Lake Ragtag

in #gardening6 years ago

It wasn't too long ago that we were up to our knees in snow.

The last two days have seen the temps rising and melting all of it. Add in a full day of pouring rain on top of frozen ground and the water has nowhere to go.

The front yard has turned into a moat!

And when I got up this morning, @uncle-dan informed me that our utility room had flooded. It's the only room in the house at ground level. Small cracks in a couple interior foundation walls let the water in. He'd been running the sump pump in our crawlspace for the last three hours and just finally got all the water out. This is only the second time in almost 30 years that it's flooded.

You can see the difference in the carpet colors between the floor and the step. Normally, they're the same. You can also see on the box next to the step, that it'd wicked up the standing water. (And melted a bag of potting soil, too, dammit.)

We're expecting a low in the mid-20's (F) tonight and a high tomorrow in the low 30's. All that water is going to freeze.


The bright spot in the gloom today was a tiny glimmer of true spring.

If you look very closely... ancient chive plant is sending up shoots already.

This is the only hands-off (except for harvesting) container in the garden. This is why. It obviously needs no help from me!

(P.S. - I'm also stunned that the camera actually did a decent close-up. A rarity!)


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden

The expansion of these two projects has now become The Ragtag Saga:

Latest episodes of the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 5
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 6
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 7
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 8
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 9
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 10

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

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Gardeners Badge created by @daddykirbs.
Ragtag Brand Logo created by Michelle @slhomestead.
Steemit Badge created by @grow-pro.


Sorry about your utility room getting flooded. Flooding has been really bad in our region lately too, and the weather has been like late spring. We have been having record highs every day this week.

Thanks! The joys of homeownership, ya know...?

Wow, you, too with the flooding? Stay safe! @nxtblg upthread mentioned evacuations in Ontario, Canada. I swear this has been the weirdest winter I can remember in a long time. Seems like that's the case all over...

Its like February isnt even part of winter in the Southeast anymore. But I know what you mean, the weather has just been weird. And I know it must have been rough having to deal with that flooding. Thats certainly no fun. Fortunately we live on a mountain so we dont have to worry about it, but the road below us has come close to flooding a few times recently. I think they had to open a few evacuation shelters for it in eastern KY a few weeks ago.

We have had so much rain and of course it melted the snow...same exact scenario here in Michigan. Its a real pain when rooms flood! Sorry.

Thanks bud! I was wondering how things were shaping up in your neck of the woods. The flooding is a p.i.t.a. but I'd imagine the lakes in your area are getting nicely replenished.

Ah, I am so sorry to hear about the water getting into your low area, or basement. It has been kind of a rough couple of weeks, but hey you have green shoots in the garden already! That’s really good news. Won’ be much longer now. I know now why @uncle-dan doesn’t post yet... he is busy cleaning up mother nature’s messes. Stay warm. 🐓🐓

Thanks! Yeah, this is the laundry/utility room with the backdoor access to the yard. We even got a 'broadcast call' from the city letting us know where sandbags were available for those in need and asking for volunteers to fill 'em!

@uncle-dan was manning the sump pump like a champ! He found the flood in time to save our washer, dryer, chest freezer and maybe even the furnace. Well done!

Fab seeing the new shoots but bless you all that water. I hope you get it sorted.

Thanks, hon! Fingers crossed for a few dry days for it all to soak in the ground. Lots of roads flooded and icy today. Actually had to postpone a pet-sit visit til tomorrow. Luckily it's a cat, so she's fine on her own til then. What a mess...

Very annoying, hope it dries up quickly for you :)

Happy to report kitty is fine and I got a good talking-to when I arrived there. After paying extra attention to her (aka belly rubs) I was forgiven (got three sandpaper kisses). Whew, that was a relief...


Lol animals are so funny, glad your both friends again :)

So you're going through the same warmup as we are in Toronto.

Spring flooding...

EDIT: 'This is a dangerous situation:' Brantford declares state of emergency amid rising water levels."

Yep, it's spring come early...

Looks that way. Sigh. This isn't as bad as a few years ago, but it's up there on the list.

Stay safe!

Your pup looks awefully concerned about that wet carpet!
OOh, you’ve got grass!! My rogue chickens and unreasonably hyper dog have uprooted every blade of grass in our back yard. It’s a giant mud pie.

She was. She hates getting her feet wet. Snow is fine, rain not so much.

I ought to have them over to work their magic so I can level and re-seed the yard or turn the whole thing into raised beds. Hubby wouldn't mind not having to mow. In the meantime, yours will have a chance to recover! Win-win! ;~D

I guess that's all part of the spring-is-coming process, but what a mess!

It is that! I'm near Chicago, so we have a ways to go yet, but it's on the horizon. This would have been much more manageable spread over a week.

I cannot wait for spring and the green grass to suck up all this water. Great post!

Exactly! Normally, I'm not this antsy for spring, but this winter has me eager early.

I am sorry about your house! You have a positive attitude and it does appear spring is coming on fast.

Thank you! Luckily, it's mostly wet floors and a some soggy boxes. Left much longer and the washer & dryer would have gotten soaked. Whew!

That bit of green poking out of the leaves in the pot made me ridiculously happy! After this weird winter, spring can't come soon enough.

I hate that kind of weather when things melt and it rains so theres tons of water in the yard. Hope your house dries out. That stinks it flooded a tad in there.

I know, right!?! Flippin' whiplash trying to keep up. Thanks for the support!

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