Garbage In, Garbage Out.

in #garbage6 years ago (edited)

I was talking with a co-worker the other day about a problem, which he summarized by saying "Garbage in, Garbage out."

What a bold statement! The truth of the statement is clear, though it does lack some luster and polish.



What Does It Mean?

So I started thinking ...

I know! I know! Thinking can be dangerous, but it can also be a freeing, life-changing experience as well. What does "garbage in, garbage out" really mean? What life lessons are out there that I need to apply to my life?

Garbage is another word for trash. Both words describe items that are thrown away or rejected because they are considered as worthless.

So garbage in describes junk or trash that is input into a system (whether that be a computer, a blog, a human body, an engine, an innocent young mind, etc).

Garbage out is the less than superior, final product that is a result of the bad input. For example,

  • databases with bad data will produce false reports
  • blog posts with misinformation will further mislead
  • junk food that is consumed over a span of many years leads to obesity and illnesses
  • sugar in a gas tank paralyzes the entire car
  • vulgar language and gruesome images impact and alter the thoughts of a young child

What "Garbage In" Scenarios Do I Need To Avoid?


It did not take me two seconds to come up with this answer. I have always struggled with controlling my consumption of food (both portion control and quality control). I like to eat when I am sad. Oh, and by the way, I like to eat when I am happy. And if I am being completely honest, I like to eat when I am experiencing every other emotion as well.

I really like to eat ice cream (sweet) or tortilla chips (salty) when I am bored. And what really scares me is sometimes I don't even realize I am being drawn to food until after it is already in my both.

The result? An unhealthy body. Poor self-image. Limited energy. Decreasing strength.

Media Consumption

I personally believe that the mind and the heart are impacted by what is consumed with the eyes and the ears. I don't enjoy horror movies or gruesome battle scenes, but there are times when I find myself casually watching a tv show and one of my kiddos comments about ...

  • how scary a scene was
  • how a character said a bad word
  • how a female character was showing off her midriff or a male character was walking around without a shirt

My children are constant reminders to guard my eyes and ears. Because what enters into the body will eventually come back out.

I find myself wary of 24/7 news and the constant barrage of death, war, racism, sexual abuse, and physical violence. I want to be aware of important world events and issues, and we can take a deep dive into darkness if we do not guard our minds. I want my children to be aware of the needs of others, self-defense tactics, and the reality of the world we live in, but I am not ready for media to steal their innocence.

And social media? Don't get me started! I can't stay up with the Jones' because they can't even stay caught up with themselves. The storybook lifestyle on social media is a farce, and unfortunately, so many of us are falling for it. Those edited photos, scripted titles, and flashly, interactive "like" buttons are killing our social interaction with the people in our homes and opening up our hearts to the "I want more" and "I want his" mentality. What if all the pretty pictures and awesome videos are just more garbage in that leads to more garbage out?

My Investment In Others

As a husband and a father, I am mindful of what I am "feeding" my family.

  • Am I lashing out in anger or sharing words of wisdom?
  • Am I boosting in myself or acknowledging the works of my wife?
  • Do my words deliver a death blow or do they build up my kiddos?
  • Do I rush out the door or take that extra moment to give out hugs?

And what about the stranger? Do I even smile? Do I care enough to stop and carry on a conversation?

What about my enemies? Will I choose hatred over love? Will I curse them and cheat them? Or do I believe in forgiveness and reconciliation?

Garbage in, Garbage out. Right?

I want to hear from you. Let's continue the conversation in the comments below.

  1. Had you ever heard of the phrase "garbage in, garbage out" before today?
  2. Do you agree with the idea of what you put into something impacts what comes out of it?
  3. Is there something that you want to work on in your old life?

Thanks for stopping by!


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This is the best post I have read today. To be honest I have not heard of this phrase before. But it's raw but a beautiful one. I am addicted to anything sweet. I love chocolates, ice creams and all the calories. But I have been trying to avoid them as much as possible. I haven't consumed ice cream this summer. I Did cheat twice though. Also the thing you said about media is absolutely true. It has become a necessary part of life. But people are too soaked in it to care. The aesthetical pictures matter more to them rather than the beauty of the sunrise and sunset. Or the simple joy you find when you watch a child play or your cats and dogs sleep. We have become a slave to it. I do strongly believe that the effort we put in determines the end result.Thank you for posting this. I immensely enjoyed reading this.

