TF2: Top 9 Classes

in #gaming7 years ago

Well time to Talk about TF2 again. it's like we are reading an Ultrawing Blog or something.

When Playing TF2 you are going to Like and not Like Certain Classes. and I want to Talk about my Top 9 Favorite Classes,

I do not Hate Any of the Classes but I do like some more then others, for Various Reasons.

The Criteria for the Classes is Personality, and Playstyle

Any Glorified Popularity List (Otherwise called "Tier List") is not a factor here.

Now that is out of the way lets get Started.

Number 9: Sniper

Oh Boy. Here we go. Sniper is one of those Classes where everyone plays him, yet you dont know why. I dont like playing Sniper. At all. Sniper is All about Standing Far away and Shoot some Heads. and I find it Boring as hell.

Sniper is a Class all about Precision and Patience. two things I apparently don't have.

Sniper's Personality is Interesting, at first he seems to be the Stereotypical Australian Hunter, But lets take a closer look, Sniper was Born in New Zealand and Raised in Australia he is Tough and cold, Never Hesitating on taking a Shot.

His Weapons are Interesting too. Having an instant kill Rifle, and a SMG and his Melee to Defend himself. but his Options are interesting, they can either change little to nothing like the Machina, or Entirely change his playstyle like the Sydney Sleeper.

Really His Playstyle is the only Reason he is this Low on the list.

Number 8: Soldier

Soldier is the American Soldier Stereotype, and there are many things Wrong with him. He is Arrogant, Thinks every other Country is inferior, He is Always Stuck in his own Little World, oh and he is Mean as hell. His Domination Quotes is just Soldier Insulting them and Their Country.

Soldier's Playstyle Serves as a Mix of Picking Foes off with Splash Damage and Tanking Hits like a Truck.

Soldier does have one more Trick up his Sleeve, ROCKET JUMP!

I have seem some Really Amazing/Stupid things in TF2. But none of them has made me say "Holy Crap" more then Pro Soldier's Rocket Jumping Away.

But Soldier does have a Few things that Make him this Low. His movement Speed(While Easily Negated by Rocket Jumping) is a bit too low for me. maybe because im not too good at rocket jumping myself.

And his Mean Attitude is a bit much for me. oh and Pyros Make Quick Work of Soldier's Easily Negating And even Using Soldier's Primary Method of Damage AGAINST him.

Still think you are the perfect Breed of Warrior there champ?

Number 7: Scout

Think Fast!

Scout is a Quick footed Loudmouth, and Extremely Arrogant. but he is just, kinda fun to listen too. Even having a bit of Meme Worthy Cheese.

One thing I know. Scout is a Force-a-nature. Weapon puns aside, he can be a hit hard getting used to his fast speed and aiming properly, Hell because of that scout used to be my least favorite class,

Scout is Essentially Sonic, Hyped up on Caffeine, and he has a Gun.

If that does not Scare you, how about this. Picture a Bunny, Now imagine that God Decided that it would be really funny to give that bunny a Shotgun, and about 11 Pounds of Radioactive Sugar, And that Bunny wants to Hurt you. What do you say to that?

Now for Scout's Gameplay, People do many Stupid stuff, Like Ice Skating with Their Face, or Questioning Commander Shepard.
But the most Stupid thing you can do. is Underestimating the Scout. Yea, someone this Scrawny and Smug Does not look like a Threat does he? but BE WARNED. Scout's Greatest Weapon is his Agility. Switch to any Class then Switch to Scout. The Difference in Speed Is not only noticeable, but Staggering. Scout by Default is 30% faster then Any other class. Making Trips across the battlefield Seem like a Joke. and he has Huge Damage output, Scout is Fast Paced. Keep Moving and Track your foes down like a Seeker Missile

But because im not Too good with the Scout, and I dont really find him fun to play it Solidifies his Spot on Number 7. Sorry Champ.

Number 6: Medic

Ohh boy the Most Important Class in Below the Top 5. Torches and Pitchforks down

Ok Medic is a CRAAAAZY Doctor! He Lost his Medical Licence from doing god knows what. Dr. Ludwig now Does Medical Experiments on the Other Mercenaries Such as a Heart Implant that Allows the ÜberCharge Possible, Yet Despite being one of the most insane of the Mercs, he is pretty Calm in battle and does not talk as much as the others.

Medic's Playstyle is Simple, Heal People and Stay Behind the Bigger Dudes, Stay Out of Sight and Keep People Alive and Build your Über. when your patient Dies, Run Away, Dont Get Involved in battle unless Necessary.

This Playstyle is pretty Average to me, Ill play Medic when the Team needs one, but I much rather play the others. Same for his Personality, Just Average.

Thats pretty much it for Medic. Just Average

Number 5: Spy

This French Fry is a Slippery Snake! he is Dark, Mysterious, and will kill you in Darkness.

France's Spy Possesses the Most Deadly Ability in the Game, The Backstab. This One Spine Poke will kill you in one hit, Does not matter how much overheal you have. you will die to one Backstab.

And he has the ability to make himself completely invisible, and Create convincing imperfect Disguises of Any one of yours or his Teammates. Good lord. does he have any Weaknesses? yes. for a while everyone Caught on to Spy's tricks thanks to Spy Checking, Essentially making the Disguise Kit pointless. and he is Frail. Tied with Scout, Sniper, and Engie for the lowest Health in the game. oh and Fire is his Kyptonite

Huh. the Class with the Most Deadly Power is Easily countered by simple Awareness.

