Diablo III review - Explained the game from my point of view, the game wasn't what I expected.

in #gaming6 years ago

Hello player friends, I have been organizing for some time now to start broadcasting live playing "Diablo III", but I had not yet dared to do it. In this publication I will explain what I know about the game and my perspectives.


This game is very bloody, in addition to having scenes that could affect any user who suffers from nervousness or could cause them to feel offended from a religious point of view. Any resemblance to reality is just a coincidence.

Diablo III is an action role-playing video game (RPG), developed by Blizzard Entertainment, and is the sequel to Diablo II and the third part of the saga created by the company.

The game is partially based on religious aspects, the presence of the warriors of God and the monsters of the Devil, a world where the battle of good against evil is always present and we will be the ones who will change the balance of the fight.

Where we will play the role of a hero and he will be in charge of fighting the forces of evil. You'll have to annihilate hordes of monsters and fearsome bosses that will increase your battle experience, learn new skills and gain powerful items allowing you to more easily eliminate your enemies.

The game allows you to choose from a variety of heroes depending on your style of play.

If you like to fight melee combat, use weapons with a lot of damage, be a warrior who endures a lot and has high resistance, you can also choose to be a magician, use magic skills or elements of nature, everything is allowed and you are the one who decides what your character will be like.

Screenshot while playing

The barbarians are enormous warriors and possess a devastating force, thanks to this they can master almost all weapons regardless of their weight or size.

They have the disadvantage of being a little slow in their movements and most of their attacks are carried out at a short distance. But every blow he takes at his enemy ends up being lethal.

It has a lot of life and can use a wide variety of armor to cover itself from any enemy damage. In addition to having skills that allow him to regenerate his life quickly for every stroke he makes, we could say that keeping him fighting is what allows him to stay alive.

It uses brute force to wield huge two-handed weapons, a weapon in each hand or a weapon and a shield. Most of his abilities are based on battle cries.

Screenshot while playing

The divine warriors are unbreakable champions of faith and law, his battle spirit surpasses that of any mortal on earth, in addition to being a very honorable warrior on the battlefield. They resemble barbarians because they use armor and heavy weapons, but their behavior and combat techniques are totally different.

In battle they not only use close combat, they can also use elements of fire and blinding light. Known as the judges for the ability to annihilate all those who try to escape their judgment. (That phrase comes from the game).

He possesses abilities not only of combat, because he can give shields and divine protections to his companions to continue in the battle.

His honor and faith are the foundation of his life as a warrior.

Screenshot while playing

Their warriors specialize in distance combat, using weapons that allow them to kill their enemies very quickly, but they don't possess melee combat skills.

They can attack multiple enemies at the same time and deal area damage, easily controlling hordes of monsters. The only problem they present is when they are surrounded and the enemy manages to get close, because they are somewhat fragile warriors, with little resistance to damage and the elements.

They have some evasive abilities, such as turns and jumps, some attacks can slow down the movement speed of their enemies allowing them to move away and keep their distance to attack constantly without taking any damage.

Their speed of movement and attack certainly completely outweigh their disadvantage of damage resistance and low life.

Screenshot while playing

Peace is part of their culture, but when it comes to altering it, monks are the ones to defend it.

They use divine power as a skill and technique in melee combat, although not as strong as barbarians in using heavy weapons, they possess enormous speed of movement and resistance to damage.

They have abilities that increase the speed of their movements, life and slow down their enemies, this allows them to be an opponent who fights in front of the group, attack enemies directly and retreat when necessary.

"Monks can launch as many attacks as their Spirit reserve allows without the need to wait for the "periods of reuse" to end".

Screenshot while playing

A hero who uses dark magic to his advantage, applying spells and curses against his enemies.

Known by some as the king of the undead, because he has the ability to control skeletons that fight for him and defend him from any enemy. He can also fight melee but his specialty is attacking with spells, so melee combat should not be our first choice.

The horrific curses used by necromancers incapacitate even the most resilient demons.

Their attacks and abilities are not fast and their movements are somewhat slow, but the destructive capacity they generate compensates for the balance of the fight.

He seems to be more of a warrior who fights for the "Devil", but his fighting style just doesn't look like any other fighter.

Screenshot while playing

A bit like the necromancer because he uses curses and spells to attack his enemies, but this hero uses the force of nature to his advantage.

It employs destructive attacks with poison, acid and fire, as well as summoning ruthless creatures to fight for him and annihilate everything in his path.

They have the ability to create fields of fire and poison that slow down their enemies and consume them slowly, and they also have attacks that can damage a huge area. They are weak in melee combat, and their attacks need to use a lot of energy to keep attacking constantly.

