Ragtag Garden, Part 17

in #gardening7 years ago

Warm temps and some intermittent rain have made the garden very happy the last couple of days.

The zucchini is quickly developing some monster size leaves and has two blooms. There was a third, but it went the way of the original two and dried up. I'm hoping these new ones fare better.

The tomato has three blooms as of today. I think it's benefiting the most from the recent weather, especially the abundance of water. The bucket is well drained, so sustained access to water is helpful for it.

The peppers are doing well. No real changes here. I'm still waiting for the fourth pepper to gain some length.

The pole beans are coming along nicely. I think I'm going to put some additional fresh dirt in to help it's access to water and nutrients, too. I keeping a close eye on the lookout for blooms. Soon, I think.

The peas, especially the rightmost bucket, have been gaining some good height. The one plant is up to the level of the top crossbar on the trellis. Roughly shoulder height to me.

Oh, and we have two actual peapods from the earlier blooms! Yay! (Sorry for the blur. One-handed pictures are not easy.)

The rain has helped the cabbage leaves get bigger. That's a good thing, because it's also washing off all the Diatomaceous Earth I'd dusted them with and the earwigs are taking advantage. Bigger leaves give the plants a better shot at surviving and eventually producing. Still cracks me up that I'm fighting this hard to save plants I didn't even want when I started off. Ha!

The brussels sprouts are holding their own, like the cabbage, but the rightmost bucket got chomped on pretty good. I removed some more of the most damaged leaves after I took these pictures. Then, I got my DE duster baggie and re-applied another coating to the plants and around the base of the containers.

I was almost done when I caught some movement out the of the corner of my eye. Somebody didn't appreciate my efforts. I tried to dust it off, but that didn't work either. I'm hoping the DE doesn't hurt it, because I like having toads in the garden. It's very fat, so I'm hoping it's feasting on the earwigs!

I'm not sure what kind of toad this is, but I'll bet @papa-pepper would know. ;~D

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit.
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden.

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Wow really like your garden its doing way better than mine which is straight in the ground ! Next year Ill have to try it your way !

Thanks! The buckets were a 'rescue' from the firepit project mentioned in the recap. For a last minute effort, it's working out okay. The buckets make weeding a breeze!

I caught some movement out the of the corner of my eye.

Are you sure you are not a Ninja or Super Assasin?

Do you have these in your garden?-)

Those pods are an exciting addition! The height of the peas along with the gain in width of the pole beans since the last post is impressive.

Ha! Nope, nothing like that... just a super irritated toad trying to escape the crazy lady and failing.

It's fun seeing what each one is doing (or not) everyday. I hadn't really noticed the width, but you're right... they have filled out!

Oh, and the 'runt' zucchini is set to do some blossoms any day. I'll make sure to get a good shot of that!

I can't wait to see the runt in comparison to the others.

Hope to have a post up later today...

Look's great and very healthy,I think I might try the pole beans this year or is it to late?

Hmmm, not sure. I'm in Northern Indiana, so it might be different where you are.

Your garden is really coming along!
For the zucchini flowers, I have learned that if the flower doesn't have a tiny zucchini behind it, it's a male flower and won't give you a zucchini. I was looking at mine today and it's pretty easy to tell the difference once you see it.
Those peppers are sure getting nice! Your beans and peas are doing well also. It's good to have toads around the garden. :-)

Thanks! I'll have to take a closer look tomorrow to see if I can see what I've got. I appreciate the tip!

It's fun to get up each day and see what's new when you go out to check on things. Beats the hell out of TV. ;~D

I'd heard toads in the garden was a good sign. Stuff like that makes me feel I'm doing something right and it's just cool to have a beneficial occupant for a change!

What a great toad! It's an American Toad. And it's super fat! I mean, toads are fat anyway, but that one is super fat! It's having a fun summer with lots of food! It likes your garden area, that's for sure. Everything in your garden is looking great!

Thanks for the ID and the kind words. I wasn't sure about the toad, but that one was on my list. Toads are neat and I hope it stays around. There are spiderwebs between the buckets with bugs bundled up, so there's plenty of other insects besides the earwigs for food.


My grandmother always put upside-down clay flowerpots in her garden, with a little doorway chipped out of the rim. Toads lived in every one of them! She did it to keep the toads eating her bugs. I don't have toads here where I live. But back east, I would do that, too!

I love this idea! I'll have to see if I have any clay pots laying around. If not, this is worth buying a couple! Thanks for sharing the concept and your grandmother was brilliant!

We made them in Girl Scouts, too. Kids can chip out the doorway with a nail. I hope your toads will enjoy their homes! I'll look forward to your post about your happy toads! :D

No luck for me on my tomatoes...always a blossom drop.. so happy for your peas! ☺️☺️☺️

These blossoms are the second set. The first, with the exception of the one that grew, dropped off. I was worried there wouldn't be any more. Seeing these was a relief.

The peas snuck up on me. The blend in so well, I almost missed them!

Thanks, hon!

I should hope for the second, third or even 4th sets then 😂 patience is a virtue.

I don't see why not! I'm also going to give them a little fertilizer this weekend. It's organic and geared to help at all stages of growth. I know the dirt in those buckets has got to be nutrient deficient, so a little boost may get us to the 4th sets.


Im only giving epsom salt to my toms! 😬 i hope it''s helping...

You could feed them a bit of miracle grow water soluable fertilizer, that always helps the growth. Just mix it in your watering can and water them with it. Just doing it once will give them a boost.

I actually had some of that but it was way old, so I just tossed it. I'm going to use Jobe's Tomato & Vegetable fertilizer. Doesn't take much, it says. Fingers crossed.

That was my first thought, but when I checked the ingredients in the mix I picked up, it's basically epsom salts plus a couple more goodies added in. We'll see how it goes...

Epsom salt is really popular... :)

nice garden! I grew potatoes and carrots one year! They came out extremely small but very tasty!

Thanks! If things go well this year, I'll have time and room to expand next year. I've got about a dozen more buckets in reserve. Carrots and potatoes might be on the list, although, a bin like the zukes are in would probably work better. Maybe I'll try both!

You can use the buckets for carrots, you just have to not have too many in the bucket, but then it's the same in the garden. A bin is a better idea for the potatoes, they need more room to grow.

Good point on the carrots and space. Add a few bins for potatoes and I'll be set! I'll have to keep a lookout for good sales on bigger bins.

It's really nice. I just upvoted you :-). Have you found any snakes in your garden?

Thanks! No snakes that I've seen. If there are any, they're hiding really well. Other wildlife usually are raccoons, possums, rabbits, and hawks. Quite a bit considering I'm in a suburban neighborhood!

Look at that toad! I live near a stream and hear frogs at night but I have yet to see any in person. Looks like his nap got interrupted.

Fat lil bugger and was not at all pleased with me disturbing him/her. I'm just glad Tink didn't spot it. No telling what she'd have done.

Oh, I love to hear the frogs sing at night. That's one summer sound I miss from being at the lake. Lucky you to have them nearby! I'm sure you'll see some eventually.

Nice post


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