Five Reasons Why You Should Get Nintendo Switch

in #gaming7 years ago

When it first came out, a lot of gamers and Nintendo fans felt skeptical about it, I'm included. Nintendo fans were again felt disappointed with Nintendo because they felt like Nintendo were not able to make a good console anymore but now I guess all those are gone. At first, I don't quite get the reason why Nintendo came out with a console that doesn't seems to be a console but more of a handheld mini console, when they already have Nintendo 3DS and 2DS. Those two have served Nintendo fans very well over the years. I grew up playing Gameboy and now I also owned a 3DS XL, I had so much fun playing all those Nintendo exclusive games like Mario, Zelda and many more. I keep asking myself which one that Nintendo intended to replace with Switch, the 3DS/2DS or Wii, because it doesn't fit quite right into any of those two categories that 3DS and Wii represent.

Image source

Then it hit me, Nintendo Switch might not be replacing those two but will create a completely new category in gaming devices. Which, no other brands have tapped into before. There's a big gap between handheld console and the normal ones. I mean, Sony have tried using PSP and PS Vita but it doesn't quite successful because it doesn't garnered a very loyal fans. I would rather buy a Playstation than PS Vita because of some limitations it has. I do owned a PS Vita by the way but I didn't play it a lot like I did on my 3DS XL. Plus, games for PS Vita is either limited or a replication of PS games.

I always on the move so I longed for a very good mobile or portable console. I remember during those PS2 days I bought a small screen that you attached to the body of PS2 for you to play it anywhere without TV but it comes with a downside, you still need a power socket to power it. Before Switch, PS2 was the smallest gaming console but it was not portable.


It's a beautiful console, I got the red joy-con.

I brought my 3DS XL everywhere I go but when Nintendo came out with Switch I was actually quite excited about it. It might not have that 4K resolutions like PS4 and Xbox One but there's something about it that make me really want to get it and after I did, no regret at all!

It has been a year since Nintendo Switch was introduced into the market and I guess skepticism has now gone among Nintendo fans and Switch owners. I believe they enjoy it so much despite the lacks of features that Nintendo Switch have as compared to other consoles. But it is something totally different so it should not be a problem if you're thinking of getting it.


It's me, you favorite Italian plumber, Mario!

I've owned and play Nintendo Switch for quite sometimes now and I've played almost all of the best games it has to offer. So here are five reasons why you should get Nintendo Switch or maybe some reasons that might get you at least have some interest in it.

I. It's a home gaming console and a portable one at the same time. You can play it in some different ways, dock it to play your game on TV, attached the joy-con to it to play it as a portable handheld gaming device or detach the joy-cons and play it like you're playing games on a mini TV with friends. Unlike PS4 and Xbox One, you can bring and play Nintendo Switch almost everywhere you want. Just don't play it in the water, that's all... LOL! You will never have to leave your games ever again, even when you have to travel for a long time, it won't be any problem. You can continue to play your games while waiting for your flight, in the flight, at your hotel, at some fine dining restaurant in Paris (I'm joking, don't do that, the chef might be pissed hahahaha), at Starbucks while waiting for your friends who said he was on the way 1 hour ago and many more. This is a dream come true for me because that is just what I want! I did it with my 3DS XL but it does not feel the same with this Nintendo Switch, it feels whole, it feels like I'm bringing a home console with me but very light and easy to put into my bag. I love this part of Switch. It feels like a fresh start of a something that is totally awesome and cool. You can also bring along the dock and HDMI cable and connect your Switch to the TV in your hotel. Bringing those two extra components will not add much to your luggage weight or taking too much spaces because of their small size.


I play it at the hotel.


I play it at Starbucks.


I play it at the office. But, I only play during lunch hour and/or after office hour, I don't condone playing games during work and destroy your productivity... LOL!

II. Mario and Zelda! Yes! If you're a fan of these two games then you must get Nintendo Switch! The new Zelda Breath Of The Wild and Mario Odyssey is a must play games on Switch and you have no choice but to get Switch if you want to play them because Nintendo being Nintendo, those awesome games won't be available for other consoles, at least for now... or maybe never will. Need more game selections to bring back those nostalgia? How about Mario Kart 8, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade or Kirby?


It's a totally different Mario adventure here but it's more fun!


How about some hand-stand at the top of the pole underneath the heart!


