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RE: 5 Popular Chinese Medicinal & Edible Plants That You Probably Already Have in Your Garden or Yard
My mother had every one you mentioned except mulberry. She was a self taught homeopath and herbalist, and a wildflower gardener. I never realized that her wildflower garden was actually mostly medicinal for many years. She never taught me the uses, she just taught me identification and care. It was ingenious, really, left me to "discover" herbal medicine for myself. She had some great herbal books, though. I think it was Culpepper who extolled the virtues of Solomon's Seal, including the plants help in "resolving bruises obtained from women's wilfullness in running into their husband's fist." :)
omg that last sentence! my gosh, we've come a long way, eh?! that's really cool about your mom. i love stories like that. the things hidden in our mother's and grandmother's gardens... my parents moved last year and so i dug up quite a few irises (that were my grandmothers) and peonies and other plants that my mom had established and they're now on my land to live another life and i can use them as medicine and food and for beauty, of course... that type of lineage is so meaningful to me. <3
Those energy connections are important!