Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 5

in #gang-stalking8 years ago

Components of this Attack:

There are many components to gang-stalking, organized harassment, covert harassment, or political repression.  One of the components of gang-stalking is electronic harassment, remote neural monitoring, covert drugging and psychological warfare.  

The tactics they use are many.  I'll explain the side from gang-stalking in this section of my writings.


People can expect to be followed or harassed by individuals on an assignment, that is no different from being bullied in high school.  Vehicles or having people waiting outside your house waiting to stalk or harass you.  They can also stalk you by air, or planes and helicopters or through tracking devices on your own car or somehow on your person.  This is not hard to accomplish folks and this is real.  People are willing to do anything to silence you and get you off your natural train of thought, or your natural ability in life in general, and they do a mighty fine job of it.  This is not even okay, and yes it is a crime to be a part of this no matter if you're on the clock or not!  It's abusive and decisive actions to harass you or manipulate a final goal.  Whatever their goal is, weather to get you to move or lose your job, or just drive you nuts, it's goal is to subvert your reality and make it controllable, which I will explain later in more depth.

Another aspect of the gang-stalking is the covert harassment and defamation of character.  They can harass you with these people that are set up to follow you, or stalk you, or will even move next door to you - to subvert your reality and make it controllable.  As long as they get the outcome they are looking for, they can get what they want, and that is for you to move or you to end up calling the cops or whatever.  But, be careful, because there are dirty dirty cops out there that are in on this attack against you too.  I have yet to meet a cop that would take my side with what has gone on with me for many years, so just be truly leery about who you trust.  

They can use neural linguistic words to agitate you or let you know that they are there in another way.  Either way, it's designed to agitate you and cause you to do something about it, or just plainly agitate your mood so that you can't have a happiness about you because you feel broken down or attacked.  It's spiritual warfare in it's finest.  I'll also explain this in further here, with gas-lighting by the god of this world.  So what is gas-lighting?  It's simply to be pressured by outside forces into making a person question their own sanity, or to get other people to question your own sanity.  You see, gang-stalking is misleading, because it really doesn't cover what's truly going on with most people.  Most people aren't necessarily being stalked by foot or through air surveillance, but - what we are talking about is going through a fiery trial, as the Bible calls a fiery trial.  This goes into spiritual warfare.

The Bible verse that speaks of this trial is from Peter 1 Chapter 4:12-13, where it states; "12. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. 13. But rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."  

This is something that a Christian is going through, and also people that do not know Christ are going through as well.  It can be just because they decided to dabble into something and maybe have been looking into spiritual things.  It's kind of what humanity has done for a long time is just dabble with spiritual things when they are feeling trials, either through war or through other forms of hurts and pains.  They try to figure out what is going on with them.  I went through this worse then anyone I've ever known in all my days of trying to glorify the Lord and since then I've been witnessing similar attacks against people both who know Christ and those who don't know Christ.

You see, people don't know this stuff, because satan used to be an Angel and when satan decided to go against God, satan was a fallen angel along with people from this world are like fallen Angels, so people are being controlled by satan, and when you have demons inside of you that you are fighting, and are not born again, then you are like those of the fallen angels and this is why it can get fairly confusing for especially someone who understands these things.  Satan starts to control people like puppets on a string, because people are all sorts of evil before they turn from their wicked ways and start to convert over to Christianity through Christ.  I know not everyone that reads my blogs are a Christian, or seeking to become a Christian, but this is what we call trials, where we are devoted to God and not to man.  Man knows nothing about these things though, however they have virtue and morality that speaks to them too, in their hearts and know when they are doing something wrong.  

The perpetrators of gang-stalking with psychologically damage you in any way that they can.  They will psychologically abuse you in any way that they can because they are deceived by the god of this world; the devil.  Through gang-stalking they can follow you on foot, by car or through the air, and target you any way that they can.  They will stalk you and cause you to feel as though you're going nuts, but please do not fall for it.  These people are nuts.  You're not nuts, and you need to believe in yourself that you are worth more then what these people want for you.  