Mario: I'm the best! hahaha

Apart from those, Nintendo have also came out with some games that were tailored made for Nintendo Switch's portability and special feature such as 1 2 Switch, ARMS (this game is damn awesome!), Splatoon 2 and some others. Those games uses the motion features of the Nintendo Switch. Hard to explain it but you can watch the ARMS video below. There are also other Triple A title games made available for Switch such as FIFA18, NBA2K18, Attack On Titan 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, DOOM, Payday 2 and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. So you can be certain that most probably those new Triple A title games will be also made for Switch in the future. You won't miss out on those games and will get to play it on your Switch, for as long as it is not made exclusive for PS4 or Xbox. I have high hope that all those games that will be released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One in the future, will also available for Switch. Plus, you don't have to bring those bulky game CDs with you because Nintendo's cartridges are small. Or you can just buy a big capacity micro SD card and download all the games digitally.


Don't panic looking at those price, those are special edition of the games, you'll get the same price for the same game made for PS4 or Xbox One.


What would you do if you have springy arms?

III. You can charge your Nintendo Switch with your USB Type C phone charger or charge it with your laptop or even charge it with a powerbank! So basically you have few ways to extend your gaming hours without even bringing the Switch charger, which, is also not bulky and practically small in size to carry around if you want to. I always bring my 10000mAh powerbank with me while travelling so that add a few more hours to my game play. On a long haul flight, you can charge it with the USB port which is available in most modern flight nowadays.

Video, click to play - Playing ARMS on Nintendo Switch.

IV. There's no subscription fees for Nintendo membership and for online play, at least for now, with hope that it will stay that way forever. Unlike PS and Xbox, you don't need to pay yearly fee to play online on Nintendo Switch. You can even earn some gold points if you purchase games from Nintendo eShop digitally and all of the games for Nintendo Switch is available in that eShop. So, if you're those type of gamer that always want to save some money buying games from the discount, Nintendo always have sales on different games almost every month. I bought some games half the price from Nintendo eShop and I'm happy with it.


V. Nindies is something that is not common in gaming console. It is a short form of Nintendo Indies which emphasize on indie developers and games. There are a lot of good indie games for Nintendo Switch. If you're a fan of Rocket League, it is available for Switch. I wish PUBG is available for Nintendo Switch but it might be quite impossible looking at the current trend.

VI. Extra reason for you to get Nintendo Switch is that it is made for easy multiplayer plays. Even with the supplied joy-con, you're already equipped to play with your friends anywhere you want. Get NBA 2K18 and you can challenge your friends for many rounds of basketballs while suntanning at the beach sipping some delicious fruit punch. Some games allow you to play up to four players but I'm not sure if it's good for games like Mario Kart in which it will split the screen to four on that console, seems a but too small, I guess.


Waiting for the next challenger!

There are many more reasons why you should buy Nintendo Switch but those fives plus one are the most interesting points that I found out after owning this console for few months. I enjoyed it so much so far and I don't think I ever want another console, at least for now.

Eventhough it sounds so good, this Nintendo Switch is not a perfect game console. In fact, Nintendo never made any so called perfect console. They always come up with something radical and not in accordance to the current trend. I was disappointed with Nintendo's consoles all these while, it felt like they doesn't even bother to keep up with PS and Xbox. Nintendo is like the Apple in gaming world. But I don't really hate them because deep down in my heart I still love those games that I enjoyed so much all these years like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon and many more.


This gaming machine have a ventilation like a laptop. Earphone jack included, don't worry

I think it's not fair if I didn't point out some flaws or the not-so-good points about Nintendo Switch. If you want to make a decision on buying something you need to look at the good and the not so good side of it, right?

So here are five reasons why you might not want to get this Nintendo Switch or maybe the points that will hinder your interest and intention to get it a bit. If you're a Nintendo long time fans like me, you might want to stop reading at this point and just scroll down, click the upvote and/or resteem button... :D

Video, click to play - Before you continue, watch this video first, it might soothes the feeling before you read on :D

Here goes...

I. It's quite expensive for a console that is not at par with the current trend like PS4 and Xbox One in terms of hardware and software (games and operating system). But like I said above, this Switch is not made to compete with those two because it is in its own category and place. It fills the gap that none other brands have ever get into and that what's make Switch survive. But the price might disappoint you a bit.

II. It doesn't come with those high ends features like 4K resolution (it only has 720p for portable mode and 1080p for console mode when you connect it to your TV), a lot of RAM (Switch only have 4GB) and high end processor and GPU as it is only using Nvidia Tegra which, was a CPU and GPU that Nvidia used in its so called gaming tablet that was not really successful. But the good thing is that Nvidia Tegra GPU and CPU inside Nintendo Switch was customized and tuned for it specifically. Hopefully after a few years Nintendo will come up with a better Nintendo Switch 2.


Hey look! I'm a Mariosauros!

