Nothing new, just goofing around on the Xbox One..

in #gaming7 years ago

I started playing NEVERWINTER on Xbox One and it sucked me right in. I'm forcing myself to take a break. I went from level 15, yesterday, to level 28 today. It's keeping my mind occupied while my back heals. I'm doing better now than I was. I went outside to walk the dog and stretch my legs and it felt good, then I realized the temperature had plummeted drastically overnight.

Lol, I love cold weather because I'm kind of huggably fluffy and tend to run on the warm side.

Somehow a mosquito made its way inside before the frost and has taken up residence in my room. They look at me as an all-you-can-eat buffet. So I've been getting bitten regularly. Hopefully it isn't a carrier for something nasty. I hate mosquitoes. Hate them with a passion unlike any other.

I was busy gaming all day and my wife came home with a pastrami sandwich on rye with boiled cabbage. I didn't realize I was hungry until then. I tore into that sandwich like I hadn't eaten in days. It disappeared quickly, that's for sure. Now I'm drinking loads of water to assist in the digestion process.

All is quiet here right now. My youngest fell asleep on the couch, my wife is busy on her computer and I'm doing this for the moment, until I head back in to try and level up my character to 30. I just barely made it through the last dungeon. Me and another guy were accompanied by a third and that person died halfway through the dungeon. So it was just me this other guy at the end. We fought valiantly and won, but just by the hair of our chinny chin chins! I need to upgrade my character a lot before heading back in again.

I am running a cleric, which is your basic holy warrior/healer. I need to work on my healing abilities more because the other guy was just not getting enough healing from my spells. I have to do some research on enchanting my gear, I was slow and not very strong against the enemies.

Well, more later.
Much love and light,


Good luck with your gaming!

Thank you. I worked on it until 4:00am, that was about 18 hours. I managed to get to level 30 before calling it a night/morning. The coffee I had yesterday morning was strong and made it impossible to sleep well. I managed a nap until 10:00am. The game is kind of scary, I kept wanting to do just a little bit more. Must've been stimulating my mind with addiction chemistry, like we see in gamblers. Forcing a break from it feels like withdrawals.
Much love and light,

I’ve tried playing Neverwinter in the past for a month or so on the pc. I got tired of all the bugs and people just wanting to exploit boss fights for easy wins. Got boring group after group just wanted to glitch around the map avoiding clearing and just getting to the boss. People are just strange and spent far more time trying be lazy then it would have taken to do it normal. I hope they have all that short out now a days.

Back injuries suck I hope you get to a 90% back to normal in no time. I know these things can take forever and a day it seems to be aback up to 100%. I pulled a few muscles the other month in mine and still recovering. Most days it’s just a morning struggle and I’m fine by afternoon.

I'm so pleased you stopped by, sorry I've been away so long. Gosh, where did the time go? I "had to kiss a few frogs" so to speak before I found like minded people on the game, but they are there, they exist. If you still wish to play, you can look me up under Skilledraptor63, my Neverwinter character is XMAAS. Welcome to look me up and join.

Thanks for the offer i just don't play anymore. So many games out there so little time! I even found a game that runs on the steemit blockchain that encourages people to comment and engage with others. Just installed the plugin to run it so i have no idea yet.

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