Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 2

in #gang-stalking8 years ago

Proactive Policing, Organized Harassment, Threat Assessment Plan or Behavior Modification Tactics

When you do a research about gang-stalking in the light of psyops, organized harassment, threat assessment plan or behavior modification, you will find documents from both the state and federal level.  Here is where you find that the government is highly working with gang-stalking and targeted harassment.  This is the problem with the words gang-stalking, because they don't hold any weight legally although these people know what they are doing, they don't go by these terms.  But, when you use their own terms on search index sites you can find out a lot of up to date information about these matters.  So, instead of using these terms, use the terms that matter where the federal and state documents are using them and you will find your information on who is using these strategies to gang-stalk and individual.  

Also, you will find that proactive policing are the same tactics used in gang-stalking.  When you search proactive policing, this is what you are going to find out.  " Proactive policing is the practice of deterring criminal activity by showing police presence and engaging with the public to learn their concerns, thereby preventing crime from taking place in the first place. In contrast, responding to a complaint after a crime has been committed is reactive policing."

This also applies to threat assessment teams, because there are people that have been wondering why they are being gang-stalked for so many years even though they pose no threat, and the perpetrators on the other end of the spectrum are a threat.  It's just what money pays for if you asked me.  When you look up "threat assessment teams" you will find that they can determine how long they want you on their threat assessment list, or to be on any list.  To be on a list is dangerous enough when it comes to how these people are willing to do you wrong and just because people are on them, and have no idea as to why they are there in the first place, is the goal.  They don't want you to know about it because just like in high school where you are being bullied, is the same for people that want you on these lists just so they can harass you and in other words gang-stalk you.  There are evil people in the world in other words that will stop at nothing to make sure that you aren't going to get any great positional strength in the workplace so that you are always facing something, instead of getting true and accurate justice or true and accurate pay.  They will harm your life in ways that will enable the exact opposite to happen and you won't be allowed to get out of debt or to get a job, like, being a fire-fighter or become a city inspector or a city worker.  It's against their means that you don't get these positions and bullies never grow up, or grow out of bullying people.  They become cops, or become bullies in other areas of the world itself.  

Also, if you look up "human experimentation" they can also conduct experiments on you if they consider you a threat to yourself or others.  Which is why they turn up the heat on people in terms of creating fictional mega-hertz that can run into your bodies and things like this.  They can create tensions between two people, where there is already tensions and raise those tensions.  They utilize every weapon available to their convenience to try and manipulate an outcome so that you can be placed on these lists, and then they can basically watch you, or know where you are at any given moment.  They already do this with your cellphones and other devices, so it's just going on step further to make sure that none of your conversations are private and are being collected and read or listened to somewhere else.  

Another terminology that the perpetrators will use is "occupational health codes" because when you look that up, you will find that most of these programs are being run by the state.  A few of them are done by the federal government, like "Occupational Safety and Health Administration" or "OSHA" and some are rarely done by the military or proxy, which are actually sanctioned by the state in order to do so.  

Components of This Attack Are:

The purpose of gang-stalking and those who sanction and sponsor an attack on you, want you to; become homeless, to commit suicide, become institutionalized or they want you in jail, or want to use you for behavior modification studies.    They want you to become discredited or to leave you in destitute situations or to have a heart attack, or to lose work and lose your jobs or kill you in a way that cannot be traced back to them.  They do this through provocation, to try to set you up, controlling and manipulating your life, to guide you into doing something out of your nature.  They in other words, just plainly want you hurting one way or another, and will stop at nothing to get their way.  Trust me!  I know!


Now gang-stalking will target many aspects of an individuals life, such as financially attack you in ways to get you to lose your job. By having people who already work there coerced into doing damage to you, such as stealing your time sheets when you are working for your mom, or working for somebody, so they can fudge the paper-work on their end and put those hours in their own favor.  They might mob on you or harass you within the work place to make it hard for you in hopes that you will quit and leave.  They will also insert people into businesses strictly to keep an eye on you, to coerce you into being fired or doing something that could terminate your employment, or get you to voluntarily quit.  To mob harass you or psychologically abuse you and harass you, or to spread slander and defamation of character on you covertly. 