III. The storage in Nintendo Switch is very limited. It comes with a built in 32 GB flash storage but it can be expanded using micro SD card. The built in storage will not be enough if you plan to download a lot of games so like it or not you have to buy the micro SD card. Your game will automatically downloaded to the SD card if you put one in and there's no option to switch the storage between built in and SD card to store your game. Save game file, however, will still be saved and stored in built in storage. If you bought Switch and wanted to get a micro SD card for it, I recommend you get 64GB high speed one because the speed of your SD card will affect the game you put in it. I'm using Sandisk Extreme Pro micro SD card for mine. The only good thing about this as compared to other console is that, it easy to replace or upgrade the storage.

IV. Don't expect the graphic of the games for Nintendo Switch is as good as those in PS4 and Xbox One. It is far less than those two and it is not even comparable. The resolution is only in HD/FHD so it won't be that good. I know, reading this will make you feel like it's not worth buying this console but it doesn't look that bad for the console of that small size in real life actually. The graphic is good for the first party games by Nintendo.


**It's not that bad the graphic, right?


It's not highly good the graphic but it's so much fun to play!

V. The game selections is not as expansive as PS4 or Xbox One. This might be due to Nintendo is focusing more on the Switch exclusive games. There are more indie games in Nintendo eShop than those made by high developers. But because it's still new in the market, I believe there will be more game made for it in the near future. I'll keep my hope very high on this.

So there you have it folks. I hope I've gave you some insights on Nintendo Switch and hopefully they're useful for you in one way or another while you're contemplating on getting this console or not.


For me personally, I don't really regret buying it. In fact, I'm very happy with it generally. I enjoy all the games I currently have in there and I don't see myself stop playing it anytime soon. I have not issues with it, for those games that is not available in it, I play it in my PC. I don't confined myself to one type of gaming machine. I play PC games, handheld console, mobile games and home console. As long as it's fun to play, I'll play it all. My only limitation is money... LOL!

Anyway I hope you enjoy this post, upvote it if you like it, upvote and resteem it if you love it. Game on!

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I don't own one, but for the new Zelda game alone, it would be worth it. I have a Wii and I have always been disappointed by the graphics. It seems like Nintendo has always been a step behind in that segment. Maybe it has to do with them focusing on the system being more family-friendly than the actual aesthetics of the experience. Based on your review though the console might be worth another look. This was a very detailed and well thought out post. Thanks for sharing it!

Mario and Zelda are both amazing on the switch, even the graphics this time ;) at least from my demo of them. But you're right, it does seem to prioritize gameplay over graphics, at least that's how I look at it also.

Agree. Nintendo never seems to bother to keep up with the trend. I bought switch mainly because of Zelda & Mario :)

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Very nice details of the pros and cons. I don't have a switch because I other things have taken over for me but I would definitely go with the switch if I do. Nintendo has always been more creative with its games and that's what I value more than games looking beautiful. That linking between many friends with switches is also a pretty killer feature. They've made it very social.

True that. So far it served me well in terms of multiplayer. We can play it anywhere we want. My only complaint is the size of the screen, it should be bigger but then it will affect its price and portability.

If you got a flat surface look into getting one of those projectors. You can really make it Biiiiiig. Maybe there's portable ones that are decent too? Dunno.

Never actually tried the device. Definitely needs to find it soon! Thanks for sharing a comprehensive writeup! :)

You're welcome :)

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I love the way how Nintendo create and use it in Switch Labo. It's a brilliant idea!

I wanted to write that as the 7th reason but I haven't experience it myself so I don't have anything to share. I wanted to get the cheapest Labo but it cost twice as much of the Switch's games so I rather buy game instead, for now hahaha. Yup I agree with you, it's briiant! Nobody have ever thought that a game console can be used for that.

Honestly, I've been a huge Nintendo fan all my life. N64 is my all time favorite console, second is PS One. However, you're gonna have a hard time convincing me to purchase something so expensive, made of plastic (probably by slaves) with too many removable parts. Smells like planned obsolescence to me. I have a Wii and have all the classic games I need for me and my children to enjoy gaming for the rest of our lives.

I have a hard time convincing myself to get it. Took me 6 months contemplating and then I decided to go for it because of Zelda and Mario :)

The Switch caused all kinds of excitements before it was launched, even in a PC mastahrace! guy like me.

Glad to know Nintendo delivered...mostly :)

Imagine if PUBG or COD or even CSGO games is made for Switch, it will surely stir more curiosity and interest among other console players and PC gamers :)

Already available for switch, Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition hahahaha Even Minecraft: Story Mode has also made available for switch :D

Great article! I love my Switch. I can even play it in bed ;)

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