My Personal Top 5 PC Games of ALL TIME! - Gaming Top 5 - Part 54.

in #gaming7 years ago

There is always a select few games that you will always remember above all others.

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Those games either gave you some great memories, enraged you, or were just an overall enjoyable experience. When it comes to liking a game it is very subjective, perhaps you prefer FPS, RPG or RTS style games, or even a mix of everything. I like to think I have a broad range of game genres I like to play, and I wanted to share my personal favourite top 5 PC games of all time with you.

So here are my personal Top 5 PC games of all time.

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5 - Crysis 3.

We all remember that saying, ''Will it run Crysis?'', but for those that don't, in brief, when Crysis first released in 2007, there was no system on earth that could play it at ultra settings at a reasonable frame rate. It would be another 5 years before the hardware caught up with the game. It became the game in which to benchmark you PC's gaming ability, and it still does in a limited fashion to this day.
A First Person Shooter game that combined all the elements that made previous FPS games great, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Fear, Halo, even Star Wars Jedi Knight games, but then combined a gripping story element with that futuristic science fiction abilities, that all had full explanations of how they worked. It all blended together beautifully.
And the graphics were indeed next level shit, they were unlike anything at the time, and as we now know, years ahead of anything else. I think I spent far too much money back then, trying to get the very best hardware to play at the highest settings I could.
Then came the 3rd instalment that introduced the Bow and arrow which changed everything for me. It was insane using that fully stealth mechanic to its full potential, and although the ending was left wide open for a 4th instalment of the game, and I have been waiting for another Crysis game, knowing it will never happen, the 3rd instalment out of the trilogy, is by far the best out of the franchise.
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4 – Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain.

Although this originally came out on the PlayStation 1, and yes, I did have a copy, it was in fact the port to PC that I prefer for the simple reason that it was more graphically refined and the gameplay is so much smoother.
Story based games were far and few between back then, with only a couple of exceptions using Cinema style story telling. Well when I first came across this game, I was a little sceptical of what I was getting myself in for. But after that first opening scene in the game where Raziel shows off his wings, thrown into a abyss and you wake up in the ''underworld'', well from then on I was sold.
The way in which the game is designed was also very unique and awesome. In other games, if you die, you are sent back to a checkpoint or last save, but in this game, if you die in the 'materiel realm' you just end up back in the underworld, with the option to go to and from with the use of specific platforms.
What was also very cool was no loading screens at any point. You had this huge open world you can explore and at no point is there a loading screen. Even going from one realm to another that were both completely different, still seamless. And no other game achieved this.
The story though was by far the best thing about the game, ancient vampires, revenge, dealing with family who let you die, and the twist at the end where you chase down Kain through time was awesome. It made me go and buy the 2nd game to find out what happens.
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3 – Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion.

Ever since I played the original Dune and Command and Conquer: Red Alert on the PC years and years ago, I have had a taste for real time strategy games.
I am a self confessed Geek, Nerd, Trekkie and I am a huge fan of the Sci-fi genre in general from Stargate, to Star Wars, to Star Trek, to Battlestar Galactica. When I came across this game I was almost immediately in love with it. A real time strategy game that is based in space and you get to have giant space battles? Your damn right I play this game.
The game is based around several races who have grudges with each other and all want dominance over each other. You get to build up you base planet, conquer other planets, research better tech to both improve your ships and planet defences. But it is so much more in depth than that.
Although the main story aspect of the game is OK. It is the sandbox style that appeals to me more than anything, how you can create your own scenarios and test yourself.
And then there is the Local network aspect. I have had plenty of LAN parties in the past, and this has been the game we played. Heading off against your friends is insanely good fun.
As time went on, so did the mods for this game. You could now change the game into a Star Wars based game, or Star Trek and play as the Borg, or even Stargate and play as an Asgardian empire. The options were now limitless, and to this day, I still play with friends online and play a few matches a week with random users online in one of the many still active servers.
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2 – Hitman Absolution.

Blood money, Contracts, Codename 47, Silent Assassin, Sniper challenge, even the new 2016 episodic game are all fantastic games in there own right. But it was Absolution that brought all the right elements together to make a game that was visually stunning, had a very, very good story to play along with, and was incredibly enjoyable to play.
Although the game is a little linear, it still felt very open. Each target you had to kill could be killed in a number of different ways, and it was the challenge to get that Silent Assassin achievement when you completed that assignment. Then you could do it again and get a suit only achievement, and a number of others. The replay ability of the game was awesome, as you could push yourself further and further each time.
But as with a couple of other games in this list, it was the story that was the best part of the game. Agent 47 forced to kill his handler and closest thing he had to a friend. Save a girl who is an experiment to re-create an agent like 47. then having to rescue her from a Texas corporate dick and his goons, finding clues along the way that leads 47 to him and the girl.
Although I can not do it any justice writing it down, the story is by far one of the best I have seen in the gaming world.
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1 – Metal Gear Solid.

I know, I know, it was another game that appeared on the PlayStation 1 first, but just like Soul Reaver, it is the PC port that truly does this game the justice it deserves. Although there is not much between the two versions of the game, the PC one is set at a higher resolution than that of the PS1, smoother, thanks to a higher frame rate with the better hardware it uses, and it just feels more responsive too. It may be because of the smoothness, but it does certainly feel better on a PC.
Kojima made something that was just awesome. A story driven game that featured cinematography and acting similar to that in a movie. The only difference, it was so immersive, it felt more like an interactive movie than a game, and this set it apart from just about everything else that came before.
In making this game, Kojima willingly or accidentally created a whole new genre of game, Stealth Tactical Espionage, that would soon be copied by other developers to try and cash in on this idea.
I'm sure this game is probably at the top of a fair few peoples list, but for me, it was more than the story and the gameplay, it was the immersive nature of the game. As said, it feels more like an interactive movie. A movie that is 30 hours long that is, and at each point throughout the game, there is always something that keeps you wanting more. Having to find a metal detector, getting one up on a sniper assassin, having to use remote control missiles to advance, even something as simple as trying to find a wall to blow up so you can proceed to fight Revolver.
It is the whole experience that makes this game truly one of the most iconic games of all time, and I love it. To this day, I still have it installed on my PC, and I always go back to it, but only if I have a spare few hours to kill, as you may well know, it is a very immersive game, and you can easily loose track of time when playing it. And for that reason, it stays firmly at number one for me.
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Games can help with relieving stress after a day at work, give you an enjoyable challenge to overcome or take you to another universe. Whatever your reason is for playing games, there will always be that one game you always go back to, and the reason you are a gamer is that same game.
I hope you enjoyed my personal Top 5, and I would love to know what your top 5 games are.

Thanks for reading.

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The Hitman Absolution is great.

it is. think i may go and play some now actually.

I never played any of the games you talked about. I'm more an RPG Player :D

Keep the good work buddy


will do, dude.

excellent this is helpful for us , thanks

As a dane, I'm kinda proud of your inclusion and placement of Hitman Absolution.

The company that makes the Hitman games - IO Interactive - is placed here in Copenhagen.

As a matter of fact, my very first podcast was with one of their artists:

that is insane!
heading over to that link NOW!...

Wish they would make another soul reaver! Great post friend!

you and me both dude.

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