2017: Week #3
Gerard and I planted 5 varieties of hops in his garden. We put up 10 foot posts for the hops to climb up.
5 Types of Hops: Brewers Gold, Cascade, Crystal, Newport, Nugget (in order planted from North to South)
Hops are planted from a rhizome. In shipment the rhizome is in a plastic bag with a moist towel around it. I kept them in a refrigerator until ready to plant. The rhizomes already had shoots growing off them, looking for light. I planted them so the average rhizome depth was 6″ with the shoots pointed upward. The shoots were then 2-3″ from the surface of the soil.
Hop Rhizome
Posts for Hops
Prepped Tree Site
I started prepping tree sites at my parent’s cabin. Since the area is pretty wet I decided each tree needed a mound in order to help the roots get a bit more air. I brought in pine bark, compost, top soil, peat moss, and wood mulch to amend the sites. I mixed the amendments together with some of the soil from the site. I mounded the soil and put weed barrier over the top and the surrounding area. I put logs around the mounded part and added mulch on top. I will put up a fence once the trees are planted. I have 2 weeks until I get the trees!
Tree Hole full of Water
I had to find some new sites because some locations flooded with the latest rain.
Amendments for Tree Site