And, guess who wants to control you more then ever?  Satan himself wants to control you.  So these people who are also like fallen angels want to control people as well, because they can't stand that you are still upright and trying to serve the real God, which is the God in heaven.  But, again, this is something that most people don't understand.  The only thing they hear are noises, and it's probably in your best interest to turn and walk away, or run if you have to away from these types of people.  Trust me, I was shot at in high school by a perpetrator, who became a cop just like his daddy was a cop - so I've lived enough to know how these people can trick you.  They can use their many laws to trick you, because they don't know the only law they ever needed, was the law that Jesus spoke about in the Bible, and this was to love each other and to love your human brothers and sisters.  The only law was the law of love and that's it.  It's not hard, it's simple; but sometimes it can throw you into a frenzy because of this world and the ways that this world pays people, is by being evil people.  Sometimes it pays people better to be evil as well.  Just don't fall for it!  God brings many blessings along the way, and won't take you off your course, but place you back on the path that is yours, and that is His path for you.  This is thy will being done, and not my will being done.

There are some people that don't know why they are performing attacks against you.  The only thing that they know is that they got paid to follow you or to harm you along your way, while there are some in the know.  They know they are working for the god of this world and not the God up in heaven.  They work for demonic possessions and work for the devil.  They sometimes, I believe, even know that!  But, again - most people just want money, and will lust after money and are willing to hurt you any way that they can to get what they want, which is money or whatever else that they can get out of being able to subvert your reality and make it controllable.  

People can actually get a cellphone call, and they will show up in places that you go to the most.  They can transmit things about you, and ways that can be set up to harass you.  There can be groups of perpetrators as well.  There will be people knowing that these people are doing something to you, and just want to watch it, but don't take part in the actual attack.  They can make it feel as though your whole environment is out to attack you, but please do not fall for that trick because there aren't that many people in the know of how they can gang-stalk you.

Also, with vehicle harassment, they can try to block you, or get in your way, stop you from where you want to go, or to cause you to get into an accident.  Anything to run you off your course again to subvert your reality.  Or, they might even cause an accident for you in hopes to hurt you, which could cause you to lose your job, lose pay from your job or something of that nature.  They will also try things like bump your car somehow into their car so that they can collect from your insurance and make your insurance go up.  There are all sorts of way that these people can harass you on the road, and some of them are just idiots as well, because they have evil in their hearts.  Some people are just plainly evil and aren't even a part of the stalking you, but because you've gone through so much, you can think that they are, even if they aren't.  They are just another jack-ass on the road, and know nothing about what you've gone through, but are just an idiot driver.  

Also, police are involved in the gang-stalking attack.  Basically they will wait until you leave a store or leave from a friends house so they can corner you or stage accidents for you, or stage a specific place to target you.  They can use neural monitoring here as well, where they can trick you into being pulled over, or they will run up on your car so fast that they can get you on their radar speeding so they can pull you over and write you a ticket.  Police are not all fun people, and aren't good people at all.  Some of these people are set out to cause you harm and are also a part of the gang-stalking.  

They will also wait for you to come out of stores and get pictures of you, to make sure that they know who they are all after.  This is happened to me folks, just walking home from a store, and I see a lady taking my picture, and not in a way where she was like - oh, he's cute and I want his picture, but in a way where they were set up there to get my picture so that other people involved in the harassment and stalking can know who I am.  This also falls in line with the psychological programming and the nature to attack you psychologically.

The perpetrators can also get you paying attention to one person and then all of a sudden swerve to try to get you to hit something or another car.  This is just to cause you to get into an accident, so please be careful on the roads as there are people just willing to do remarkable damage to you, so again, please be careful.

These people are relentless, and they are also backed financially by the government to do the things that they do.  They are protected to hurt you in any way that they can, and will stage events to take place, which is where psychological operations come into place.  The government in other words are going to reimburse these people for any car damages, but will not reimburse you for any car damages created.  

Another way to harass you or to hurt you is by trying to vandalize your car.  Or place glass in your drive way, or try to pop your tires.  They will also break your windows or do anything to cause you engine problems, like doing something with your transmission which also falls into financial ruin and sabotage, because we all know it costs a lot of money maintaining a vehicle.  So this is just another way the perpetrators will try to hurt you financially or cause you harm in some way.  Again, these people are relentless, and will stop at nothing to get their ultimate goal which is to get you to a place where you can be monitored and controlled like, in a homeless shelter or something.

Please be careful out there, and God bless!  I hope something I've said here sticks with you.  Thanks for reading this.

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