11 useful properties of rosehip
Wild thorns - a real vitamin storage. At the end of the summer they mature one of the most useful fruit - rosehip. Rose hips are harvested from August to the first frost. Thorns - the closest relatives of roses. Sometimes called wild roses. In ancient times, this plant sieve with magic. It was believed that wild roses can revive extinct once who loved each other people's feelings.Of course, the thorns are valued not only for the extraordinary legends, but also because of its unique healing properties. So far, rosehip fruits are substances that can be found on outskirts ...
11 rosehip useful features:
Rose hips can be used as an additional tool for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Regular use of joint mobility can be enhanced by 20 - 25%. It reduces pain, joint stiffness and inflammation, improves mood. The most recommended for those suffering from knee and hip arthritis.
Vitamin C-rich rosehip can improve the respiratory status and help prevent asthma. The use of rosehip may reduce wheezing, chronic cough, shortness of breath, runny nose. In rosehip there are some other vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system and helps in the healing of sickness common cold infections.
Rosehip Antioxidants can help to reduce "bad" cholesterol levels in the body. Millions of people around the world suffer from increased cholesterol levels, which can have dangerous consequences. Doctors such persons always recommend a change in eating habits, if you want to reduce cholesterol levels. It is advisable to drink rosehip tea, especially if you avoid the use of drugs that lower cholesterol. Rose hips can help prevent cardiovascular disease in obese people, because raises systolic blood pressure.
Rosehip rich in various antioxidants: carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and so on. Antioxidants help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, protect the body against harmful free radicals which cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress - one of the reasons many modern diseases.
Rose hips are recommended for diabetics because it helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of diabetes and improve the health status of already infected.
The fruit acids and pectin in rosehip has a diuretic and a laxative effect. It can be used to destroy kidney disorder symptoms and treat constipation.
Rosehip oil has tightening effect, so they are often used in cosmetics. Oil promotes skin cell renewal, eliminates scars, acne, burns. The oil does not dry the skin, but on the contrary - to nourish the skin and helps to preserve the moisture. Oil is a lot of skin useful vitamin A. It helps to maintain skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and prevent other skin imperfections.
Rosehip Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen in the skin, which is an important element in bone and body structures.
Iron in rosehip stimulates red blood cell production, which provides oxygen to the body and a number of representatives of the fair sex during menstruation ceases. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron and is required for various functionality for the body.
Rosehips used for the treatment of gastric disorders. It recommended as tonics of intestinal diseases. Rose hips are also used to treat diarrhea, constipation, gall bladder stones or gall bladder, urinary tract infections.
Rose hips are beneficial to the immune system. It helps prevent both bacterial and viral infections. It reduces fatigue, improves blood circulation in the limbs, increasing urine output and quenches thirst.
Rosehip not boil the water because of the high temperature kills vitamin C. Rose hip tea is not recommended steamed in aluminum containers, because they can change the color of decoction and reduce vitamin and mineral content. It should also be considered as rosehip metal boxes, because it can change the color of the fruit. Finally, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before taking rosehip and tea, if you are taking any prescription drugs.