Crypto Space Commander Crafting, Refining, and Modules

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone!

The Devlopers over at Crypto Space Commander have released an article on CSC Crafting, Modules, & Resources it is a good read so if you have time check it out.

This is something I have been waiting to hear about and I am excited to talk with you about the article and my take on possible economy, crafting, and mining speculation.

So lets jump into it!

Lets talk mining!

If you have been taking part in the MEA event then you have already been mining some of the resources available. But it is important to know that mining is vastly different from MEA to the Main Game. Lets talk about some of the differences.

MEA is a mini game specifically designed to give commanders an early edge by providing intelligence about some resources and the general ideas on where they are located. In MEA there are only 12 out of the planned 22 resource available, So there is quite a bit more resource types out there than currently obtainable.

Unlike the main CSC game, mining in MEA is a automated process that just requires you to pick a system and wait for the results. In the main game mining is a much more interactive process.

Steps To Mining In CSC

Travel to a star system

  1. Explore a solar system map to identify potential resource points (up to 100 resource points can exist in a system)
  2. Prospect the resource points for RAW ore types (e.g. Raw Trilite Ore, Raw Iron Ore, etc.)
  3. Target resource points (asteroids, gas clouds, etc.) and activate mining lasers
  4. Wait and fill up your ship’s cargo hold
  5. Transport raw ore back to a refinery
  6. Process the raw ore into the usable ERC-20 resource tokens (refined ore)

Some things not covered in the basic mining outline of actions.

  1. NPC interference: Players will have to be on guard for NPCs looking to attack easy pray. While the bulk of core space will be free of PVP actions... that does not account for NPCs, hostile NPCs will be actively hunting so mining is not a set it and forget it action like in MEA.

  2. Logistical issues: In the beginning of CSC there is only going to be a limited amount of places where one can refine the ore obtained from mining. Meaning balancing speed, defenses, and cargo capacity is going to be a struggle to find the optimal load out for mining expeditions and those that take into account Area, NPC, Mining Modules, and Distance to refine are going to have a big advantage when compared to players not as interested in mining, or part time miners.

  3. Refining ability/ processing skill. Refining raw mined ore to refined processed ore will have to be taken into consideration when jumping into the mining field. I will be covering that in a bit more detail in the next section.

Processing ore

Processing ore is one of the key differences between MEA’s and CSC’s mining experience.

In MEA, all of your ore is automatically processed upon return, giving a 1 to 1 ratio of collected raw ore to processed ore.

Ore mined in CSC will be in its raw form and will require processing/refining to bring it to a pure and tradable (ERC-20/ERC-721) state.

In CSC the amount of raw ore needed to obtain one processed ore will vary between types of ore, and the efficiency will also vary in relation to player skills and abilities.

Ore refining can vary greatly between trained and untrained players. luckily for us CSC will provide the ability to package raw ore into tradable items. allowing raw items to be exchanged, sold, and refined from a player’s (or clan’s) blockchain inventory.

I personally feel like this is an amazing way to handle refinement of ores, I do not know what specialization I will choose for my character. But having the option to divide specializations between clan members... or to even sell you ability to refine at a much higher efficiency then the normal person for a commission or something... Feels like it will add a lot to the economy... Meaning it is not just RNG or items... That is going to drive the CSC economy but actual choices and character skill.


Commanders have several ways of acquiring new items. They can be purchased, traded or gifted from other commanders, obtained at station marketplace, crafted from mined resources (without the crafting knowledge), or built from Blueprints (an item that represents your crafting knowledge).

Crafting is a skill in CSC I am not sure to what extent specialization plays in crafting.. like modules over ships... weapons over shields.. or individual skill for every type of item..

We do know there is a quality modifier for crafted items.
As described in the article the formula is:

All in-game items will have set stats for +1 through +3 variances. +N variances can be created by crafting at higher skill levels and will be determined by a formula.
(Example of a Crafting +N Formula: +N = Module Stat of N-1 x 95% of N-1 Ability Modifier)

I also hear this boost is uncapped... so there is no limit to improving the stats on your items.

Ok now that we have talked about the bulk of the article I am going to show some stats on some of the modules and ships from with the CSC article and maybe do some price speculation.

