Getting elite green items fast in Warhammer: Chaosbane
I can see myself kind of reverting to the opinion I kind of had about this game back when I used to play it before like a year ago. The base game with the story is long behind me now and now I am just doing runs in procedurally generated maps in the hopes that something good will drop. Then when said "something good" does drop, the only thing that enables me to do is to do another run, perhaps on a slightly more difficult setting which enables even more chances of something good dropping. It's a never-ending cycle and kind of reminds me of how I fell out with MMO's.
That being the case and me knowing that in a few weeks to a month that I will not play this game anymore, I am still enjoying getting online to play with my brother and that is what keeps me going.

When the above happens, it is a moment of pure gaming joy because as far as I know, the green items are the best items that exist in the game. There are a lot of them as well. When this happens you know that you are potentially going to have something special on your hands but it doesn't end with the one item, to TRULY have the best of the best you have to get 5 pieces of the green stuff from the same particular subset of gear and once you get that you end up with some sort of passive buff that is constantly surrounding you with some sort of offense.
Recently, with my wizard/sorcerer I got a full set of gear and now it rains down lightning all around me all the time even if I don't hit any buttons. I will admit that after a while the constant flashing is a bit annoying and it is probably even more so for anyone that is in my party. But they don't complain about the extra damage that basically wipes all trash mobs to get them out of the way so we can focus on the harder enemies. In late gameplay the weaker enemies don't really have any chance of hurting you unless there is some sort of anti-perk that you switch on that makes them explode on death and their only real purpose is to be "bullet sponges" for the stronger enemies that they surround.
Now here is a trick that I learned that is going to help you get as many green items in one run in an efficient way.

The first step is actually a lot easier than it should be. It involves going to the Tower of Chaos, which if you don't recall what that is it is the area where you clear each level, then have a choice of opening the chest or proceeding to the next level. Normally the objective is to gamble on how far you can make it and the higher level you go, the better the gear is going to be at the end when you finally stop ascending. However, you are only here for one thing and that is something called "upgrade gems" and you will be awarded 1 or 2 of these just by completing a single floor. Completing a single floor is actually really easy to do and there isn't much incentive to go any higher, the amount you are going to get in upgrade gems will not increase if you go higher. I mean, it might a little bit but not enough to justify the amount of time you are going to have to spend in there.
Once you have your upgrade gem you need to go on a Relic Hunt and as you probably already know this is available to you at the same vendor that offered you the Tower of Chaos avenue.

In the menu where you are setting up the Relic Hunt there is a little icon that you can switch on at the bottom middle which says "upgrade gem" and you need to activate that icon. You can select other difficulty factors on the right if you want to, but it has been my experience that this doesn't necessarily improve the loot drops a great deal.

The grand prize of any Relic Hunt is the giant chest at the end of it all but with the upgrade gem installed on your run you will have access to 3 of them at once at the end of the Hunt if you first get the "3 keys" which is basically just a green "XP bar" that appears in the bottom middle of the screen during the time you are in the map. This can take a while to fill up but you get an up to 50x multiplier if you continually are killing enemies, it really doesn't take that long and I can see no more efficient way of making this happen than by using this method.
Do not go to the relic chest area until you have filled all 3 of them up. It might take a little while but if you just keep attacking constantly that 50x will stay maxed out the entire time. With all 3 keys filled up the relic chests will replicate to a maximum of 3 total and there have been times where I have gotten 4-6 greens in a single run. It's quite the joy when this happens.
To make this process even faster you don't want to put the difficulty level on the highest that you can possibly take on because well, that could kill you and that's not fun and it can be really expensive. I know that gold doesn't seem all that important in a game but with a maxed out character with Legendary level 101 the resurrect fee on a recent run was 700,000 gold. After all this time of playing the game I only have something like 5 million so this is a big chunk of moolah that you don't want to have to pay. I suppose it depends on how far into the level you are whether or not it would be more worthwhile to just start it over and burn another upgrade gem.
For me, the maximum level of difficulty that I can take on solo is around Chaos 7 level. So for maximum efficiency I will set the Relic Hunt to be 2-3 levels lower than that. On this difficulty setting there is very little chance of dying and most of the enemies aren't even capable of doing any damage to me at all.
So that's the way that you get greens fast and then I suppose you need to take stock of your life and ask yourself why the hell am I playing this game if the only objective is to get all the green items? That my friends, I do not know the answer to :P