His fighting style is from a distance and he has almost no skills to help his teammates, he specializes more in damage.

Screenshot while playing

He is a hero who fights from a distance, controls the arcane magic, using the manipulation of time, space and elements. Very weak against melee attacks and with little resistance to damage, but his attacks are devastating and can damage several enemies at the same time.

Not possessing physical abilities that allow him to use weapons or heavy armor, he uses wands and staves as weapons to enhance his attacks.

They use a lot of energy to carry out their attacks, but they have a lot of skills to freeze, burn or electrocute their opponents.

The plot revolves around the two remaining minor demons known as "Azmodan and Belial" and a mysterious artifact (not well known at the beginning of history) containing the souls of demons already defeated and captured by the heroes years before known as the "Stone of the Black Soul"..

The basic world in almost every Diablo game is the city of Tristan, where "Diablo" first arrived, but this time we will be in a new area called New Tristan, the old Tristran still has the Cathedral which is an explorable dungeon.

The game takes place in Sanctuary, the dark fantasy world of the Diablo Series, twenty years after the events of Diablo II. Deckard Cain and Leah are in Tristram Cathedral (the same cathedral that was the setting of Diablo) investigating ancient texts regarding an ominous prophecy. A mysterious star falling from the sky strikes the Cathedral, creating a deep crater into which Deckard Cain disappears. DiabloIII wiki

I won't tell more about the story to avoid passing on information and damaging the player's own experience.

All heroes possess abilities and can attack melee, but each hero possesses a unique fighting style that allows him to be an exemplary fighter. In addition to the fact that every skill is different in every hero, some use anger, others use elements of nature, others use curses.

Depending on our fighting style we can increase our fighting skills by eliminating many enemies or by providing shields and protections to defend our comrades.


Resources are reserves of energy that each hero possesses in order to utilize his or her abilities. All classes have a unique resource.


Damage Types

In addition to the physical or skill damage, there is the damage that each natural element causes, some weapons have unique damage or increase the ability of this element to affect its enemies more effectively.


"Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison, Arcane, Holy"

Physical: Basically it's about melee attacks, using weapons such as swords, spears, knives. But some heroes use skills when doing physical harm, as well as the barbarian when using the baton or the monk when using his repetitive attacks.

Cold: Most attacks are to slow or stop an enemy completely, but they also generate cold burns as damage.

Fire: Most attacks are to burn the enemy, leaving wounds that prevent them from healing.

Lightning: Used mostly to stun your anemies, plus it allows you to be used on several enemies at the same time and not have to spend so many resources.

Poison:This element allows to damage the enemy constantly, preventing him from regenerating his life and slowing down his movements, as well as allowing him to wear down his defense skills.

Arcane: They are not natural elements but they are part of the abilities of heroes, because they are concentrated magical energies to harm the enemy or to defend the hero.

Holy: It is an element of divine energy used by the Crusaders and Monks that allows them to harm their enemies or invoke shields to protect themselves.

Passive Skills

These cannot be activated directly, but are abilities that each hero possesses and are activated depending on the condition of each one.

A Passive Skills can allow you to regenerate life when the percentage of life is below the corresponding value. Others may increase damage when melee combat is performed or increase resistance to physical damage.

It all depends on the hero we use and your fighting style.

Skill Runes

These are the extra skills each hero possesses, some of which can be combined with the elements to increase their rank or damage. Depending on the Runes Skill we use, we will need a cooling down time to be able to use it again.

Some allow us to increase our life capacity, shields or receive immunization against certain types of damage for a period of time. The selection of each is important because it will make a huge difference within our abilities and attacks and defenses.

Weapons & Armor

These are the tools (so to speak) of heroes that allow them to increase their damage, abilities or defenses to stay in combat. Not all weapons can be used by all heroes, because the term "physical condition" applies, which is the condition of strength and agility that the hero possesses to support the weight of the weapon or the training/capacities that each hero possesses.

A barbarian does not use magic, his attacks are more melee and he needs to have heavy weaponry that allows him to do more physical damage, while a wizard needs weapons that increase his abilities and the damage he does with the elements. Some weapons allow the cooling time to be shorter and the hero can use his skills faster.

The armor also depends on the hero, the magician and the necromancer do not have high resistance to physical damage or the elements because they are not heroes to fight melee or receive constant damage. But the barbarian's armor is highly resistant to physical damage, the elements and magic, because his fighting style is melee.

All weapons and armor can be used depending on the type of hero and the level he possesses.

Change colors and shapes

This version of the game has something in particular that is not found in previous versions. To be able to pay with gold to change the color of the armor, helmets, boots, gloves and to be able to change the shape of the weapons, none of this will affect the damage to the weapons or the defense of the armor, it is only the aesthetic part of the character.

