How To Cultivate Ear Mushrooms With Good and True

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)


Explanation of Ear Mushroom Type.

  • Ear Mushroom is a type of fungus that can grow from the remnants of the remaining plants. Ear mushrooms also include wood mushrooms that can be eaten. Ear mushrooms have three types, the first white Ear Mushroom (Tremella Fuciformis).


  • The second is the Black Ear Mushroom (Auricularia polytricha) and red ear fungus (Auricularia auricula juade). This mushroom many enthusiasts are quite a lot, including for Chinese cooking. Because many peminatnya, mushroom cultivation can be used as a business field because it has a high value.



Ear mushroom cultivation has started many dilakoni mushroom cultivators or mushroom farmers in Indonesia. But there is still a chance for you if you want to cultivate ear mushrooms to reap more profits from this business. because mushroom farmers are still struggling to meet the market demand.

For the cultivation of mushroom ear can be done with the selection of quality seeds, so that the resulting maximum. so do not regret when the harvest arrives. preparations for other mushroom cultivation also need to be done.

This time I will give anything that needs to be prepared for the cultivation of mushroom ear. from start to early stage to harvest mushroom. then take a good look at my reviews this time and read to the end.

Preparation of mushroom cultivation.

For the stage of preparation of mushroom cultivation there are 3 stages, the first is that we must prepare the land or kubung (house mushrooms). the second is to prepare the planting medium, this is something that is very important in the cultivation of ear mushrooms. and the third prepares the mushroom seeds. below is the explanation of several stages of preparation of mushroom cultivation.

Prepare the mushroom ground.


Good land for ear mushroom cultivation is land that has a tropical climate whose air temperature ranges from 22 - 28 ͦC. other than that the required air humidity ranges between 80 - 90% and the suitable soil pH is 6.7 - 6.9. for the height of the location of cultivated land was not a problem.

Because the ear fungus can grow on the plateau and lowlands. which is important already meet the elements of air temperature and humidity above.

Preparation of ear mushroom planting media.


Ear mushrooms grow in the wild by sticking to the moist tree trunk. In ancient times planting media in the cultivation of ear mushrooms using wood gelonggongan with a diameter between 10 -20 cm. Media that used to be used is rubber tree.

The rubber tree is the preferred wood of mushroom growth. but since rubber wood is difficult to obtain it is not recommended to use rubber wood. but this way is considered less effective and efficient.

Because rubber wood is currently difficult to obtain and has a relatively expensive price. For that media needed as a substitute of organic media is cheap and easy to get. Examples such as sawdust, sago pulp, sugarcane shoots, waste paper or paperboard, the former cotton mills and lime are given enough water.

The above organic media is suitable as a substitute for wood bark. Planting media that you have chosen and prepared, flush regularly every day. The planting medium used in this article is sawdust. I will here explain how to make a planting medium from sawdust.

How to make a growing mushroom media from sawdust.


Why do I choose the media for sawdust, because sawdust contains nutrients such as soil. Sawdust as a planting medium has been exploited since a long time. So many are successful when cultivating plants that do not have too large size.


In addition to having nutrient content such as soil, sawdust can also absorb water optimally. Mixing the soil with sawdust as a planting medium can also make the surrounding soil more fertile, and the absorption of the elements becomes easier.

Steps for making planting media using sawdust.

Prepare the first mixture of 100 kg of sawdust, 10kg fine bran, 1.5 kg cubes, 0.5 kg calcium carbonate, Triple Super Phosphat (TSP) fertilizer and enough water. How to mix the ingredients refer carefully below:

  • All the ingredients are mixed in one container, then add the TSP fertilizer and enough water.

  • Stir until evenly mixed until all the dough is not too soft or not too dry.

  • Fermentation media planting mushroom purpose is to produce a perfect medium for the growth of Ear Mushrooms.

  • The way the media is silenced for 3-5 days.

  • During the process of media fermentation, the temperature will increase to 70 ͦC. - In order for the fermentation evenly, it is necessary to do a media reversal every 2-3 days.

  • Media that is ready to use is characterized by changing the color of the media to be brown or black.

  • Media that has been through the process of fermentation is inserted into a plastic diameter of 25 cm and length 35 cm, thickness of 0.5 mm to as high as 20 cm with a capacity of 1kg.

  • Furthermore the media is compressed using a press tool or can be compacted manually.

  • After that tie the top end and give the neck on the top of the plastic.

  • Sterilize planting media that has been inserted into the plastic with steam or steamed water.

