Elle Editor-in-Chief Nina Garcia: Here's what you need to do to achieve success
Nina Garcia, editor-in-chief of Elle, has a job that many would love to have — but that doesn't mean it's always smooth sailing. The publishing industry, like almost every other industry, is undergoing a technological revolution and jobs are at risk. "The future of publishing is much in line with the future of other industries," says Garcia.
The secret to being successful, keeping your job and even scoring a role like hers? Staying ahead of the curve.
"With every technological shift, our world — and our jobs — get disrupted. I always tell people to pay attention to what's happening now and imagine where we're going," she tells CNBC Make It over email. "There's a place in the future for all of us, but it is up to each person to recognize that change and figure out how what they are doing now is relevant in the future."