RE: Cleaning Up the Vegetable Garden After Flooding.......
As a carry on, looking into more periods of extreme weather, maybe in the future a post on how to prepare for a flood would also be interesting. Like I was thinking, hmmm, digging a trench to channel excess water before a disaster strikes could be a good use of a day in the end up. Also, I just remembered, there's a couple of places in England where communities have gotten together and made very simple rudimentary flood defences, natural barriers of branches and sump systems (I'm not sure if that's the right term) to slow down water in the case of extreme rain. Very low tech and heavily based on community voluntary hours, but very effective in reducing the extremity of catastrophe in flood situations. Worth thinking about. I like your post, very sweet and thoughtful. Thoughts are with people going through hard times.
Thank you,. You raise a very good point. Perhaps banding together bringing community together to save a field crop or 2 would have less of an impact. One farm can feed a community if they all help.
So I did a Google search and found the original story that I was remembering:
Thank you. I do hope that this information will be helpful for those effected, thanks for contributing
Oh, and swales was the word I was looking for!!!!