To overcome the crisis with garden

in #garden7 years ago

We all got tired of the crisis, even the mere mention of the word. Not to mention the surfeit of Otton portfolio. The economy is reflected not only on the number of drinks that we allow late Friday night, but the attention we give to health. Because healthy food is expensive.

Modern recently "organic" products (for you and me - ordinary tomatoes from the garden grandmother a few years ago) reached space rates and affordable for every pocket sucks taste or no one, low in vitamins and downright unworthy to be called fruit or vegetable. Or as I laughed my personal doctor when a few months ago have prescribed vitamins, and I timidly protested that often eat apples, "But you really believe you have them there ?!".

In the west of our latitudes, however,

the economic crisis has acted as prime fertilizer a rapidly spreading fashion -

growing domestic vegetables all the rules of "organic". You will say - old Bulgarian tradition. Yes, but today, when most exist in the panel blocks among the concrete and living in the countryside became shameful old Bulgarian tradition in a fresh step headed for oblivion. Too bad, because in the last year or two the world finally woke her.

In recent months, the US government even realized healthy and economic potential of homegrown vegetables and promote through your site by special media initiatives recommended program for amateur gardener. It not only share ideas on how to zavadim vegetable or apartment (for the lucky ones) yard, and how to profit from it. The result was not late - sales of seeds in the country last year jumped 40%, show figures from the National Association of Horticulture in the US, whose aim is precisely to promote the idea of ​​home garden.

"As the economy declined, growing their own food flourish - happy and research director Bruce Butterfield organization. - We have not seen such a thing in the past 30 years. "

"Seeds are God's microchip"

adds the director of the world's largest seed company Washington Atlee Burpee George Ball. And has the right - in the grains is encoded huge information and life force that can be awakened from ourselves - as long as you know how.

According to US experts an investment of $ 200 for a home garden can save a family $ 5,000 a year for food - naturally, by American standards. For us, this means that for 20-30 lev investment can prevent between 500 and 800 lev a year to leave our pockets.

The taste and the beneficial effect of handmade grown greens health not to mention. And not just the body - Psychologists choir argue that there is nothing more therapeutic than growing plants that are rewarding for the effort, giving fruit. Ask any rural smiling grandmother - she probably does not even heard the word depression.

How to make however patches in the block? And at a time when units know how to grow something other than geraniums and

children think that milk comes from cartons.

Help comes from the experience already famous "retsesiyni gardens" of Western domovladeltsi.

First, determine where you can take. It is better to be exposed to the sun, so we talk mostly about balconies and windows. With a little more punch can turn on and the exterior wall of her apartment to this area. If you have understanding neighbors fence may provide a small stretch around the block. The location will determine what plants can grow.

If your housing planning is blessed with window and nothing more, it is time to think about homegrown spices. This is one of the most beautiful features of the amateur gardener - spices make food more delicious, incredibly useful are health and are one of the most expensive items in the food budget. Most herbs thrive in almost any soil, but it is better to stock with good land from the store. And gardening is like cooking - quality components ensure the final result.

And while ordinary pots are good enough for basil and thyme, American gardeners offer an interesting solution for keeping plants in disturbed environments or simply if you decide to plant later -

mini greenhouse window.

For her you need some strong box, at least 15 centimeters deep - ones you can get easily store or forgotten in some markets. Add some wire coat hangers, five or six plastic panels for insulation, transparent shopping bags - and you're done.

Cover the inside of the box with the plastic. The last thing you need is squashy cardboard and mud on the carpet! Fill in the gaps with silicone or usually glue and glue boards for cardboard. Fill the box with about 15 cm soil. Unless the store, be sure to be screened and cleaned to avoid unwanted pests and parasitic seeds.

Cut off the hook hanger and bend the wire in the form of the letter P. Insert both ends in the dust at one end of the box, repeat on the other side and - if you choose a longer container, one or two in the middle. These are the supports for the roof of your conservatory. Cut and glued transparent bags (or use a large piece of nylon), cover structure, making them stick on the inside of the three sides and the fourth - the outside, ??? to be able to water the plants. Do not forget to plant whatever you before covering with plastic wrap.

This is - your home conservatory is ready. Put it in the sun on the window, watering regularly and enjoy the result. You can poked not only spices but also other plants with shallow root system as strawberries, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and cherry tomatoes. The big plus of the greenhouse that saves us from the vagaries of weather, saves space and allows you to enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

If you have a balcony, but you do not want to sacrifice for a mere two or three stalks of tomatoes, but still can not do without your evening salad, fear not.

"Reverse" tomatoes are all the rage.

It turns out that this plant is progressing well and upside down. Even be useful for him as it saved by a capricious weeds. And lets put it possible sunniest place - a guarantee that in a few months will rip vitamin bomb. Moreover, to reach out over my head while sitting in the evening on the balcony table and dial some fresh fruit before the astonished eyes guests will surely make you more interesting host.

Summer is the perfect time to build its own hanging gardens of Semiramis. For this you just need a few bucket with a lid, earth and good tomato seeds from your favorite variety. Cut a circular hole with a diameter of 5-6 cm in the center of the bottom of the bucket and several ednosantimetrovi holes in the lid that will serve as watering. Apply bottom of the container with several newspapers, fill it with soil and put the lid. Turn the bucket upside down, drill a hole in the newspapers, and sow tomato plant that previously sprouted in a jar or pot of yogurt. Let the hole do not go more than six centimeters of leaves. Fill with soil. Take drums again cover up and hung from the ceiling of the balcony. If you do not have a lot of sun, you can hang a "space" in which to navigate the unusual pot to the light.

Suppose you are ready to use the outer wall of beginnings (and the neighbors will not argue). You need only a few meters wire

You will make the space around the window not only useful, but also beautiful.

Using scissors, wire and a little sleight Lace loose network with openings of about 10 cm. Secure it around the window as far as he could judge your hand (still do not want to fall off the high only because of a few strawberries, right?). The market can find a lot of seeds creepers - courgettes, gherkins, strawberries "Forest Rügen" (which bear fruit year-round) beans. Plant them in pots according to season according to the manufacturer's instructions and drop them to crawl!

For lovers of recycling and less squeamish there is a way to produce their own fertilizer by environmental rid of kitchen waste. To do need enough large pot with perfectly fitting lid. Place it away from your living area because it can smells. Fill it with organic waste from the kitchen and yard - vegetables, leaves, coffee grounds, tea leaves, egg shells. Do not put meat and greasy food because stink and attract animals. Keep the material wet and mixed with a little finger, which will provide the microorganisms needed for the transformation table in the manure. The ideal temperature for the microorganisms is 20-30 degrees - then they enjoy excellent appetite and will make waste your premium fertilizer for one season. The better close your container

will provide comfort anaerobic microbes

who are the most industrious manufacturers finger. If you do not have an airtight container, mix the mixture with a rod every two weeks, to provide oxygen to the aerobic (living air) microorganisms.

As you can see in home gardening there is nothing complicated and impossible. It takes only desire. Additional ideas and tips anyone can find on the internet and manuals on gardening. It seems to me that most of us are willing if nothing else, at least to be more healthy. A few simple vegetables can help us to do so. And you spend a good harvest, you will be able to supply neighbors with products headed to loudly and modern "organic domestic production." If this is not cause for pride and antidepressant!

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