  • With a temperature of 100 - 110 ° C for approximately 2 - 4 hours. Baglog that has been in sterilization and then leave the room inokulasi until the temperature back to normal.

  • Sterilized planting media using water vapor is stored into the inoculation chamber avoided from fungal spores.

The trick is the spray of both hands with 70% alcohol, then heat the iron stick or wire. By burning it on the fire of spiritus and chill, then spray the seeds bottle with alcohol to make it sterile. And then open the lid of baglog cotton above the fire spiritus used to reduce contamination.

Then insert the stick or wire into the seed bottle, then remove the baglog cover, and input the seed into the baglog mouth. Shake the ring so that the seeds spread the surface of the baglog, then close the baglog again by using cotton.

Preparation of ear mushroom seeds.


In preparation these seeds can actually be done traditionally or self-made. But to get a satisfactory guarantee of quality and harvest, I recommend to buy only seeds. Peasant mushroom ear proportion of households should buy seeds from stores of various kinds of agricultural seeds that are ready for use.

Because it facilitates the peasant mushroom domestic scale to prepare the seeds, especially if you are a beginner mushroom farmer. Seeds that have been inserted into the planting medium. For the dot may differ between the seeds of the powder and the liquid seeds. for seed powder itself can be sprinkled on the plastic through the neck that has been made earlier. With a dose of 0.5 grams of plastic bag (planting medium).

As for the seeds of liquid itself can be injected into the garden media using syringes with a dose of 2 - 3 cc per bag. Planting media that have been given seeds directly in the arrangement on the land that has been prepared.

Incubation of Ear Mushrooms.


For mushroom mycelium mycelium to grow quickly, do baglog incubation at a temperature of 280-350 C, 80% humidity, and also lights TL 60 watts. Incubation of Ear Mushrooms is done after 4 to 8 weeks with marked growth of white mycelium that has fulfilled baglog. however, if 5 weeks more incubation periods remain no mycelium growth, it indicates inoculation fails.

How to care for ear mushroom cultivation.


for the maintenance of ear fungus is quite easy. Simply done regularly, so that the environmental conditions remain moist. Watering should be done on the garden and in the environment around the plant. During the rainy season watering is done only 4 times a week.

Unlike again when the dry season we have to do watering every day. Because in the ear mushroom cultivation of this environment and the plants must be moist, so that the seeds do not die and can grow optimally. Checking is also done regularly so that fungi that attacked by pests and diseases can be followed up with as soon as possible.

Control of pests and fungus diseases.

It can not be expected that in this mushroom cultivation can run smoothly in accordance with what you want. In general, the treatment process that threatens the mushroom harvest is when the pest and disease attacks.

Such attacks can occur at any time even spreading fast enough. So you have to know the types of pests and diseases and how to overcome them.

Pest mushroom attack.

The first pest attack to wipe out is the Rat. Rats can be destroyed by feeding that has been mixed with toxins. Toxins that must be used of course special rat poison. But also can be destroyed by trapping the mouse with a special tool to trap the given bait.

The second attack is insects and fleas, when you get a mushroom plants that are less healthy means the plant is attacked by the disease. The possibility of such attacks from insects as well as fleas.

To eradicate it you can use formalin with a dose of 0.1 to 0.2% by sprayed into the environment of the room.

Attack of Ear Mushroom.


Corpinus disease, this type of disease arises due to bacterial contamination of planting medium. To procure the disease, immediately separate the fungus contaminated so that the disease does not spread. After separation has been done then should embroidery media planting. Penicillium disease is also an enemy to ear mushroom farmers.


Penicillium or penicillin diseases in general can be seen from the green color that attaches to the planting medium. To combat it can be done as well as eradication of corpinus disease.

Harvest mushrooms.


The correct ear mushroom harvest time is when the ear mushroom has grown to its maximum. Characterized by uneven waves on the fungus and age 3-4 weeks. During the formation of the body of the fungus, within a span of time of ear mushroom planting for 5-6 months.


Ear mushrooms can be harvested 4 to 6 times, the best time to harvest mushrooms at the time of this fungus is 3-4 weeks. Ear fungus is done by pulling the ear mushroom and also its roots.


Because the root is not revoked it can interfere with the growth of the next fungus. If left behind, it is better to remove it immediately from within the baglog. Thus information on how to cultivate mushroom in a good way and produce.


Very nice

Just got some fresh wood ear (black).

Will try to cultivate mycelium using the cleanest tissue I can get and planting in agar and liquid cultures.

Wish me luck.

Solid post.

Namaste, JaiChai

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