My Top 5 Favorite Pokemon in Sun/Moon

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Pokemon Sun/Moon was undoubtedly one of my favorite Pokemon games. Although there weren't many new Pokemon, there were so many great changes and the game looks absolutely beautiful. But even with this small number of new Pokemon, I've come up with a list of my top 5 favorite Pokemon which were introduced in Alola (Sun/Moon).

Let's start with #5,

5: Alolan Muk [Type: Poison/Dark]
Muk Alola

Pokemon Sun/Moon have introduced Alolan forms of some of the Pokemon from the Kanto region. The only one of these forms I really liked out of all these Alolan forms was Muk's Alolan form. Because Muk gained the Dark Typing to his Poison typing. Which then makes him only weak to Ground type moves. Plus, I get to nickname him "MeltedCrayon" cause well, that's what Alolan Muk looks like.

My Usual Alolan Muk Set:
Item: Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Touch
Nature: Careful (+ Sp. Defence, - Sp. Attack)
EVs: 252 HP; 252 Sp.Defence.
-> Minimize
-> Curse
-> Rest
-> Knock Off

4: Tapu Koko [Type: Electric/Fairy]
Tapu Koko

Out of the 4 Guardian Deities of Alola, Tapu Koko is by far my favorite one. His incredible speeds along with his great power undoubtedly make him a threat. Plus, I really like his design. So, he is definitely one of my favorite Pokemon from Pokemon Sun/Moon.

My Usual Tapu Koko Set:
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Electric Surge
Nature: Naughty (+ Attack, - Sp. Defence)
EVs: 252 Attack; 252 Sp. Attack
-> Wild Charge
-> U-Turn
-> Volt Switch
-> Dazzling Gleam

3: Pheromosa [Type: Bug/Fighting]

In Pokemon Sun/Moon, Ultra Beasts were introduced. Some of these Beasts pose a great threat, and Pheromosa is no exception. Although her defences make her extremely fragile, her incredible speeds along with insane Attack and Sp. Attack make her very threatening. Out of all these new Ultra Beasts, Pheromosa is definitely my favorite.

My Usual Pheromosa Set:
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Nature: Modest (+ Sp. Attack, - Attack)
EVs: 252 Speed; 252 Sp. Attack
-> Quiver Dance
-> Ice Beam
-> Bug Buzz
-> Focus Blast

2: Mimikyu [Type: Ghost/Fairy]

Mimikyu is quite a mysterious Pokemon. It hides in its disguise to look like its favorite Pokemon, Pikachu. Even when its disguise is busted, you never really see what it actually looks like under there. What makes it most threatening is its Ability, "Disguise". This ability allows him to be hit once with 0 Damage. Allowing it to do as it pleases for the first turn.

I just absolutely love this Pokemon, from its ability, to his moveset, to his looks, Mimikyu is just a great Pokemon overall and I use it almost all the time.

My Usual Mimikyu Set:
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Disguise
Nature: Jolly (+ Speed, - Sp. Attack)
EVs: 252 Speed; 252 Attack
-> Leech Life
-> Play Rough
-> Shadow Sneak
-> Swords Dance

1: Marshadow [Type: Fighting/Ghost]

Although Marshadow is currently unavailable in the game yet, this Pokemon looks like a beast. Ever since I've seen him on Serebii, I've pretty much fallen in love with it and cannot wait for his official release in the game. This Pokemon looks great, and from what I can see on Serebii it will have an amazing moveset along with an amazing ability. He also has the unique typing of Fighting and Ghost, which has never happened before! I am honestly just very excited for this Pokemon's release and even though I have yet to try him, he is already probably my favorite Pokemon of all times.

Potential Marshadow Set: (Based on what I've learned of this Pokemon.)
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Nature: Jolly (+ Speed, - Sp. Attack)
EVs: 252 Speed; 252 Attack
-> Spectral Thief
-> Force Palm
-> Thunder Punch
-> Ice Punch

So that concludes my list, thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed, I also have numerous ideas for Pokemon posts so if you enjoyed this one, you can follow me for more! If you have any suggestions you can let me know in the comments and I might do it!

Image Sources:
-> Logo Source
-> Alolan-Muk Source
-> Tapu Koko Source
-> Pheromosa Source
-> Mimikyu Source
-> Marshadow Source

Thank you so much for reading!
~ Xeleos

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