Thanks for your kind comment. It means a lot to me.

I completely understood what it means to be addicted to sweets. It sounds like you have better control than I do since you only ate ice cream a few times this summer. I hope we both enjoy life in the moment instead of trying to capture it online and then never going back and looking at it again.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you

I use this saying all the time!! Food especially, but also for positive vibes and love going out, just looking at the world through a positive lens brings it back ten fold; the news ugh... I quit looking at mainstream new media a long time ago and try to find news sources that are less entertainment driven ... all of it!

You hit on something important with this post @sumatranate! Thank you :)

@lynncolye, I really appreciate your kind words and encourage about this post. And you are correct. This extends out into many aspects of life, not just food.

I have also pulled back on mainstream news. Are there any particular news sources that you rely on these days?

Are there any particular news sources that you rely on these days?

I was going to the BBC, but even that now isn't sitting right with me. Truthfully, I've been burying my head in the sand a bit when it comes to news in general :) Not the best idea, but sometimes it's my coping mechanism I guess.

I used to know a person that was always negative and down about everything. We used to say if you hate the world, the world will hate you. I think that is really similar to garbage in garbage out and can be applied in unison with it. Great post. It all really just comes down to the golden rule and treating others the way we want to be treated. Awesome post!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I agree that we should all being applying the Golden Rule. And I think it is important to remember that we don't do to others as they are doing to us, but treating others the way we would want them to treat us.

Great reminder!

Yeah, good point. With everything on my plate right now, I am not surprised I butchered that quote so badly! Thanks for the reply!

No! You did not butcher it. I was just wanting to reiterate the importance of what you were saying. Now I need to study more about the Golden Rule. I hope you can get a good handle on everything you are dealing with.

Of course, ‘garbage in - garbage out’ is similar to ‘what comes around goes around’ or ‘give and receive’. You put garbage in, you get garbage. You do good, you receive good. Oh.. and food is an addiction. But that’s another topic. Great post @sumatranate 😊

Agree - food can be an addiction. Thanks for bringing up some other phrases that are similar to garbage in, garbage out.

Great post & points @sumatranate! Congrats on your well deserved recognition of your accomplishment! Keep up the good work. And, best wishes to you on being mindful in your moments! To choose what nourishes you & your family is an honourable & positive endeavour! I'm also curious to check out the links you provided in your blog post footer. Looks like interesting rabbit holes too! Have a fantastic day!

Posted using Partiko Android

@yogajill, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I greatly appreciate your kind words.

And those rabbit holes all belong to me so just let me know if you have any questions. I would highly recommend that you check out my Markdown course

What a wonderful insight!
In my life experience, i cling to things/someone who always make cry and sad but still keep on coming back (for depency and fear)..... But then one day i realise that in order to be happy, you have let go of the things that makes you feel sad , and i was happier than ever! Thanked God

Thanks for opening up. We all have to find the balance of letting go and holding on. I am glad you found a good place to be for your life.

  1. Yes
  2. Agree
  3. Food and thoughts/words that I accidentally deliver to people around me.

Thanks for answering my questions. And thanks for answering them honestly. I agree that we need to be careful about the thoughts and words we pass along to other people (whether on purpose or by accident).

Thanks for stopping by!

Welcome:) keep up your good work! :) "garbage in and garbage out" was what I always heard from my professor in my university time.

I like to eat when I am sad. Oh, and by the way, I like to eat when I am happy. And if I am being completely honest, I like to eat when I am experiencing every other emotion as well.

I stopped a while after reading this part 😂😂😂 oohh come on @sumatranate, eating is something normal for people, but putting some emotional feeling in it could be a dangerous addiction, isn't it?

Well.. the truth is, O've never heard the phrase, but I think it is something similar to perbuatan yang sia-sia kah?

As humans, we have to eat. We should eat to fuel our bodies. We should gather around the table to enjoy time with our families. But I find that I often put food in my mouth even when I am not hungry. It has become a habit.

I would translate perbuatan yang sia-sia as "empty works," which are actions we do that have no meaning. The two ideas are similar.

Soon we will drown in trash!

That is possible. We all have to make decisions as individuals about how much garbage we put into our lives. We are also impacted by the collective garbage we have as a family, neighborhood, or community. I see your point, but I will try my best not to swim in the garbage.

Its a greta sdaying and one we should take into account with almost everything we do

Agree. Thanks for stopping by.

Always a pleasure

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