The first time ever Riot Games (League of Legends) is releasing two champions at once!? (A Review)
Rakan and Xayah
Hello, as an avid league of legends player myself I am very excited for the coming month. Over the past few days Riot games has been teasing a new champion, and today the wait is over. Instead of one new champion... you guessed it, there is two. Something that has never been heard of from Riot (most champions are in serious development for a couple months to a year) so developing two to release at the same time seems like a daunting task. Although, to be fair, the time between champions is usually a month or two; the last champion was back in September 2016 I believe.
Now let's talk about the two champions:
Rakan, the Charmer (male)
Rakan is played in the meta as a traditional support champion. He is a very cocky, full of him type of guy (which personally I am all about). He fights for Xayah and supports her cause although I don't think he really wants her to fight. He loves her too much to not be by her side at all times to keep her safe. As a support main myself I am extremely excited about this champion in all the right ways. Let's just talk about his abilities for a second..
- Passive: Fey Feathers/Lovers Leap - Primarily and periodically Rakan generates a shield on himself scaling with level and 90% of his Ability Power (the cooldown on this is reduced every time he damages an enemy champion). The secondary part of his passive states that if either Xayah or Rakan is recalling, the other may move nearby to join their recall to save time.
- Q: Gleaming Quill - Rakan slings a feather forward, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit. If that enemy was a champion or epic monster, his cloak is imbued with energy. After a brief moment or if Rakan moves nearby to an allied champion, he heals surrounding allies based on his level and 70% of his Ability Power.
- W: Grand Entrance - Rakan dashes forward, landing at his destination. After a pause, he leaps into the air, dealing magic damage and knocks up surrounding enemies for 1 second.
- E: Battle Dance - Rakan leaps to an ally champion, shielding them for 3 seconds. Battle Dance can be re-cast for 5 seconds at no cost. The casts may select the same target twice, and has increased range if the target is Xayah.
- R: The Quickness (I seriously love this name..) - Rakan for the next 4 seconds deals magic damage and charms each enemy he touches. Enemies can only be affected once. Rakan benefits from 50% bonus move speed for the duration, which is briefly increased to 200% upon first damaging an enemy champion before decaying back down to 50%.
Now what does all this mumbo jumbo mean? Don't play dumb, you know exactly what this means..
Seriously I have never seen a champion that is so unfair and overloaded kit-wise in quite a while. Although, I am very excited for this champion because I feel like his personality fits me as well and his in and out, protect the carry, assassin support playstyle. But looking at his numbers will prove that he is just way too mobile of a champion, and has too high base scaling while being able to build off-tank/utility items to keep him and his team alive. There will most definitely be some nerfs or ability changes in the future or before he gets release if Riot wants to keep the Bottom lane fair.
Now let's move on.
Xayah, the Rebel (female)
Xayah is played in the meta as a Attack Damage carry, a.k.a. a Marksman or long range physical damage dealer (although I think that she could be played very well in the Middle lane as an assassin sort of like Talon). She is obviously more favored for the ADC role because of her relationship with Rakan, and typically support champions go duo in the bot lane with a support. She has a very interesting and fun looking kit in my opinion, but I feel like she is just a little too strong numbers wise. Once the damage ratios are balanced out I feel like she will be a fit champion for the League. Again here is some ability explinations...
- Passive: Clean Cuts/Lover's Leap - After casting any ability Xayah's next 3 basic attacks strike all enemies along their path. At her maximum attack range or upon damaging an enemy champion, a Feather will be left in the ground for 8 seconds.
- Q: Double Daggers - After a brief wind-up, Xayah hurls two feather-blades in the target direction, and leaving 2 Feathers on the ground at maximum range. The feather-blades deal physical to all enemies they pass through.
- W: Deadly Plumage - Xayah surrounds herself with a storm of feathers-blades for 4 seconds, granting her bonus attack speed. Additionally, her basic attacks hurl lesser bolts from the storm, dealing bonus physical damage. Against enemy champions, lesser bolts additionally grant bonus movement speed. If Rakan is nearby, he will also gain Deadly Plumage and each of their attacks will conjure bolts from both storms.
- E: Bladecaller (this is where things get interesting) - Xayah recalls all her feathers, dealing physical damage to enemies they strike on their way toward her. Enemies struck by at least 3 Feathers are rooted in place.
- R: Featherstorm (a.k.a. the most broken ultimate on any ADC) - Xayah leaps into the air, becoming briefly untargetable but still able to move. After a short delay, she unleashes a volley of feather-blades forward in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck and leaving a line of 5 Feathers at the end of Featherstorm's maximum range.
Overall I think this kit is very strong, and I know ADC mains out there are orgasming when they get 10 feathers through one target and immediately delete their enemy. The problem with her is that she is very immobile which is why Rakan is designed to be there to protect her. I seriously think that this kit would do really well against some immobile AP champions in the mid lane in this current meta though. Her ultimate is nothing less than broken making her the only ADC champion that can become untargetable.
Overall the champions being released together and having certain synergies only with each other, obviously insinuates they should be played together, but I believe both champions on their own are going to be assets to certain team compositions. Even Riot Games themselves said they are not designed only to be played together (but they are lovers, I mean why separate them?).
If you all have any thoughts on these two let me know. Are you excited? Dreading the release day? I for one think both of them will be extremely fun and add new mechanics to the game. Upvote if you liked this post and tell me how I did on the writing.
I am going to link two videos from a Youtuber I like to watch with gameplay of both champions below.
Rakan gameplay:
Xayah gameplay: