Finally pulled the trigger and bought a PS5
The reason for this was something that kind of caught me off guard and I wasn't expecting but I believe it is time. My PS4 works just fine and I guess for the most part I didn't NEED a PS5 but something that I should have expected put me in a position where I either buy a new console, or miss out on something that I really wanted to do.

I don't know if this is a slim or not, I didn't pay that much attention to it but it's pretty monstrous compared to my Nintendo Switch and the PS4. I had enough space on my game counter that is under my tv in the living room so whatever man. I'm actually kind of hoping that it is NOT a slim version so that I don't have to deal with any of the overheating issues that I have read about online a bit.
The reason why I finally decided to pull the trigger and get one of these bad boys was because I don't often play online multiplayer, but when I do it is with a family member or close friend. We never really discussed which one of the systems each of these friends have but the other night when we were playing Warhammer: Chaosbane, we were having really bad issues with us being connected to the game. This is because the two versions of the game have "limited generational compatibility" meaning that they technically CAN play together, but the person with the PS 5 has to stream a version of the game off of the other person's machine, and this results in quite bad graphical buffering on their end, bad rubber-banding, and deaths that they don't even understand what happened because there was a lag moment.
Even though Chaosbane is not a tremendous game, it is the sort of lie down on the sofa and just play in a very casual type way sort of game that both of us enjoy.

If you don't have the game, chances are you have access to it for free if you subscribe to PS-Plus. You might need to be a member of the 2nd tier subscription, which is called "extra." This is just another Diablo clone but with a bit of Warhammer lore mixed in. It's an extremely casual game that at times seems entirely too easy because you can just stand there holding the basic attack button and in most situations that are not bosses, this will eliminate almost anything that is attacking you. Of course you can always make it a bit more interesting by stepping up the difficulty but since this meetup with my pals isn't really about the gaming so much as it is to be able to talk to one another while something rather simple is going on, the normal setting works just fine for us.

So there she is. The unopened box that contains my new purchase.
I was a little hesitant about the getting all of my information from my PS4 onto my PS5 but the process was actually a lot more simplistic than I imagined it would be.
I will say this to people out there that try to move all of their data from one machine to the next, you could be making a terrible mistake kind of like I did when you decide to set it up and transfer EVERYTHING. This, in retrospect, was a mistake and one that I wish I hadn't made.

This has been going on for an hour so it looks like it is going to be a while before I actually get to play anything. I should have seen this coming and there is no way for me to back out of the transfer once it has begun. 12% per hour means, and I'm not a math teacher, but it means that I will not be playing anything for another full shift for the average Burger King employee.
If you are getting a PS4 and want to transfer your stuff, there is an option to transfer only the trophies, contacts, personal information, and other such things that occupy very little in the way of data. I, without thinking about it too much, decided to transfer nearly 500GB of data and well, it should be expected that this is going to take a while.
This is particularly a nuisance because at least half of the games that I had on my PS4 were games that I don't have any intention of ever playing again such as Hot Wheels, the first one and a Spiderman game that I have never even played.
Do yourself a favor and just transfer over your personal information and awards, which takes only a few minutes, then download any game that you think you want to play individually. Otherwise you end up in a very long and un-cancellable situation like the one I am in now.
I'm particularly looking forward to the much higher power processing and memory that the PS5 has because one of the main things that I hate about modern gaming is that longer games such as RPG's will sometimes have excruciatingly long loading times. I am hopeful that the PS5 is able to take care of these nuisances with much greater efficiency.
There aren't many PS5 exclusives that I am interested in, but I did get a version with a disk drive because while I am never and early adopter of games, I do like to at least have the option to get a physical copy, hopefully one from a person that is and early adopter and offloads the game after they have completed it in record time. I think the gaming world in general would be a better place and a better experience for all gamers if we were to make an effort to not allow the industry to fully digitize everything because once we let them do that, they can take away all ability to get things cheaper.
Well anyway, I'll see you guys in PS5 land in roughly 8 hours.
You should also consider a bigger SSD, the space on these PS5s is never enough with the games these days going to 150GB and even more sometimes.
I have a friend that plays mostly Warzone and the game takes close to 200GB, you install 2 - 3 more games and the storage is full.
people have been saying this to me but it is too late now. I am not a mass collector of local games so I don't think it will be an issue for me. I think this has a terabyte or perhaps something just a bit smaller in it.
I instantly thought "He's been drinking again"...
Bonus: It gives you time to write a post here 😆
I totally agree. I much prefer having a disc although that's mostly because there's rarely a game that I want to own when it launches. It also means that if they decide to pull any important servers or do "an Apple" (deciding that my 5 year old console shouldn't be allowed to work any more), I'm somewhat protected.
Did you go all-in and splash out on the new PS5 Pro? One day, in many, many years time, I'll hopefully pick one up but having only just bought myself a PS4 Pro, I'll probably always be a generation behind you!
I've read a lot of stories about people buying new consoles with a game they're desperate to play (in particular with the Xbox Series) and having to wait over 24 hours before all of the software updates, game and game updates have downloaded. Even on the Xbox One, a game from a disc wants to download about 30GB of updates before you can start playing.
Long gone are the days where you stick a cartridge in, turn the system on and start playing instantly! (Although I also picked up a SEGA Mega Drive this year so not for me 😆)
well drinking had something to do with it, lol.
The digitalization of things seemed convenient to me until that lock out happened. I don't like to allow anyone or any corporation to have that much control over what I can do, its the same reason why I have a general distrust of banks. If they just decide one day to not let you have access to your money what are you going to do? Sue them? With a lawyer that is going to work for free because you have no money?
Those updates are pretty annoying but I suppose it is better than playing a broken game. I recall there was a game I was playing called Destiny 2 I think it was and I finished the one download, was kind of excited to play it and booted it up, the loading screen came up and told me it needed to download and update.... a 70GB update. That was just nuts to me because I had already started to DL the night before for the base game. Why not just put it all in one? It ended up being not that great of a game so that was a bunch of bandwidth wasted.
Those were truly the days. Our downloading time back then was reading the package and included manuals in the car on the ride home from the store.