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RE: Kingdom Come: Deliverance is supposedly racist, now

in #gaming7 years ago

The crusades were mostly in modern day Turkey, Israel and Middle East though. The berbers were in modern day Spain and Portugal. None of this was in central Europe, which remained mostly white. And this game is supposed to be historically accurate, thus, you get white people in white (overwhelmingly) majority areas. Also, what other races did mingle were mongols and arabs... still no black folk during that time. If you'd set the game in modern 1800s+ France, it would make sense, but such as it is, infusing "diversity" in this game would be revision of history. Now if only there were other ideologies that liked to do that to compare them to ... * cough * communism * cough * nazism * cough * ...


I know that, I did wrote

But aside form that, no there were not many black people in Bohemia, and if they were they would be treated as a "fancy thing to show of with" by the aristocracy.

I just find it funny that the people who promote diversity are right that Middle Ages did had quite some "races melding" but it was more ofthen than not not peacefully and voluntairy thus, as the game is set in Bohemia, if we ever saw a black guy he would have the position of a circus animal :)

Well, I for one, don't want to hold black people as circus animals either, unless it's what they want, and I think that's only a few that do. My position is simple... you're a nice person and don't attack people for nothing, whether you're white, black, asian, blue... whatever, we're good. I just don't like this "diversity" shit because it's forcing people to like black people because they're black. I like Morgan Freeman, or Samuel L Jackson or whatever just fine, but not because they're black, but because they're good actors. What I don't like is a random gangbanger, even if they're white.

Anyway, the point of this game is that it's historically accurate. And in those times, populations were kind of isolated, most people didn't leave their villages their whole lives. Thus, central europeans were... drum roll ... mostly white, because black people didn't travel far enough to mingle with them. This whole screaming about diversity is fueling racism, not eradicating it.

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