[Games Review] THE KILLBOX - How To Play THE KILLBOX - [ENG] #2
Hello friend steemit !!!
Good night, how are you guys? I hope all of you are always in good health. Back again with me @qori on this blog I will share the experience how to play the game "THE KILLBOX" android version. The reason I play this game because this game is very easy to play on IOS or Android. This game is also very interesting because this game can make us look for new friends and can play together with our friends, so this game makes us more familiar with our new friends and at the same time increase our science of war. ^ _ ^

"THE KILLBOX" is an Action war game like Crisis Action, this game is also equipped with features that are not less exciting when played. I think this game deserves a title as one of the best FPS Mobile games, but unfortunately its presence is not much known to many people. Because this game must compete with games of a very popular kind like games that again booming this year.
And right now I play this game right from the samsung galaxy grand 2 phone. We start this game from scratch.
Before entering in this game then first have to wait for loading this game, I suggest better use data network or wifi which guaranteed internet fast so do not bother you play this game.

After finished loading this game then the next menu will appear ads. Next we can enter into the game using your account. Here we can use google play game account, facebook and also can create a new account, and here I use google play game account.

Then we have to follow this game game tutorial.

After all the tutorials we run to completion, then we can game mode and choose the training arena.

After that we wait for loading to enter into battle.

When finished loading we can immediately start the game, and then fire the opponent with weapons that we have.

List of my game review list links
Here I told you about the game play I play. That's what I can give you about my "THE KILLBOX" game experience and always see my blog @qori, Hopefully my tutorial can make you like this game and want to play it. See you later in my game tutorial. Have a nice play.