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RE: Revved Up Ragtag - Prepping For Spring '18

in #gardening7 years ago

What a neat idea! I just read a post where someone re-purposed a chest freezer into an insulated shelter for a goat, now a fridge into a mini-greenhouse? Very cool. We are debating when to get our seeds started indoors. With the freezes we have here, I don't want to start to early, but then again, last year we started too late. It's always a bit of a gamble I guess!


Thanks! I caught the chest freezer one, too. Very clever and it looks liked it's working out well for them.

I'm dancing around when to start the first batch for the same reason. I'm near Chicago and we can get these freak extreme blasts of weather out of nowhere. The localized charts I've seen give a window of Feb 24 to Mar 9 for the earliest stuff, but even that seems risky. I'm using a few other sources, besides the baseline chart to actually pick a date though. Fingers crossed we guess correctly!!

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