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RE: This Morning in the Polytunnel - Gardeningchef

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Wow what a great post of your gardening progress. The photos are top quality as always, I am sure your veggies are aware of the love and attention and make themselves especially good looking for you. Plants certainly respond to love and there is no shortage of that in your garden! The pepper flowers dropping is not from your mistakes, they do this of their own accord for a variety of reasons - i have added a link so you can read up on the reasons it happens, and the article points out that novice gardeners are quick to blame themselves but it’s not your fault at all....

I look forward to your next update - if it’s getting too hot for some of the things in your open air boxes a netted shade over the top may be beneficial. You can do this in various ways but simple pvc pipes pushed in and bent into arches that you then spread net over are a popular choice for many gardeners as lots of people have odd bits of tubing in their sheds.haha I added a link to a photo to demonstrate what I mean. HAPPY GARDENING!!!!! Steem on ❤️🦋🌴🌈


Hahaha I sure hope my plants feel the love - they are like my babies! Thank you for putting me onto that link regarding the pepper plant flowers... it is reassuring to know that I am not the reason for it. We have had temperature fluctuations so that could be a possible cause. I am trying to find the perfect watering routine for them, I have been doing light daily watering since the temperature rose to 30 and beyond but after reading your article I am thinking a heavier watering every now and again would benefit them more. Would you agree?

I have pulled a net over some of my polytunnel roof to shield the peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Ironically the plants with the most peppers are out of the shade! My raised bed seedlings are looking ok (must show those soon) but I will definitely cover them with a net if I see they are drooping. Thank you for the pipe cover suggestion - looks just the sort of thing I need!

As always a big THANK YOU for all your wonderful support @sallybeth23!!!

so glad that article was useful. the nets over the grow boxes also protect against bugs somewhat should they become an issue. Yes maybe heavier watering every few days could be advantageous, give it a go anyway ... keep a close eye and decide if its helping. gardening is trial and error - we are all learning as we go.