My garden, so much potential, so much work and so much fun!

in #garden6 years ago


Four weeks ago we still had snow in the garden, and just in a few weeks everything has exploded with green leaves and flowers. Very pretty, but needs work! Every since we moved into this house in 2011 we've been refurbishing. It takes time when we're (mostly my husband) doing everything ourselves. It's hard to plan the garden when things are changing all the time.

Here's a new hedge to close the gap that the Caterpillar needed in order to dig in our garden. Wonder how many years that will take. The old hedge also need trimming.
Hopefully the materials hidden under the tarpaulin will disappear within a week meanwhile the patio will be finished. Will also need to seed grass and remove dandelions.

I'm declaring war on dandelions! I'm removing them manually one by one. Yesterday I spent ten hours removing weed! Notice the beautiful grass in the background. It's the neighbours. We've also planted a hedge there, but you can't see it because the dandelions beats it in height.

I made this yesterday, build it with rocks we've found in the ground when the caterpillar was here.
I cut of the rhubarb and gave it to the neighbor, she makes delicious lemonade, and I know I don't have time to focus on that right now. Anyway, looks like more is coming up, so I have the chance later if I'm up for it.

My husband did put onions yesterday, and today there will be potatoes. We will also grow carrots and other stuff.

Berries! I love berries, need to clean up this area as well. Here we have black currants, red currants and rasberry.

Here we need to fix the grass (and remove dandelions)

Same here...

I did plant this Rhododendron yesterday and hope that it will be the start of a beautiful garden that is well maintained and blooming!

I believe I could work full-time in the garden and still not be finished, but I'll get there step by step. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Thanks for reading!

:) Helen


excellent garden and views! and yes the work at garden is a never ending but i don't know better method to disconnect from everything, now i'm at war as well but with ants that are trying to rape my limon tree hahaha

Thank you! I'm very happy with it, and with work it will be better and better! Oh, good luck with that war against the Ants! Sounds exotic to me to have a lemon tree! :)

The view, space, and nature, you guys have a real great spot there! Little paradise :)

Currently, I don't have a garden at all! I really miss being able to do some gardening... Always fun to (try and) grow your own stuff!

Thanks, it truly is a great spot and I feel lucky every day having this place. Just need a lot of TLC... Yes, very fun to grow your own stuff and see that the vegetation is thriving! Hopefully you'll have a garden some other time :)

Elsker hagearbeid! Får helt ro i sjela av det, og dere er heldige som har en stor hage, det er mye potensial der :) Lykke til!

Forresten rart å komme tilbake til steemit etter en lang eksamens periode og se en grønn hage hos dere haha forige gang jeg var her var det fortsatt snø hos dere xD Sommern kom fort, men det kan man vel ikke klage på :)

Hyggelig å høre fra deg! Det har du rett i, sommeren kom nesten fra den ene uken til den andre! Vel overstått eksamen, håper det gikk bra! Har du sommerferie nå? Jeg får forresteb også ro i sjela av hagearbeid😊

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