RE: Snow Pea Seed Planting🌱
🙀 But the instructions said to use soil 😿 I don't want sand in my food.
I had a look online and noticed some grew without soil in a tray and others grew them on top of soil only. I don't feel confident I would succeed without soil because my previously seeds I had grown without soil didn't grow as good. So I decided to go with the later. I had a look and I am not too late to fix it, only about half had started to germinate. It took me a while but I got all the seeds out and washed/drain/soak/rinse over and over to get the soil off. I took out soil from the tub and left about 2cm. The instructions said to put a lid on it to keep it in the dark til it grows and reaches the lid. I didn't have a lid so I used foil to cover it up. Now it looks like a lunch box. lol. I hope this will be ok. Thanks for the heads up @nikv!
Hopefully that will work better. I really like my homegrown spinach but it drives me crazy when you wash it well, discard the cooking water and still end up with crunchy food