The dark secrets of a surveillance state (DDR)...
I have seen a fair amount of articles in my feed lately concerning "Gang-Stalking" and "Gang-Stalking-Paranoia". After a guided tour at "Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial" the former Berlin Stasi Prison, (for political prisoners) I heard that this actually was a real thing... After watching a TED talk made by historian Hubertus Knabe I learned even more about this.
Hubertus Knabe image source
I usually try to avoid these type of conspiracy-theory related subjects, and I don't want to "enable" people who might just suffer from paranoia, but I also feel a slight responsibility to help enlighten the people who might be worried about this phenomenon being a real thing, and yes it was a real thing! At least it was very real during the Communist days of Eastern Germany, it was called " Zersetzung" meaning "biodegradation" this could also possibly translate to something like "decay" or maybe "corrosion".
The "Zersetzung" technique was first developed by the Nazis and then refined by the Communist Stasi (secret police of DDR), the goal was to secretly destroy the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships.
The main targets where activist groups and regime critics, but also religious groups like Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Im not suggesting democratic countries and their intelligence community are applying these techniques now days. But these methods did exist at one point, and I really hope this is not being applied by democratic governments. But similar techniques could very well be applied by private interest organisations or even multinational companies. It would not be entirely impossible? Since it was such an effective way of "crushing the competition".
-Edit (But the Stasi eventually "lost the battle" in the end 1989 when the wall fell... I guess love, hope and freedom might actually prevail sometimes, thank god or karma or the people maybe)...
If you are interested in a sober and "clear-minded" description of these horrific techniques, please watch this TED talk by historian Hubertus Knabe, I hope it will help to put your mind at ease:
Or watch it on youtube right below:
Hubertus Knabe studies the history of torture, oppression and surveillance in former East Germany.
(I would consider him a very credible source of information on this subject).
Here is a part of the transcript from the end of this "Ted-talk" that I found extremely relevant to the current situation:
Bruno Giussani: Thank you. Thank you very much. So Hubertus, I want to ask you a couple of questions because I have here Der Spiegel from last week. "Mein Nachbar NSA." My neighbor, the NSA. And you just told us about my neighbor, the spies and the informant from East Germany. So there is a direct link between these two stories or there isn't? What's your reaction as a historian when you see this?
Hubertus Knabe: I think there are several aspects to mention. At first, I think there's a difference of why you are collecting this data. Are you doing that for protecting your people against terrorist attacks, or are you doing that for oppressing your people? So that makes a fundamental difference. But on the other hand, also in a democracy, these instruments can be abused, and that is something where we really have to be aware to stop that, and that also the intelligence services are respecting the rules we have. The third point, probably, we really can be happy that we live in a democracy, because you can be sure that Russia and China are doing the same, but nobody speaks about that because nobody could do that.
I really didn't want to make this post and I hope I don't end up in trouble over this, but I felt there was an extrem lack of credible information on this matter. And I believe that we all need to learn from history and make sure to not repeat the same mistakes and atrocities over and over again...
There is also a good deal of information on this, in the German part of wikipedia if you are interested in history and you want to read more about this.
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It is not smart to think that democracy does protect against this. It may seem so, but I believe people don't see the stuff happening today because it's done in different ways and so it's not recognizable for the what their regime does and especially it's followers (the indoctrinated statists)
Thank you very much for your input @wordsword, at least people like "Hubertus Knabe" are allowed to make TED talks about these things like this "covert psychological torture" that the Stasi was exposing people to, and I think thats a very good thing!
By learning from the past we can get a better understanding
of the present and maybe create a better future!?
Cheers and please feel free to resteem this if you liked it!
Gang stalking happens often, and the predators involved often get away with it. The reason? They are agents of the state. It absolutely is happening, and there's plenty of evidence to support that fact. Smart phones make this much easier to prove these days. If someone is genuinely being gang stalked, they should be able to easily document it with a smart phone's camera.
As a private security professional (PI), I get asked about this topic often. Sure, there are paranoid people out there, but a lot of them have a lot of good reasons to be paranoid. If you are outspoken and against agents of the state, you will most likely be gang stalked. The entire system you expect to defend you is not on your side either. They are on the side of the stalkers.
Okay thank you for your valid input @finnian. After making this article I have watched some of the "smartphone video evidence" and Im sorry, not very convincing, Im also not sure democratic countries would allow their "agents" to use these methods of psychological torture, it made sense that the communists did it, but it is very unethical, to try and gaslight and drive people who are "problematic" to the point of suicide...
Where is your evidence that it's happening right now in places (outside of dictatorship states/countries)???
Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup
Thank you @tomask-de!
I was unsure of what response this article would give, you should really watch the TED-talk, its a very good presentation, since the historian Hubertus Knabe was also a victim of this, during the cold-war he knows what he is talking about.
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It's definitely a conundrum...
Not a "conundrum" (if you use that word as in "mystery"?) after the fall of communism in DDR, then it was pretty freakin real... Good thing human rights activists managed to save all those Stasi documents, I think a few of the victims got compensated too...
Its on wikipedia if you want to read more about it, I think it is creepy as hell to be honest, didn't even want to write about it, but people should know about the crimes of Communism...
I have also been to for a visit, I believe that it's very important that we humans remember these things so we don't get brainwashed into repeating this type of evil again...
Watch the TED talk if you didn't all ready...
And thanks for the comment!
The thing is, it's still going on now, with the US israel, north Korea, China; really bad actors on this world stage. I'm supporting Jeremy Corbyn as maybe our only hope, because if he gets in then the whole rotten house of cards may fall...
Lets hope good wins over evil it usually does in the end!
(as we saw in the TED talk)...
It's still being practiced today. The bully can easily track the target through a phones location. Large groups of people get contracted anonymously through the web and are ordered to "attack" the target without being noticed. There's people who participate in these attacks without even knowing the potential victim.
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Now this is most definitely a "conundrum"...
The Stasi could do it because they where extremely disciplined and highly trained, there was about 1 agent for each 100 citizens... What you are proposing is not impossible, but still if its done by random "trolls" hired online? Then there should be cases where these groups have been exposed and arrested?
The problem is in tracking the groups crimes. One anonymous person spills coffee on your shirt before work. Another cuts you off in traffic and flips you off. When you have 100 agents to 1 citizen it is much harder to control. I actually found out about this from a news piece a while ago so I'm not sure if anyone has been convicted or not. I actually suspected that I was a victim of a crime similar to this at one point in my life.
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You are not trolling me right now @pwny? Sounds like the Truman Show? =)
Well, the good thing about mass-surveillance (I never thought I would write that) is that it works both ways so it could also help victims of potential "private-mega-troll-groups"...?
I love that movie. lol I would hope that these groups are getting cut down by the surveillance!
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Image sourcez...
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i do not doubt this and many others have been used for over 100 years. its scary sheet and thank you for posting!!
also thank you for my gift!! xoxo
Thanks, yeah it was done for sure in DDR. Thanks for your nice comment my friend!
@friendly-fenix hehe oh nooozz KK that is sooo cute!! love that you shared this. love it and much love! what country are you in again?
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