How to Cultivate Mushrooms Step by Step - Until Harvest

in #gardening7 years ago

Not all mushrooms we can consume, because some are toxic and harm our health and even our safety. However, some of us can consume, even contains very high nutrients.

Before we peeled the way oyster mushroom cultivation, it's good if we know what the nutritional content in the oyster mushroom. Do you know? According to the Indonesian wikipedia site, Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a nutritious food ingredient with high protein content, rich in vitamins and minerals, low in carbohydrates, fats and calories. This fungus has nutritional content such as vitamins, phosphorus, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, and protein. For protein content, quite high, which is about 10.5-30.4%

There are many ways of oyster mushroom cultivation that we can do ourselves at home, one of which is growing and popular lately is with the media from sawdust packed in plastic bags. This method is fairly simple and can be applied by beginners though.

However, oyster mushrooms can live and grow well if the surrounding environment supports. Therefore, before we do budaiaya oyster mushrooms at home, it is better if we precondition the environment for cultivation.

Oyster Mushroom Equipment and Materials

Require the following tools and materials:

  • Kerosene stove
  • The drum has a diameter size of 80 cm, with a height of 96 cm
  • Shelf, required size 3m²
  • PH meter
  • Thermometer
  • Sprayer / sprayer, using 2-inch paralon pipe amounted to 300 pieces
  • Ring
  • Spiral light, with a size of 30 liters
  • Container Basin Plastic material
  • Sekpo
  • Albasia wood powder weighing 10.5 kg
  • A fine brisk about 21 kg
  • Cornstarch weighing 0.6 kg
  • 1 kg pure TSP
  • Lime 3 pcs
  • F3 mushroom seedlings with the number of 3 pieces
  • Alcohol 95% amounted to 1 liter
  • Transparent plastic bags (20x35x0.5) cm of 300 pieces
  • Paper bread 10 x 10 with the number 300 fruit
  • 600 heat-resistant rubber bands
  • Well water 30 liters

How to Cultivate Oyster Mushroom

Naturally, oyster mushroom grows and develops under broad-leaved trees or under woody plants. Oyster mushrooms do not require much sun to live and thrive. In fact, it can grow much better in a much dimmer environment.

Temperature Temperature

The first thing to watch for the fungus to live and thrive is the temperature. Make a standard milk that ranges from 23-28 ° C. Even so, with temperatures below 23 ° C, white oyster mushroom mycelium can still grow even slowly. Whereas it takes more time for the body to form like shells, it requires a temperature range between 13-15 ° C for 2 to 3 days.

When low temperature values are not obtained, then there are two possibilities, ie the growth of mushroom growing fruit will not form, meaning the treatment is not successful, or even if it is formed, the time required will be long. however, the second stage of white oyster mushrooms can still grow at a temperature range of 12-37.8 ° C.


In addition to temperature, air humidity is also one of the factors that determine the success of the cultivation that we will do. Where if the water is too little then growth and development will be disrupted, even stop altogether.

However, if too much water, the mycelium will rot and die. Reduce the water content in the plant will be obtained either when watering. Mushrooms grow well in humid conditions, but do not want puddles. Oyster mycelium fungus grows optimally in lessening which has moisture content about 60%. As for stimulating the growth of shoots and fruit body, require humidity around 70-85%.


the determinants of the success of the next mushroom cultivation is sunlight, where the fungus develops optimally in dim light, not too dark nor too bright. Because direct light can cause the fungus to wilt and the size of the fungus will be smaller.

Mushrooms can grow optimally with diffuse light so try to have a shade tree near the building where the maintenance fungus.


mushrooms also require enough oxygen to grow optimally. Indeed, oyster mushrooms that grow in oxygen-deprived places have small, abnormal fruit bodies. Mushroom fruit body that grows in a place that lack of oxysgen will easily wither and die. Oyster mushrooms also require fresh air circulation for growth. Therefore, it should be ventilated for air exchange to work properly.

Mushroom mycelium growth requires a rather high carbon dioxide content of 15% -20%. However, oyster mushrooms that grow in places containing too high carbo dioxide have an abnormal fruit body. Usually, the hull of oyster mushroom tumbuuh relatively small compared to the stalk.

Degree of acidity (pH)

The final fungal growth factor is acidity or pH of the media. Where oyster mushrooms require a slightly acidic pH of about 5.0-6.5. The pH value of the medium is required for the production of metabolism of white oyster mushrooms, such as the production of organic acids.

The acidic conditions can cause the growth of myctic oyster mushroom disturbed, growing contamination by other fungi, even leading to the death of white oyster mushrooms. Excessively high pH conditions (base), can cause metabolic system of white oyster mushrooms are not effective. In fact, cause death. The body of oyster mushroom grows optimally at a near-normal pH of the environment (pH 6.8-7.0).

