Overwatch Battle Royale?
Overwatch news from about the future of Overwatch and speculating on what a few of the job postings might mean. 👾twitch -
Overwatch news from about the future of Overwatch and speculating on what a few of the job postings might mean. 👾twitch -
Hi, I'm aggroed. I'm a witness. I'm focused on helping to get exposure to YouTube personalities that join the Steem blockchain and post here. I'm resteeming you to almost 9000 people on @aggroed and will do it on @minnowsupport for another 7500. I'll also pitch your content to some whales.
I'm hoping you can join me on air to get to meet you on Sunday from 8-11pm (anytime in there) EST. I'm also hosting a YouTube personality forum on January 13th. I hope you can attend that as well.
You can find me in Discord here: https://discord.gg/dpGVBcy
Welcome to Steem!
Good stuff man!
Welcome to Steemit...looking forward to your posts!
Ya, glad to see you here and I'm about to put you on blast. Thanks to @thecastle for letting me know.
thanks Clayboyn!! & thecastle! : )
Holy shit dude you are on Steemit now!! Fuckyeah! This needs to be promoted more!
thanks man! : )
Great to see more youtubers coming to steemit :)
keep a eye on https://d.tube in the future.
These are great platforms where fans can pay you in a honest way.
Swweet, glad your on steemit now!
Nice seeing this video..great post @ ohnickel
thanks man!
Woohoo more YouTubers hanging out with us!
Welcome to Steemit! Finally a post about overwatch :) I’m not always on YouTube but will definitely check out your channel. Looking forward to more of your videos and posts!
This would be sick...
Really excited that you have a Steemit account. I always use your videos to get new update info about Overwatch. :D
thank you for watching! : D