My review on understanding the Hero Balmond in (Mobile Legends Game)
Balmond Item Build Skill
Brief Introduction
Balmond is one of the few heroes that possess a mixture of attributes in the game. While some players have played him as a fighter, many build him as a tank. In this Balmond item build and strategy guide, we will be building Balmond as a tank hero.
Compared to other tank heroes in the market, Balmond possess the best crowd clearing and offense abilities. With Cyclone Sweep, Balmond brandishes his axe and starts spinning to wipe out enemy minions. His ultimate, Lethal Counter inflicts damage and a portion of true damage to opponents within specified area. Balmond also regenerates portion of his health points for every minion and hero he slain.
However, Balmond is often seen as a liability in higher tier ranked matches due to the lack of ability effects. As of now, Balmond has no ability to inflect any status ailments to opponents. The lack of such ability effect puts Balmond in a disadvantaged position as tank heroes are often required to pin down opponents during team fights.
Balmond cost 6500 battle points or 299 diamonds. He is one of the cheapest hero out there.
Choosing the correct Emblem plays an important role in ranked matches. Be sure to select the correct Emblem before starting the game.
Awesome Crowd Control
Regenerates HP for every minion/hero slain
– Squishy (For a tank)
– Lack of ability effects
– Mobility (Cyclone Sweep)
Majority of the item build and separated them into 3 categories namely Physical Defence, Magic Resistance and Norm (Normal). These are situational builds catered for draft matches where you select the most appropriate category based on your opponent’s hero selection.
Simply said, you should observing the following;
Physical Defence item build if your opponent’s team have no mages
Magic Resistance item build if your opponent’s team consist or two or more mages.
Norm item build if your opponent’s team only consist of one mage
Balmond Item Build
Physical Defence (No mages, just go for full ARMOR!)
Item #1 (Of all shoes available, Warrior Boots provides the most economical stats)
Warrior Boots
+22 Armor, +40 Movement Speed
Valor: Physical defense will go up 3 with each basic attack recived, for an increase of up to 15 points, lasting 3sItem #2 (With counterstrike ability, Blade Armour is a good counter for harassment)
Blade Armor
+90 Armour
Counterstrike: Deals 25% of opponent’s physical attack as physical damage to an attacker when a basic attack is received.Item #3 (Mid-Late Game item, tank needs critical strike rate reduction to survive longer)
Heart Of Steel
+880 HP, +30 Armor, +35 HP Regen, +20% Crit strike rate reductionItem #4 (Bloodlust ability is a gem for tanks, recovering 20% of your HP for every assist can change the game drastically)
Blood Thirsty King
+1550 HP, +75 HP Regen
Bloodlust: A kill or assist regenerates 20% of hero’s HP within 5sItem #5 (Deter reduces up to 12% attack power to assist you in tanking longer)
Demon’s Advert
+920 HP, +54 Armor
Deter: When an enemy hero attacks, this ability will reduce his/her attack power 4%. This effect lasts 2s and can stack up to 3 times.Item #6 (Just.. tank)
Brute Force Breast Plate
+770 HP, +40 Armor
Brute Force: Attacking an enemy will increase one’s capabilities, increasing movement speed 2% and physical attack 3%. This effect lasts 4s and can stack up to 4 times
Magic Resistance (2 or more mages, go for more Magic RES!)
Item #1 (Of all shoes available, Warrior Boots provides the most economical stats)
Warrior Boots
+22 Armor, +40 Movement Speed
Valor: Physical defence will go up 3 with each basic attack received, for an increase of up to 15 points, lasting 3sItem #2 (A warning shield that refreshes every 30s to absorb damage, don’t overlook this!)
Athena’s Shield
+900 HP, +56 Magic Resistance
Refuge: Every 30s get one shield that can absorb 45-1150 damage. (Shield effect increases as the battle goes on)Item #3 (With counterstrike ability, Blade Armour is a good counter for harassment)
Blade Armor
+90 Armor
Counterstrike: Deals 25% of opponent’s physical attack as physical damage to an attacker when a basic attack is received.Item #4 (Coupled with Athena’s Shield, you can tank far more than expected)
+800 HP, +40Magic Resistance
Rebirth: Resurrect 2s after dying and get 15% HP and a shield that can absorb damage equal to 40% max HP. Shield lasts for 3s. Cooldown for this effect is 180sItem #5 (At this point, 3 magic resistance item will cripple mages)
Cursed Helmet
920 HP, +50 Magic Resistance
Sacrifice: Deals 2% of one’s max HP as magic damage per second to nearby enemiesItem #6 (Late game – To tank opponent’s marksman by building hp, armor, critical reduction)
Heart Of Steel
+880 HP, +30 Armor, +35 HP Regen, +20% Crit strike rate reduction
Normal (Balanced team calls for a balanced build!)
Item #1 (Of all shoes available, Warrior Boots provides the most economical stats)
Warrior Boots
+22 Armor, +40 Movement Speed
Valor: Physical defence will go up 3 with each basic attack received, for an increase of up to 15 points, lasting 3sItem #2 (With counterstrike ability, Blade Armour is a good counter for harassment)
Blade Armour
+90 Armour
Counterstrike: Deals 25% of opponent’s physical attack as physical damage to an attacker when a basic attack is received.Item #3 (A warning shield that refreshes every 30s to absorb damage, don’t overlook this!)
Athena’s Shield
+900 HP, +56 Magic Resistance
Refuge: Every 30s get one shield that can absorb 45-1150 damage. (Shield effect increases as the battle goes on)Item #4 (Late game – To tank opponent’s marksman by building hp, armor, critical reduction)
Heart Of Steel
+880 HP, +30 Armor, +35 HP Regen, +20% Crit strike rate reductionItem #5 (Coupled with Athena’s Shield, you can tank far more than expected)
+800 HP, +40Magic Resistance
Rebirth: Resurrect 2s after dying and get 15% HP and a shield that can absorb damage equal to 40% max HP. Shield lasts for 3s. Cooldown for this effect is 180sItem #6 (Bloodlust ability is a gem for tanks, recovering 20% of your HP for every assist can change the game drastically)
Blood Thirsty King
+1550 HP, +75 HP Regen
Bloodlust: A kill or assist regenerates 20% of hero’s HP within 5s
Skill Build
- Soul Lock
Charges to specified area and slows any enemy caught in between. Soul Lock can be used to initiate battles or escape from enemy ganks. However, the distance covered isn’t great and the skill is very much readable.
- Cyclone Sweep
Balmond brandishes his axe and starts spinning to inflict damage to enemies within the proximity. Cyclone Sweep is a great crowd control ability but enemy heroes can easily escape from the skill with sufficient movement speed.
- Lethal Counter
Balmond’s ultimate, deals damage and a portion of true damage for every missing health points of enemy heroes. Great skill to shut down marksman and mages when their HP is low.
- Blood Thirst (Passive)
Regenerates HP for every minion or hero slayed.
Balmond possess one of the best crowd control ability as a tank, he can be a decent tank hero when sufficiently farmed. However, the lack of ability effect puts him in a disadvantaged position in draft matches. If you enjoy playing Balmond, share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Ok till here just my review on understanding Hero Balmond in Mobile Legends Game as well as giving Tips and how to play Hero Balmond from view, I give tips may be useful for you.
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