Screenshot while playing

Screenshot while playing

It all depends on your style and the presence you want to give your hero. Basically, when the hero is unarmed, this is how his physical structure looks.

Screenshot while playing

But changing their weapons and armor will give them a greater presence, but this is only a matter of taste and the styles of each player.

Screenshot while playing

As explained above, this will not affect any skill or increase the damage the character can do, but everyone likes to look good while fighting hahaha.

I would like to place every style, color and armor that heroes can use, but it would be very excessive to have so many images in this publication.

Screenshot while playing

Item Quality

Each object has a quality level, indicated by the color of its name, indicating what type of object it is, which are divided into several classes.

Common: They are simple objects that do not possess any increase in power or ability. They only have the basic damage, resistance or benefit that the object gives them.

Magic: They are rare and are characterized by being better than ordinary objects.

Rare: They are yellow in color. It is difficult to find these objects and they always have a lot of benefits, power gains or defense.

Set: These items have similarities to the rare weapons, but they have an additional bonus. In order to get the extra benefit of this item you must have the other special items.

Legendary: These objects are extremely unique, but of immense power. They have superior benefits over other objects.

At the beginning of the game, the following difficulties will be available: Normal, Difficult and Expert. You can choose the difficulty "Master" at the end of the game and you can select the difficulty "Torment" when one of the characters reaches level 60.

Depending on the difficulty chosen, monsters will be more resistant and cause more damage.


This image represents the difficulty levels from left to right, which together with each image shows a combat sequence. Similar to the windows of the catholic churches where the fights between angels and demons are shown.

You must start the game with the "normal" difficulty to understand the dynamics of the game and to be able to enjoy the story without complicating yourself when confronting enemies. But that is left to the discretion of each player when making the decision on how to play.

In the course of the game we will meet some people who are part of the story and by helping them with some missions they will offer their services to support us in the combat. They have several unique abilities depending on the follower we have, they can slow down the enemy's movement speed, deal damage with weakening abilities or heal you in the middle of combat.

The Templar has the name of Kormac and we will get it in Act I.

They are warriors who fight for good and justice, they look a little like the Crusaders.

This warrior is in charge of melee combat and has skills that can heal and protect you in the midst of battle.Use two-handed weapons or a weapon and a shield, it all depends on how you need it.

Lyndon, the Scoundrel, known to all as a thief, where his honor is based on money. For unknown reasons he will offer his help without having to pay anything in return.

It can be used with a bow or a crossbow. His specialty is distance fighting and he is more dedicated to hurting enemies and providing enough damage for us to finish them off.

He looks a little like the demon hunter.

Her name is Eirena and she is a master of magic.

He is not a character for direct attack, because his specialty is to support our hero with his magic. Although he can use a sword, melee combat is not his specialty, the weapons that he uses the most are sticks and wands, that further enhance their skills with magic.

Her appearance is in Act II, where she appears to us in the middle of a fight and we will have to help her, and at the end of the fight, she will offer her services.

You can't take all three followers at the same time. Only one can be chosen to accompany us.

The game allows our hero to interact with the follower, by means of talks or depending on the location where they are related to the place, they will automatically say comments about it.

Training your followers

The followers will accompany us everywhere and in every battle we have. If you play with another teammate or in a group of users, the follower will not accompany you because of the presence of other heroes.

The more he fights at your side, the more experience the follower will get, the more he will be able to raise his level and use better weapons.

Followers also change their appearance when they level up.




You can not change the appearance of your follower, it will change automatically when you put better armor and when they have higher levels. You can keep armor and weapons that you don't use to give to your follower later on.

The game allows you to play online with friends in private room or create a public room, where any user can enter.

You receive bonuses for playing as a team with other users but also increase the difficulty and resistance/damage of the enemies.

You can trade items with other players, but it is not possible to steal items from another player.

Each player in the group shares the status of the game they entered, anything related to the game I enter (new areas, NPCs, etc.) will not be available to you if they have not yet been completed, regardless of whether you completed them in another game.


The game greatly improved its graphics and the design of the characters, heroes, enemies and the world around them.

New heroes were created, with totally different attacks and a wide variety of abilities.

Allowing the shape of the weapons, the armor and the color to be changed is an entertaining system for the game. Just because you're a warrior doesn't mean you can't look good hahahaha.

The game has many submissions and events that we can find by fulfilling the main missions.

The skills and attacks are very striking and have good effects.

There is the possibility of being able to fight against other players.

There are pets that the hero can use to increase his damage or collect objects/gold while the hero fights.

