CS:GO Krakow 2017 Team Pick'Em!

Another Major, another Pick'Em. So the Krakow Major starts on Sunday, and this means that it's time for another Pick'Em challenge. I have participated in the last 4 Team Pick'Ems and every time I have earned the Silver Trophy... this time, it WILL be Gold.
If you don't know what the Pick'Em Challenge is, it is basically where you need to decide on the teams that you will think will do well within the tournament. It used to be laid out like the below. However, the layout has slightly changed due to the tournament layout being changed to the 'Swiss System'.
The layout used to be like the above, and every day you had to pick the next set of teams you thought would win. Now it is slightly different as shown later.
My MLG Columbus 2016 Team Pick'Em Trophy
My Cologne 2016 Team Pick'Em Trophy

My Atlanta 2017 Team Pick'Em Trophy

My Krakow 2017 Team Pick'Em
As you can tell the layout has slightly changed. Instead of deciding who will win each game, you now have to choose the team you think will go through with 3 wins and 0 losses, a team that will lose 3 games and win 0 and a set of other teams you think will go through. So here is a list of my Pick'Ems that I have gone with for this year. I have gambled with a few teams that have been playing bad lately, but usually perform well during Majors so I kept them. I also wanted to add Immortals into the teams that would go through but didn't know who to get rid of to add them, so have decided to leave them out even though I think they will go through. Vega Squadron to me is the most likely team that will lose all 3 games.. but they are honestly a team I have barely seen play, so they may be underdogs and show me up.
To add a little more excitement to the mix, me and my friend @finchy have put a bet on between the two of us. We have decided that whoever gets the most points out of the two of us at the end of the tournament will win an MW M4A1-S | Mecha Industries from the other (£15 Skin.)
His picks are the following...
Who do you think will win this bet? Me or Finch?
Are you going to be taking part in this pick'em challenge, if so what picks would you change of ours?