Number 4: Engineer

TF2's Emblem of Versatility.

Engie is the Soft Spoken Genius from Texas.

Engie's Playstyle is unique, Thanks to the Build PDA Engie can Construct 3 Types of Buildings, Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters. Each has their own Role.

Teleporters Teleport you to one place to another, Dispensers Heal and give out Ammo(and Metal to Engineers), And Sentry gun Kills everything. Each can be Leveled up to 3 levels to become Stronger, Teleporters have a shoter Recharge time between Teleports, Dispenser heals more, and The Sentry gun becomes Stronger. firing faster and having more Health.

Each Building also Provides Each Important Role. Teleporters are useful in Offense, Dispensers on Support, and Sentry Guns on Defense

And that is Just the Build PDA, Engie also has a Rather Generic but Useful Shotgun, and the Most Overpowered Pistol in Gaming History.

Throw in some Useful Alternates that change up the Playstyle like the Rescue Ranger, Wrangler, Short Circuit, and the Mini Sentry. You got the most Versatile Class in TF2. But there are a few problems.

Lowest Health in the game(Tied with Scout, Sniper, and Spy) and Without his Buildings, Engie is just a Slow Scout. and is pretty much Worthless in that state.

The Top 3 are my Favorites, and it was hard choosing between these 3. so let us go on.

Number 3: Heavy


Heavy has the Best Personality, By Far, on the Surface Heavy Appears to be a Fat Mindless pile of Muscle, But Heavy when outside of the battlefield is very Kind and Nice. Often Treating his Friends like Brothers. Most Notably Medic.

and On the battlefield... Oh man I die Laughing just Listening to him Eat. Heavy Commonly Insults the other team by Calling them Babies and its Pure Gold.

Heavy's Playstyle is why is not any higher. Heavy is the Tank of the team, Most Health but the Slowest. and he has Strong Firepower. being the Center Point when Pushing Forward. and Works Amazingly with his Team. Alone however is where he starts to Crumble. Being Alone makes Heavy Incredibly Vulnerable to Spies and Snipers. and is the reason why he is not any higher on the list. Sorry Big guy.


Number 2: Pyro


Pyro is the Most insane Merc. With a Mystery Behind his Identity. He does not Speak. Only Mumbles. and he Loves to Play with FIRE! and His personality is pretty inconsistent, its like they dont know what personality they should give to Pyro.

Pyro is My stress reliever, I have the Most fun Playing Pyro. I even Mained Pyro for a Long time till Recently. I Might Main Pyro again soon, who knows I May like the changes to him after a Certain Upcoming Update.

Pyro is Easy to Play, Thus Making him Great for those like me who just want to jump in and have some fun.

Thanks to his short range Pyro Sucks at Long Range combat, only having Flareguns or shotguns for dealing with Longer ranged foes like Sniper. Thus Pyro works best at sneak attacks. Coming out of nowhere and Making your foes Panic.

But due to his short Range and Personality being Inconsistent Makes him Number 2

Process of Elimination. Its a Beautiful thing.

Number 1: Demoman

Prep up the crosshairs, focus your Good eye, Use Bombs wisely lad, AND WATCH THE PIECES FLY!

Scotland. Bow before your KING.

Demo is My vote for the best class in TF2. I find Demo the best

Lets start with his personaility. Hailing from Ullapool Scotland Demoman Spends his time Drinking and Blowing Stuff up. I already Like him

Also Dont take this as Racist, But Demo is pretty Colorful. what do I mean by that? I mean his Design. the dude is an Alcoholic, Bomb-Chucking, Caber-Pelting, Peg-leg wearing, Sword-Swiping, F-F-F-FLYING, Black Scottish Cyclops! Did someone at Valve Had a bit too much Scottish Rum. or is this the BEST Designed Human Character EVER!

Behavior wise. Demo is a bit of a Derp, Being an Absolute Tank on the battlefield at all times, his Speech and mannerisms are pretty what you expect from any local Bar. but instead of Bare Knuckles Broken Bottles. its Grenade Launchers and Swords. Ill pass on the Whisky

I never Been to Ullapool(it looks Tranquil) But if THIS is their town Drunk. Then people there must be Fun.

Gameplay wise Demo is the second Hardest to Master(Behind the spy) with the Grenade launcher's indirect fire can allow the gernades to bounce off walls and either into the Sentry Gun or into your face. it can be tough to aim. but when it is mastered it is deadly. and Sticky bombs makes demo a Valuable asset on Defense.

there is also an Alternate Playstyle. i'm talkin' Demoknight son. where you Trade in your Explosive Toys in favor for the Fastest Speed in the game, A Damage buff, and Afterburn Immunity.

But he does have his Faults, Demo is the third Slowest class.(it can be negated with Sticky Jumping) And since his entire Primary Source of damage is Projectiles. Pyros have an Easy time with Demos. But Weakness Only makes you Stronger

I am Ultrawing. And Demoman is the best Class in TF2


It looks like reality, they have problem and solution ;)

Pyro main here, and I agree. He is fun to play ^^ Though a pro Soldier can still wipe the floor with me ><

Next time I get back into TF2 (currently hooked on Overwatch), I should probably give Demo a shot. I always loved his personality, but his gameplay style just wasn't for me =/

Gotta get those rocket reflects

You can reflect rockets, but you can't reflect shotgun pellets~

I personally like playing all classes, except for Sniper. I find Sniper more enraging than fun. But still, that's just my opinion.

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