Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of Eden

in #gardenofeden7 years ago

It is a beautiful day in the Garden of Eden, and we are giving thanks for more than enough of everything in this abundant life of freedom!  

We made a delicious feast for our full time volunteers on our indoor wood burning stove rather than on the rocket stoves of our sustainable outdoor kitchen. We stayed nice and toasty, had a fantastic meal, AND heated water for showers for super sustainable efficiency. As usual, there was more than enough food for everyone, and we are happy to share our abundance with you!

We made a wonderful feast with two kinds of sausages, fresh garden salad, steamed Brussels sprouts with cauliflower, pancetta rolled with mozzarella, gluten free pasta with tomatoes, pesto, and parmesan, and warm chocolate chip cookies for dessert! 

We started with our daily salad! We made a bed of spinach and topped it with grated carrots, peppers, avocado, red onion, and blue cheese.

We set out a little antipasto platter with olives stuffed with garlic and pancetta rolled in mozzarella for noshing. 

We steamed a bowl of Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and yellow squash. 

We prepared 2 kinds of Italian sausages for our feast -- one with pork, and one with turkey. 

We made a bowl of gluten free pasta and tossed it with olive oil and juicy tomatoes. We served garlic in oil, pesto, and grated parmesan cheese on the side. 

For dessert, we served a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies! 

It was a beautiful, sustainable spread with more than enough for everyone.

It was another special feast with delicious, wholesome, FREE food for everyone! 

Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food! 

We do all of our cooking over fire, using wood that was otherwise destined to end up in a landfill! This is our indoor wood burning stove in action - it cooks our food, warms our communal space, and heats water for hot showers all at the same time!

Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here!

Photos are original to our epic feast and highlight just a taste of the thousands upon thousands of free meals we share every single year. 

We are happy & grateful to share our abundance - there's more than enough of everything! If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day, because we are here to help one and all.

Because we stand in support of the greatest good & especially the revolutionary potential of this platform, we've never cashed out any $teem or even powered down - which is good for everyone! This means that when you upvote our posts, you are increasing the value of your own $teem wealth as well! 

Do you believe our efforts are valuable and beneficial for the world? 

Can you match our annual contributions of feeding 40,000, saving 350,000 pounds of trash from the landfill, achieving a negative carbon footprint, providing a safe space for families and children to thrive, and educating hundreds of thousands of people for free?? If you don't have the time or manpower to change the world in this way, then consider sharing your resources so we can do the work for you! 

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How is it possible that such epic feasting could be so sustainable!

DAILY sustainable feasts! Every. single. day.
More than enough food for everyone.
Free. Delicious. Wholesome.
It's an incredible reality!!!

wow yummy and delicious food like your post😋😋


And sustainable!

Yes 👍

I love how you guys keep reiterating the importance of food and sharing it with people you love. I find nowadays, families are too "busy" to eat with each other and it creates all sorts of negative effects such as mindless eating (eating in front of the TV, for example), neglect from a child's perspective and loads more. Food is so primal, just like when our ancestors would hunt and eat and share around the bonfire at night. What happened to those times? It doesn't matter, you guys are creating that right now. Keep up the good work, you guys are inspiring more people than you know.

Thank you @victoriacalloway! Yes modern people have very dysfunctional relationships with food, but as we demonstrate it does not have to be that way! Options are available! It may not currently be realistic for everyone to cook over fire as we do, but the point is that there are options - it doesn't have to look just like us, but it doesn't have to look just like it has been in modern society for a long time, this culture of fast food and microwaves and mindless eating in front of the TV like you mention. The possibility for a much more meaningful relationship with food - and truly with EVERYTHING - exists!

Wow.. This is nice food... And yummy food post.. Thank you very much my dear friend

You're welcome!

It looks tasty and diliciouse healthy food thanks for sharing i wish you all the best
God bless you

in this post I see pure exquisiteses, really that yesterday they were highlighted again in @gardenofen. All these dishes are really exquisite, different contours each plate, one for each entry, in the avocado where they appear everything they prepared, there you can see the wonder of the food. I love how those chocolate chip cookies look like, since I love cookies.

Hahaha, yes we have enjoyed a few desserts this week :)
We love to set a pretty buffet as it makes the food that much more enjoyable. Thanks for your support!

extraordinary work!

everything looks delicious, congratulations for your celebration !!

Thank you, this is a normal day in the Garden of Eden!

That's a beautiful foodphotography. This food look very tasty and delicious. I appreciate your struggle. Keep it up. Wish you avery happy and bright future.

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