Wow!! Tomato Season is Here

in #gardening7 years ago


So the three varieties of tomatoes I plant are coming in fast and furious. My plum tomatoes are in the two back bowls. They all get frozen and used for cooking. My early girls are in the front left bowl and grape tomatoes in the right front bowl. They get eaten as fast as physically possible without getting a tomato rash. The remainder are distributed among friends and family and some are frozen along with the plums.

This harvest is from six plum tomato plants, three early girl plants, and one grape tomato. I expect a harvest like this every week for a while but the plums will slow down in late August and then possibly pick up again briefly in September before they are done. The early girls should go through September. I'm going to be getting my dose of lycopene!

Thanks for reading. How is tomato season for everyone else out there?


These are some lovely tomatoes harvest @garden-to-eat! My uncles are big planters of these beauties, the season is amazing right now and the price great too!

Thanks. Yes it's a great season.

Wow! Mine are all still growing and green. Good work.

Thanks. I start mine early inside and sneak the early girls out at the start of May to get a head start. I've been picking since the third week of June but now they are flooding in.

Impressive haul of tomatoes there. Ours are just coming onstream - I've mainly gone for cherry tomatoes this year. Although I think I'll try some plum tomatoes next year.

Great for cooking. I get a variety from Jung called Healthy kick but they are a hybrid. They're supposed to be super health but who knows. I might switch to a non hybrid and start saving my own seeds next year.

wow, i can't wait for them to pile up around here... we are not quite there yet !! (-:

Are you north of me? I'm in PA, USA


ooohhhh look at those pretty Roma's ! so envious right now. Our tomatoes are just barley starting to turn a hint of orange. What do you plan to do with them all?

I'm a big pasta sauce guy. I eat pasta with a bolognese sauce a couple times a week so I use most of the romas for that.

LOL we have Pasta once a week in our house. Roma's are one of my absolute favorites for canning and just eating right off the vine. I like how meaty they are.

Yes they are the best for cooking.

Just harvested my first 4 cherry tomatoes today! Popped two of them in my mouth before I even got inside!

I eat them in the garden too. Keeps my energy up while I'm working lol.

Beautiful bowls of red gold! Your harvest looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Red gold. i like that. Thanks my pleasure.

That's a rather nice harvest! My Early Girl plants are starting to give me ripe tomatoes now, and my cherry tomato plant is going nuts right now. Everything else is still green.

Thanks. I love those tomato salads!

That's looking good! I've got some cherry and grape tomatoes ripe, but not the larger ones. But we have a heat wave on tap that should move things along pretty quick. Enjoy your tomatoes! :D

Thanks I will. I'm not a big fan of heat waves but they should ripen your tomatoes.

Winter here in NZ, but cat wait to get back into growing me some of those red beauties!

I bet you can't. How is life in NZ these days. My wife and I were discussing what country we would move to if we ever left the US and NZ was high on our list.

Life is ok, NZ is one of the least corrupt countries, plenty of resources and beautiful clean places.... but very high prices compared to average salaries.
Come visit sometime !

Yes I will but it's the opposite side of the world so it will take a little planning.

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