Faker... Who Is He The True Master Of Urf! League Of Legends Urf Funny Moments
Hello Guys Welcome back i played urf with My Brother i destroyed them i really destroyed them with vlad they just couldn't kill me i think vlad is soo op in urf i hope you get vlad in urf to and you wil see then i got kled how from 138 champions i got kled i have such a bad luck then i got blitz crank and my brother got evelyn and we killed it we destroyed bot they coudn't stop us then the in the last game i got karthus and we were losing but not bad we won the game my ult was doing soo muc dmg and the adc's and i almost killed them with only my ult it's karthus what did i even expect xD so guys i hope you enjoy the video and like and subscribe i love you peace
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