Hi there! Could I just give you a little tip about commenting? It's best to avoid self promotion like this (asking to check out your latest post/tagging others). Leaving a thoughtful comment will do much better in inviting people over to check your page. The self promoting part will just make people think twice, before they check out your blog :-)
Great video thank you for sharing this with our gaming community would you mind checking out my latest post?
Hi there! Could I just give you a little tip about commenting? It's best to avoid self promotion like this (asking to check out your latest post/tagging others). Leaving a thoughtful comment will do much better in inviting people over to check your page. The self promoting part will just make people think twice, before they check out your blog :-)
I completely see your point which is why my initial comment is always related to the post in question.
I think that it is good that you tell me about checking out your post. It is natural.
Thank you I will always support your blog.