The game lost all the essence of terror and suspense that the previous versions had.

Enemies are not really strong opponents, only if you place high difficulty levels. If you fight in solitary mode or together with a follower is that you can notice the level of difficulty, but if you are in a group only the highest levels of difficulty are a challenge.

Compared to previous versions there is too much difference between the difficulty levels, I can tell you that because I complete the game in a week. It was disappointing, because with "Diablo I and Diablo II" it took me a few months to complete the game.

To be able to play you need to have an internet connection even if you want to play alone.

To be able to use the necromancer character you have to buy it, this limits the experience of using it in this new version, which in previous versions was free.

What I say in this section is completely personal and I hope not to offend any user, it's just my point of view and taste.

The game keeps a certain part of the story, but it was totally disappointing because it didn't turn out to be what I expected. The story is entertaining, it attracts a desire to find out what's going on, but it doesn't generate any kind of fear or suspense compared to its previous versions.

If I liked and found it very interesting to be able to change the shape of the weapons, armor and objects, I spent a few hours playing with my friends and we were changing the shape and colors of all the objects at every moment. But it seems to me that the benefits of weapons are exaggerated, because before it was more difficult to get a weapon that had great damage or increased powers.

Unfortunately, you can only use the necromancer if you buy the luxury package, something that limits the game a lot, especially to those who use it in previous versions. I understand that it is their method of generating profit, but it forces users to buy it if they want to feel the experience of using that character.

I like the game even if it's not what I expected, because it brings back great memories and has new content that entertains me. If you feel disappointed by my comments, it's better to try the game because it's possible that I'm wrong or your tastes are different from mine.

My favourite character is barbarian and I am level 70(25) and if you want to get me you can find me under the username "yosuandoni".

Screenshot while playing

Some images in this publication are available on the main page of the game, but the titles and designs are created by me. Even though I am not a graphic designer, I try to use images that are my property in order to have an original and quality content.

Source of support where I used basic game information:



The title designs are created by me thanks to the help of this design page:


Software used to design the images: Adobe Photoshop and Paint


I’ve been enjoying the Necromancer the last couple of times I’ve joined the season. Been a while since I’ve played. Mostly just go solo as I enjoy going at my own pace in D3.

I’m always a season or league player when it comes to these style of games. While I never try and rank high on the ladder or be first to max level. I just enjoy a fresh start every couple of months. That struggle to get up and running as you push further and further in. Long before any what seems almost endless grinding is required to just take another step forward. Short term it keeps it fresh and rather enjoyable. D3 has had so much replay ability for me over the years.

Great to see you have massive passion for this game!

I understand you friend, the game is very good and gives many possibilities to have fun, each player has his own style of combat and here you can choose. I was late doing this publication because I wanted it to be something special and not just an explanation of it.

Thanks I'm glad you liked it. :D

This is extremely special! Very well done :)

I've never played Diablo but its nice to learn more about it. I am drawn to the Wizard and Eirena.

If they're good, even though I'm more of a melee fighter. Barbarian

The wizard is amazing! I use to play it a fair amount back in the day. Back when I had my flame DMO speed build and that was the meta back than. One would almost go crazy if you had the in game sounds going playing it thought. It was just endless BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM hahah.

While the game does not change considering a lot during one season to the next. They do change how things are balanced trying keep the new meta fresh and to get people to try other classes or other gear sets.

Always a bit of a shame when your favorite play style for a class gets a massive nerf to it. Making it struggle to take a fly out lol. Ah so many great builds I use to love. Some really OP ones I hated playing as well. But people like to progress forward and at end of the day a dead nerf build just can't get anywhere.

I understand that, buddy @enjar . Luckily I always use fighters and melee characters.
I think it's because I like being in the middle of the whole fight and not going out hahaha.

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I know you're a robot and you won't answer me this. @trufflepig
Well, my friend, I respect the criteria of anyone who votes for me.
I can't force anyone to give me more courage. xD

Robots may answer sometimes, too :-)

ahahahaha ok ok
Thank you <3

Your post was upvoted by the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie to support spreading the rewards to great content. Join the Archdruid Gaming Community at https://discord.gg/nAUkxws. Good Game, Well Played!

Thanks to all of you <3

This is going to be such a useful reference for me! I based my novel on parts of what I remembered about old version of Diablo! It might even be the original, it was so long ago. I need to play the new versions, just finding time. Great post! :)

That's good to know.
The new version is not as good as the previous ones, but it does have certain things that surpass diablo 2.
Thanks for your comment. <3

Note: If you publish your novel on Steemit you tell me one day with the link to go see it.

I’d certainly love to get your thoughts on the gaming aspect in my research. :)

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