Step by Step How to Cultivate Oyster Mushroom

Here is a step by step guide how to cultivate oyster mushrooms that you can practice:

1. Setting up the Kumbung

After all the above prerequisites are met or at least close to idol condition, it is time for us to prepare all the equipment and the medium grows black mushrooms. First we have to prepare is Kumbung or mushroom house.

Kumbung itself is the shelves to compose the growing media of mushrooms or baglog. It should be noted that the kumbung can keep the temperature and humidity.

Kumbung itself can be made of wood or bamboo, depending on availability, for the wall kumbung itself can be made of gedek or board and the roof is made of tile or shingle. Roof should be a concern, because do not your sampia using zinc roof or asbestos because it can cause the temperature of the air to be hot. While the floors leave the soil alone, because it helps the absorption of water when watering the mushrooms.

Clearly visible, multilevel shelves to be more effective and load many. For dimensions or size, you can make 40 cm long and each rus 1 meter rack. On each rack segment of this size can accommodate 70-80 baglog. Adjust the number of shelves with production targets.

2. Preparing the Growing Media

Once the shelves or kumbung are ready, it's time to create a baglog. Baglog itself is a growing medium of mushroom itself. Well, so in baglog lah later mushrooms we will budaidayakan. As mentioned above, the media grows oyster mushrooms in the form of sawdust.

Baglog usually dibugkus cylindrical plastic, where one of the tip is given a hole. In the hole oyster mushrooms will grow out. For more details you can see pad picture below:

Here are the materials needed to get 100 logs:

  • Sugarcane and sawdust 10.5 kg
  • 0.6 kg cornflour
  • Smooth breeze 21 kg
  • 1 kg TSP
  • Lime 3 pieces
  • Give enough water, with 60% water content and pHmedia measured.

How to Create a Baglog

  • Mix all the above ingredients according to the compositions and the fires in the plastic basin / jumble containers which are mixed in the mixture. Notice that no blobs appear.
  • The above mixed material is then input into the Palstik with size 20 x 35 cm and with a thickness of about 0.5. The material must be compacted so that the logs will be well formed. Please note, on the plastic end at the bottom of the prick with a finger to cook. This is done so that the material has been in solid can sit upright / not tilted. Charging better not too full, leave skitar 15 Cm aga easier when in tie.
  • The weight of a good log is 1.2 Kg, then the log should be weighed
  • The remainder of the plastic end into the outer ring is folded out, then tied to the plastic mouth using a heat resistant rubber.
  • Cover the log with cotton and cover it again using paper material, then tied back with rubber.
  • Kukus log tersbut with time for 12 hours.
  • The steaming period is calculated when the water in the drum boils.
  • If the steaming has finished, Log then in lift from the drum. Next, leave for 8 hours in a closed room.

3. How to Create a Baglog

The next step is the baglog compilation technique, you can build a vertical baglog where the baglog hole faces up or horizontally, baglog hole facing sideways.

Both ways have their respective advantages. Baglogs arranged horizontally are safer than water spray. If watering is excessive, water will not enter the baglog. In addition, for harvesting is also easier. It's just that, when the constituents take up more space.

4. How to Planting Seedlings

Here's how to plant seed mushrooms:

  • It should be done quickly, but still thorough.
  • Logs that have been given seeds are closed again using cotton.
  • In each spoon movement used, heated using fire from the spirt lamp.
  • Give 3 tablespoons of seeds into every single media log.
  • Open the rubber on the log, cover paper, and also the cotton cover Log.
  • To be easier in planting seeds, Logs will be inoculated in place in front near the left hand.
  • Wear gloves gloves in the room spray
  • Spray the contents of the room evenly using alcohol 95%
  • Planting seeds should be done on a closed place / room
  • Logs that have been in Tanami with seeds put on the Rack.
  • Let stand until the entire Log grows by itself.
  • If the entire media log is overgrown with fungi, the cotton cover and the ring at the top of the log are opened.
  • To keep the moisture awake, spray it by using a sprayer on each Log.
  • Well, can see if the fungus grows with bloom and width, it is ready in the harvest.

5. Pest Control

You also need to consider whether there are pests that attack or not, because pest and disease attacks can make the harvest failed. The cultivation area should be cleaned by formalin spraying in the area around the kumbung, periodically.

6. Harvest of Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

If the baglog used by the surface has been perfectly covered with mycelium, usually within 2 weeks of opening the baglog, the mushrooms have begun to grow and can be harvested. Baglog mushrooms can be harvested as much as 5-8 times, if the treatment is good. Baglog that has a berawat about 1 kg will produce mushrooms approximately 0.7-0.8 kg.

Harvesting can be done on mushrooms that have bloomed and enlarged. Precisely at the edges has been seen tapered. But the hood has not broken the color is still white. If the harvest is past half a day, then the color of the oyster needles will turn brownish yellow and the hood is broken. If you have this, the mushrooms will quickly wilt and will not last long. It should be noted that in the process of harvesting must be on schedule. The first harvest distance to the next harvest ranges from 2-3 weeks.


This is pretty awesome and super in-depth! Thank you for sharing!

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