Crafting Modules

G1 Mining Laser

  • 300 Iron Plates (requires 15 Refined Iron Ore)
  • 200 Nickel Plates (requires 10 Refined Nickel Ore)
  • 300 Quartz Shards (requires 15 Refined Quartz Crystals)

LRQM (Long-Range Quantum Missile) Launcher

  • 400 Iron Plates (requires 20 Refined Iron Ore)
  • 400 Quartz Shards (requires 20 Refined Quartz Crystals)
  • 150 Cobalt Plates (requires 10 Refined Cobalt Ore)

Plasma Cannon

  • 200 Iron Plates (requires 10 Refined Iron Ore)
  • 300 Quartz Shards (requires 15 Refined Quartz Crystals)
  • 100 Silver Ingots (requires 5 Refined Silver Ore)

Kinetic Shield

  • 200 Iron Plates (requires 10 Refined Iron Ore)
  • 300 Quartz Shards (requires 150 Refined Quartz Crystals)
  • 100 Titanium Plates (requires 10 Refined Titanium Ore)
  • 100 Lucinite Shards (requires 10 Refined Lucinite Crystals)
  • 100 Cosmethyst Shards (requires 20 Refined Cosmethyst Crystals)

FTL Drive

  • 500 Quartz Shards (requires 25 Refined Quartz Crystals)
  • 200 Silver Ingots (requires 10 Refined Silver Ore)
  • 100 Gold Ingots (requires 10 Refined Gold Ore)
  • 50 Allurum Plates (requires 10 Refined Allurum Ore)
  • 50 Cosmethyst Shards (requires 10 Refined Cosmethyst Crystals)

Ok now I am going to post the two ships I think are most relevant to speculation to get a idea on price of resources.
For the rest of the ships and crafting guide please check out the article written by CSC. HERE

Phoenix Transport (anyone can craft this item as common knowledge)


  • 6,500 Iron Plates (requires 325 Refined Iron Ore)
  • 2,500 Quartz Shards (requires 125 Refined Quartz Crystals)
  • 1,800 Cobalt Plates (requires 120 Refined Cobalt Ore)
  • 1,000 Silver Ingots (requires 50 Refined Silver Ore)
  • 900 Titanium Plates (requires 90 Refined Titanium Ore)
  • 650 Platinum Ingots (requires 130 Refined Platinum Ore)
  • 250 Allurum Plates (requires 50 Refined Allurum Ore)

Reaper Interceptor(Only commanders who’ve purchased the ship during pre-sale will be able to craft it at launch.)


  • 12,500 Iron Plates (requires 625 Refined Iron Ore)
  • 10,000 Quartz Shards (requires 500 Refined Quartz Crystals)
  • 15,000 Aluminum Plates (requires 1,000 Refined Aluminum Ore)
  • 10,000 Titanium Plates (requires 1,000 Refined Titanium Ore)
  • 8,000 Gold Ingots (requires 800 Refined Gold Ore)
  • 5,000 Lucinite Shards (requires 500 Refined Lucinite Crystals)
  • 2,500 Cosmethyst Shards (requires 500 Refined Cosmethyst Crystals)

So as you can see the transport is fairly cheap in resources to build.. the reaper which is the next smallest ship is more then 2x the cost in resources..

The Reaper sells roughly in the .04 ETH range (most have so far) but at that price you get much more than just the crafted ship... so I am going to say that the reaper is probably worth something like.. .015 crafted.. because it is missing blueprints, unlimited free respawns, and a FTL speed boost. (dependent on how difficult it is to get Aluminum which is not a resource that is available yet.) if you want the Pre-sale ship I highly enourage you to get one HERE

With that in mind I think the Transport should hit the market at about .008 of ETH. But it maybe a bit higher because of Platinum which from what I am looking at is more scarce than Allurum or Cosmethyst which could drive the price higher than my guess.


  • 325 Refined Iron Ore
  • 125 Refined Quartz Crystals
  • 120 Refined Cobalt Ore
  • 50 Refined Silver Ore
  • 90 Refined Titanium Ore
  • 130 Refined Platinum Ore)
  • 50 Refined Allurum Ore

so if we look at this and I am going to go off what I have got in amount from MEA so far.

I have been pretty much been mining non-stop so you can clearly see the rarity of the different ores. to help you speculate on price as well. I would love to hear your opinions on price/resource speculations.. think I am on point? do you have a different opinion?

As always if you are interested in CSC check out these resources.

Thank you very much for reading my post.


Can you play this in mobile or you need a PC

Yes, The Dev team is doing a mobile app for this game. luckily it is done in unity which makes the mobile port fairly easy.

I heard them say in the discord that we should see some mobile very soon. which is great since Alpha is next month. (JUNE)

Nice post ♥ you are great i vote for you ♥

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Lol... All these ina game... I hope virtual reality doesn't over take the real world soon.. :)

Its good stuff though

Lol, I am hoping VR does quite a bit in the next few years... but I am more excited about crypto in gaming.. for a long time even if in game items were worth something... The act of trying to sell or buy the item would cost you a ban which I always thought was super harsh.

yeah games built from the ground up with Crypto in mind are a very new thing and potentially really exciting! the possibilities for digital economies are endless.

Lol... True... Crypto has saved one more than we can count.

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