RE: @quinneaker Stabbed Multiple Times On His Own Land; Assailant Walks Free. Graphic Photo Included.
I am an Ayn Rand fan, but I think what these folks do is marvelous. You can't just NOT be generous because someone MIGHT bite the hand that feeds you.
Matthew 25:40 says "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me." This is an anecdote to say that when we serve the least deserving, we serve the most on high.
The people they serve do not take and take and take. Many of them are invited to cultivate the land, help repair tools, clean, maintain the housing, offer first aid, prepare oils and herbs for medicinal purposes...they pitch in. It's part of the whole thing. They have dignity in it. A lot of folks who walk into places like these are yearning for a better life. They may have come from a place where providing for themselves is simply not an option. They learn how to take care of themselves here, how to grow and cultivate, how to gain friendships and become a person they can be proud of.
What these folks will likely do in the future is be prepared to spot the signs next time something like this is looming, if there are signs to see. The fact is, this incident could have happened to anyone in a situation like this. Nurses, doctors, care-givers, therapists -- they all run the risk of hazard whenever there are less fortunate, vulnerable, or unstable people involved.
GOE will be back at it again, they will just be more prepared to either prevent or minimize this kind of thing in the future.
As far as the location, you may be right. They could relocate I guess. But this is their home. They have cultivated the land and the resources for years here. And this is not the first time they have had to relocate. Ron Paul has fought for them as well. I think no matter where they go, they will draw negative attention and persecution from fear. But you may be right. There may be a place that is more suitable for this kind of arrangement.
I'd be curious to know what the circumstances of the attack were, and what kind of reasoning the police came up with to "finally get their guy." I'll bet it was something like this,
Homeless guy: "Oh, police people, he was assaulting me so I knifed him out of self defense!"
Police: "Thank you for your statement homeless guy. That's all we need. Quinn, you're under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you..."
Quinn: "Wait, don't you want to hear my statement?"
Police: "Sure. But it doesn't really matter what you say. We've got it all written down the way we need it."
GOE: "Wait, don't you want to hear what really happened? We have dozens of witnesses. Video footage. Testimonies. Evidence. We'd be happy to share. This was not his fault. He is a peaceful man. The man who stabbed him is unstable and we are not sure what his motivation was. We have fed him and housed him at least a dozen times in the past without incident."
Police: "Um, no thanks. We've got all we need. Don't call us. We'll call you."