those involved in the confrontation with President Trump to consider the damage they may do to the institution of the presidency that has served this nation so well for more than two centuries.”
If Trump committed crimes, we should find that out, even if prosecutorial discretion is exercised and no criminal charges are brought against him. As Yoo points out, "DOJ prosecutors have never indicted a former president with a federal crime."
Should they start now?
The nation is already so divided politically. Would it really serve the American people to further divide us by bringing controversial charges against ex-president Trump?