RE: The year reviewed :
Akshully, since all that stuff mighty intrests me and it makes for fine background noise i devoured a lot of it (i read von danichen as a kid too, about the same time as i killed LOTR and others and one of my all-time favourites was a mythology junkie with the dystopian stuff like lord of light (zelazny) in the vid there the guy gives a whole explanation for what might very well be the biblical flood ... and deeper (but not in this vid) the book of Enoch actually would be "before" that (before the sumerians moved in then) where enoch would be (if im not mistaken) Noah (the ark dude)'s grandpa.
If you get into real historians and /or real journalism like a.o. Oliver Stone it shows really well that its not just the untold history of the united states. Here too, in soviet helgium they conveniently dont mention anything about "the lords work" Leopold did in africa but certainly focus on the tragic death of albert roi ... not in 18 years they mention anything about anything else. Same goes for the mericans, i doubt they teach the kids what they did in the filippines and how actually who sponsored the germans in the 1930s and before and where eugenics actually originated and the further you go the more you notice in EVERY country : school is a lie (xept for math and spelling but even that is a convention ... spelling at least, and math partly since numbers dont exist in physical reality they're just a framework. Much is assumed, 95% of the universe is still missing so actually 19 out of 20 steps you take you would fall through a hole in space (or we're just lucky to have condensed in a small patch with solid matter ...) and so on ... einstein said light = c but no one knows if C is constant ... like , it might be 2C from here to the moon and C/2 on the way back, by the time its here it s C ... and so so and so so
b/c everythings been conveniently altered the real truth will never exist anymore but since there's obvious holes the size of Nereus in everything conspiracies will keep popping up too ...
Im going back to Icarus, im gonna be there for a while lol
beats sitting out the end of year in drukkerland