Another way they can attack you, is to get you spending money abruptly, on their attack against you.  For an example they can pop your tires or break out your window, knowing that you can't drive or can't drive legally that way, so that you either get pulled over and have another ticket covertly created over you, or that you simply lose work hours and lose the money that could have been made that day, or that week, or that month that they spent on attacking you.  

For an example; I had a landlord once that told a few other residence where I was living that he would pay them handsomely to help him get rid of me and a few others, and since I'm not walking around recording everything, it'd be a he said she said case and we all know that people with money can pay people off better then what they are willing to help you in, within courts, so you will most assuredly lose those cases that you bring to the courts.

Another example would be to make sure that just before you are able to be free and clear and paying your child support that before the meta data gets to the police cars that you can be pulled over, in an excessive way to harass you and make sure that you aren't able to pay for the damages caused, as they know the general income levels of you and know that once you can't afford it, or that it is too much for you to handle that hopefully you will just kill yourself and nothing will need to be done more.

Another way they do this, is through electronic harassment and get you to buy things to protect yourselves and your bodies against these types of attacks on you, so that the cost in protecting yourself begins to be unbearable and you don't have the where-with-all to stop these covert attacks on you along with many other covert ways to attack you, to stress you out financially.


Gang-stalking will also target your social aspects of a targeted individuals life.  This is done by damaging the relationships of friends and families and spreading defamation of character to your friends and families and co-workers and associates.  This can also be done the other way around by spreading rumors and lies about your friends and family to you, to make you feel as though you have no one to trust.  This is a way to isolate the individual and hopefully get you to isolate yourself or have other people isolate you, in turn you basically do them a favor by doing their job for them.  As long as you are feeling hurt; scared, scarred or harmed in a way where you are not feeling free, you are then isolating yourself from your friends and family and/or they are isolating you, in which case gets you - or the people you love to serve to do their job for them.  And, that is what they want you to do.  To become alone so that no one will help you, because you're being targeted to covert means and making sure that no one that truly cares is going to be around you, in the event of an attack on you.


Gang-stalking also attacks the physical aspect of a targeted individuals life.  One way this is done is by using direct energy or microwave technology weapons on a target.  These people are having fun doing what they are doing, and even place bets on weather or not they can get you to kill yourself.  They want you in their jails even so that they can mistreat you or abuse you and even will attack you and eat your food in front of you.  This is the kind of police that are in power inside of the jails today.  These energy weapons can cause pain or trauma to the individuals life, and to the body.  

Another way they can attack your physical body is through covert drugging and making sure that you can't take the appropriate medications and to take certain medications in general to make you out to look crazy.  In other words, it's to get people not to trust you, and there goes your help from family and friends along with your own physical health. Also, they can plan to poison you or get you to come into physical contact with a chemical that can cause you damage.


Another way to cause you physical trauma, is to create an artificial stress in your life.  We all know that we have natural stress in our lives in general and by harassing and keeping you on your toes, it's to cause you more physical trauma and stress onto a targeted individuals body, which correlates into your life as well.  So, it's like you have this natural stress already, and then they are going to artificially create stress for you, which is added onto you through constantly harassing and attacking you.  And stress by nature attacks your physical as well as your mental health in the long term.  

Psychological, Spiritual and Morale 

 Gang-stalking affects your psychological, spiritual and moral aspects of your life as well.  This is accomplished by constant harassment.  You can go almost anywhere and they will follow you to psychologically program you to know that they are always going to be there.  Also, they will play dirty mind games over an individuals life, and these dirty mind games is to keep you in a constant spirit of fear, to attack your moral codes and ethics.  Also, it attacks an individuals peace of mind, whereas the targeted individual are constantly wondering why they are doing this to him/her.  Or who is doing it, or when did it start and why are they doing it.

