
I think I will go with the later dates too. As I have seen frost here as late as April 10th and 11th. I do not want to get things done and they not do what they are supposed to because I got in a hurry and the late frost kills them.

That's exactly the scenario playing out in my head. If I had the greenhouse done, it wouldn't be so nerve-wracking. At the moment, it's more an all or nothing deal.

I think I can get my potatoes and onions in soon and they will be ok and maybe the carrots. I will start everything here shortly.

i'm going to test my luck a bit, if i can prepare well enough to start a second round of seeds, soon.

also, i meant to say something earlier - i thought about you the other day, @aunt-deb! i went to this presentation about tending to a healthy orchard, and the speaker talked about just haphazardly throwing stuff on the ground (piles of sawdust, compost, grass clippings), because the roots will reach out to find what they need, and he used the phrase RAGTAG. i giggled a bit! =)

Ooooh, let us know how the second round goes. Staggering the dates is a good insurance policy if nothing else! Hopefully they all do well & you'll have bumper crops!

That's so funny about the speaker... Glad it provided a giggle! It's not an every-day word to be sure.

fingers and toes and eyes crossed! i've got someone who knows someone who has a bunch of big container planters (maybe 15 gallon sized?) & they put in a request to let me have/use them. then the experiments can run rampant!!!

Ooohhhh, those sound awesome! You could do some fun projects with containers that size!

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