Is what is going on with Pokemon VGC right now, with the cheating & all of this stuff going on similar to MLB and Roids?

in #gaming8 years ago

These videos, that I posted are from my almost close to a canary in the mine of Pokemon VGC, is from the YouTuber named Verlisify who plays a lot of Pokemon, has played some VGC and has dealt with the issues first hand, during Pokemon Black and White. All of the videos are from this year's Pokemon World Championships in San Francisco, CA.

The issues are abundant this year, the event due to potential mass attendance was not open to the public, cheated Pokemon galore, a Pokemon TCG player cheating with Phantom shuffling, VGC players that are trying to attack and actually win got timed out by their opponents...

The cheated Pokemon kerfuffle has been an issue since the Nintendo DS was a thing and Pokemon wasn't now doing everything to the max to make it an eSport with the massive influx of cash from The Pokemon Group and better prizes, the fact that to cheat in Pokemon, all you need in some cases is a computer, powersaves and a Nintendo 3DS or also a computer, an SD card and also said 3DS, plus the balls from someone to beat a hackcheck. Cheating is basically one download or one purchase away... Change IV's? Done. Change EV's? Done. Change the base stats? Done. All the way down to whether or not its shiny? Done too.

The other issues are terrible sportsmanship according to him and also the stream itself. Did I forget a Pokemon VGC player flipping the middle finger during massive match and also a big play???? (lapse of all of the stuff) Plus, timer stalling in one or two instances during tournament play.

The phantom shuffling in this World Championships in the TCG side reminds me of the dark times in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG with the blantant cheating and that very shuffle.

So the question has to be raised in my mind, Is it similar to MLB when people didn't want to deal with the fact that baseball players are getting an edge to get the home run? I believe the same applies to Pokemon VGC and TCG (mostly VGC). People don't want to believe that what these players due to the rules of the Pokemon VGC and TCG for years or before this year is flat out illegal in play or even outside of play in WI-FI battles & are subject to "Hackchecks". But the problem is the checks are confused of which ones are legal & which ones are illegal.

So people like Verlisify have to call out the frauds but others don't want to believe that they did wrong in the eyes of the rules and regulations, and just like the MLB during the Steroid era, were getting away with it (especially after the baseball strike in the mid 1990s)...

And similar to that era in baseball in MLB, The Pokemon Group is actually letting them get away with it, without a care in the world (Example according to him, a very good Pokemon World Champion was found to have hacked Pokemon by the name of Ray Rizzo and now casts Pokemon VGC tournaments and the like).

So at the end of the day will The Pokemon Group be exposed someday? I hope so, especially with the new Pokemon Sun and Moon release coming out really soon in two or three months... Will The Pokemon Group have to ask a lot of questions when it comes to their tournaments? I hope so as well... because as long as Verlisify will be on YouTube, I hope the truth will surface.

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