Also, they will constantly harass you, and this in turn will, if you don't already know the deeper meaning behind it, will turn you out to seem like a cold or heartless person.  So, please - do not allow their attacks, which are many, turn you into a cold heartless person, instead build yourself up and know that you are better then these attacks on you.  Know that you were made for better things from this world then what these people want for you, which we learned about previously.  They want you dead, because they have a lot that could be exposed about them that you aren't exposing, and even if you aren't exposing these facts, they still live in a constant spirit of fear, because they don't want to end up losing - in which case they will lose either here on earth or in the afterlife if you believe in an afterlife.  I personally believe in this afterlife because I see my friends who are now not living with us, when I sleep at night and dream.  I can get a sense of living more when I am asleep sometimes then when I am awake, which leads me to believe in God and believe in Jesus.

Though I believe, there are many people who do not believe, but aren't necessarily trying to demonize you or hurt you covertly, because some people just don't see things like you do.  This is no means to attack a person ethically or spiritually though, as I see these kinds of things happen all over America and everywhere.  I see people being attacked for their faith, because it's something that they do not understand.  This is completely idiotic to me, because we are only human, and we are all trying to make the best of our lives here, even though there are some perpetrators that don't want to be found out for who they really are.  I believe that the truth will one day come out, and it doesn't have to happen here.  It can take place in the afterlife, which these people are sincerely afraid of.  If you're right, you're on the side of the righteous, and they are on the side of the known evils that they are willing to do and work over onto you you covertly, in ways to get you to hurt yourself and maybe even hurt other people as well.  Please, please don't fall for it.  Know that you deserve better then what your attackers already have planned for you.

If they can neutralize your natural personality, and you can do something that is not normally you, and turn you into a cold heartless person, do not let them get away with it, and know that you are stronger.  As long as they get away with constantly harassing you and neutralize you into this cold heartless person, they can then move in to attack you even more, when some of these people are cops, and are people that just don't care anything about you.  They want you in jail as I've said before, or they want you to commit suicide so that you're doing their work for them.  And, they will make believe whatever they want while you are in there care, and say that you are crazy.  Even tell you that you aren't in a good state of mind and aren't able to go back into society, even though it's not you who's sick, but it is them, who are the sick and the twisted.  Trust me, if they want to get you into this state of fear where they are able to covertly attack you where you don't have friends and family to come around.  Don't you think that it was set up that way where everyone has to work in order to survive and don't have the time to come and see you anymore?  Don't you know that it was well thought out, and that it was meant to harm you when you need someone the most?  Don't you know that they want you alone so that they can keep running the mill over on you without your approval?  They do this because they enjoy making people out to become mean like they are, and heartless as they are.

They don't want you to have a good heart and in other words to be a good person with good morale, because they already feel as though they are knowingly bad people and want to take you and everyone else down with them.  Trust me, these people don't care even a tiny little bit about you, and are really great at being fake and fronting like they care, to only get something from you that they want.  They are devious people and will stop at nothing to get you to hurt worse then you are already hurting.  And, if it comes down to it, I don't think these people will hesitate shooting you either, because they cannot forgive themselves, so why would you think they would forgive you?  Think about it!  Trust me!  These people want you down and out in the worst ways because, for me, it is to protect their money and make sure that I can't be heard inside of a competent courtroom with a competent judge.  They know there are millions of dollars to protect where these people know that if you were to get there that you wouldn't remain silent anymore.  

You would have remained silent about their attacks against you, but you cannot anymore, because you learned what they are trying to do and just how wrong it is.  It's criminal!  

Anyone watching the movie would see full well that what is happening to you is wrong, and they know it.  They pride themselves on how wrong it is, and don't care.  They in other words don't worship a God, they worship the Devil or some evil way or force in life to be as heartless as they are.

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