My Delicious Garden [Oct 2018]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gardenjournal20186 years ago (edited)


Spring life is in full force in my garden this month! We have had our first rains already and my garden is alive and beautiful!

My Flower Garden

My day lillies have been putting on quite the show! I have been fascinated since I was a little girl with these gorgeous multicoloured flowers.

Funny story about these Irises - they have been in my garden since before we moved into this house, never really flowering, just boring blue-grey leaves in a few bunches along the wall. I was looking at them earlier this month telling my husband I want to dig them out, give them away and plant something more useful / edible in its place. Well, they must have overheard me because within a week there were more flowers on them than I have ever seen before! They were doing their best to prove useful or at least too beautiful to remove!

My Potager

My Potager is doing really well! The rain sent everything into hyper growth and I've really been enjoying the salads and herbs coming out of here! Unfortunately the rain also put the weeds into hyper growth so I've been spending quite a bit of time weeding the grass and unwanted plants out of the beds.

The fruits (and leaves) of my labour have sure been delicious though! This salad was so simple but so flavourful! Some butter lettuce with tomato, basil, parsley, and chives was so refreshing on these hot spring days!

I've really been enjoying photographing and appreciating the beauty of such simple plants!
Above left: Cherry Tomato plant dancing in my hanging baskets (to which I will create a more detailed post about an awesome hack I learned!); Center: Chives in full blossom; Right: Green Pepper / Capsicum plant is already sporting some flower buds.

Strawberry Pot

Overall my strawberry pot has been doing good and really adding a beautiful touch to my patio. Any berries that it has produced has been eaten by me and my minions before I could even think of photographing them so I guess its just become the healthy snack station! This one little plant on the right has just not been thriving and nothing I do seems to help it perk up - I may have to replace it.. The borage that I have planted at the top (said to make the strawberries sweeter) is in full bloom and showing off lovely blue-ish purple flowers.


With all the Macro photography I have been doing in my garden I have come across some unwanted guests..

This is my borage plant I was admiring when I noticed these little green specks were actually not part of the plant but little sap-sucking aphids. Fortunately, they haven't done much damage yet. Most of the advice I have read about them is to spray them off with the hose as they apparently don't climb back up the plant and if they persist, to spray them with some soapy water.

Upon closer inspection of this shriveling broccoli plant, I came across these buggers! From my research, best I can identify them as are mealybugs? Also sap-suckers and are to be treated the same as the aphids.

Fortunately there are heroes prowling among the villainous sap-suckers, and right now, are my best defense besides the above advice. I have followed the companion planting methodology as much as I can in my small space but I think maybe a couple more flowers in here and there will attract more heroes to my garden... This gorgeous Mantis was hiding out around the peppers and it sure brightened my day to find him while I was weeding today.

Thanks @simplymike for this awesome community gardening challenge! I look forward to it each month - it has been awesome watching my garden evolve so rapidly the past 3 months!

If anyone else is interested in joining this challenge please check out this post: SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge 6 - October 2018

All the images in this post were taken by myself.


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This post is sponsored by @SteemitBloggers in collaboration with @appreciator. Just keep up the good work.

Congratulations @wildwanderer! This post was selected by the @steemitbloggers community as today's Rally Upvote Post :) It will also receive a complimentary upvote from @Appreciator throughout the course of the day!

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our Steemit Bloggers FB Page and Twitter feed.

What an honor! Thank you 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Love this post! Good job! Love seeing the progress. Keep enjoying the fruits of your labours.

Thanks sis 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow, such a beautiful garden; love the potager too! Irises and Lillies are some of my favorites too. I'm working on my post for simplymike as well, but I keep getting sidetracked haha

I'm also submitting this to c-squared; I'm sure they'll be by to show their appreciation too :)

Thank you so much! and thanks for submitting to C-Squared - I am honoured!

Good luck for getting your gardenjournal post done.. I got sidetracked like that last week and then missed the submission date :( I still made a post in the end but just for my own garden journalling purpose :P

You're most welcome :)

I did get mine done! But it took me about three days to complete haha

What a beautiful and very organized garden @wildwanderer!! I'm very sure you have those marvellous green fingers. I love the multi coloured flowers so much 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! Sometimes I feel I have green fingers but some plants somehow never survive- I guess it’s all part of the learning process 🤓

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you 🌈

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ohhh mama I just love your garden!! They are beautiful ❤❤❤

Thanks so much 🦋

Posted using Partiko iOS

Beautiful journal!!

Thank you 😊 it’s an awesome way to learn and watch my progress

Posted using Partiko iOS

Whoa! I love the creative gardening spaces! LOVE the log... fence? around the planted spots and the strawberry pots. How awesome! You're ALMOST making me want to garden. Maybe if I lived somewhere without the scourge of mostquitos.

Fabulous post, thank you for sharing. Your photos are awesome!

So glad you enjoyed it! Glad I can inspire you to almost get gardening 👏🏻 it’s hard work but my kids and I are loving every minute! Oooh don’t remind me, mosquito season hasn’t quite hit here yet but I’m not looking forward to that-they love me too much!

Posted using Partiko iOS

How well your garden grows... beautiful
And that Mealybug, the second picture... it almost looked like it was posing for the camera haha
Thank you for sharing your garden with us @wildwanderer :)

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)

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