Most memorable gaming experiences

in #gaming7 years ago

Gaming is very exceptional when it comes to producing great memories. I think most gamers can agree with this statement, and anyone who has played games before is bound to have some moments they can recall. These can be anything from staying up really late to beat a really good game, unboxing an eagerly awaited title, or even something as simple as just getting your best mates together and having an awesome LAN party.

I for one can say that I have memories related all of those three, and I am positive you have your own fond gaming memories with which you look back on. This is going to be a bit more of a personal post related to some of my own moments I’m never going to forget.


These are in no particular order, but without further ado, let’s get stuck into it.

1.) Finishing Pokémon Red at 3am in the morning.

I am a huge Pokémon fan boy. It was the franchise that initially hooked me into gaming, and I still have a blast going back and playing the old games to this very day. Now Pokémon Red wasn’t the first Pokémon game I ever played, but when I did get to play it, it was awesome. Just the knowledge that if Red and Blue hadn’t come along there might well not be a Pokémon game franchise at all, I owe a lot of my childhood to it. So when I finally beat the game for the first time (I was around 10 or 11) it was something special.
Especially when reflecting on all of the trainers I had defeated, the hard work I had put into training my Pokémon, and all the times I had defeated my rival Blue, hearing him say ‘Smell ya later’, my victory felt even more deserved. Personally I think the rival in these games was the best one so far, owing partly to him being both your first and your final battle in the game. It was a champion that you had travelled in competition with throughout your journey, and a champion you wanted to beat even more because of it. It was personal, and that made it so much more epic.

Definitely an honourable mention has to go to the battle against Red in Pokémon Gold and Silver. Not only is fighting a previous protagonist awesome in and of itself, but he was the toughest trainer at the time, and defeating his high level Pokémon made the victory all the more rewarding. Pokémon Gold and Silver are in fact one of my favourite games of all time, and you can check out that full list in another post.

2.) Gears 2 Horde mode wave #10

Around the same time COD:WAW and the zombies mode in it blew up, Gears of War 2 and it’s Horde mode showed up. I loved both, and for me, the Horde mode in Gears 2 was the best it got. Just simple wave based survival at its finest. Of course, it was frigging difficult too. When my friend and I decided to go from wave 1 to 10, on hard difficulty, on a fairly challenging map, we didn’t know what we were in for. We fought bravely to get to the final wave, wave 10, and we got slaughtered. Again and again, playing for hours and hours, we failed. But it was by no means frustrating, it was so much damn fun, a seemingly rare quality in challenging games.

But in the early hours of the morning, after spending the whole night working on it, it came down to one of us, versus one enemy left. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, but when my friend chain-sawed the final Locust, we finally prevailed, and I have never forgotten the amazing surge of happiness. I might have played many survival modes since, but no moment comes close to that in terms of sheer longevity.

3.) My first time playing Minecraft

Sometimes I can’t believe how long I have owned Minecraft. But roughly 5 or 6 years ago, my friend (the same one I played Gears 2 with) convinced me to buy it. Sure enough, I have never regretted, and I find myself drawn back to it time and time again. When I first played it though, I was at my friends, and he loaded up a new world, and let me go free with no help or direction.

Despite not knowing what the heck I was doing, I will never forget my childlike sense of wonder and curiosity that flooded through me as I explored the blocky world around me, digging holes and punching trees with my bare hands. Everyone has their first time playing Minecraft, and I’ll never forget mine.

4.) The final level in Halo 3

Ask anyone who has played Halo 3 about the last level and two things are bound to come up. First, the disappointing final boss battle, and second, the amazing drive-as-fast-as-you-can segment immediately after. Halo 3 holds a special place in my heart, and while ‘The Covenant’ is probably my favourite overall level, the second half of the final mission is definitely the more impactful. Driving in your dead friends’ Warthog, while the Arbiter kills Flood on the mounted gun, while the ground is falling and exploding around you, as you prepare to fire the Halo, is definitely as legendary as it sounds. Combined with a soundtrack that I still hum when I’m alone, and a friend with which you have played through the rest of the campaign with, and that moment is burned into my memory for eternity.

I don’t even really have the words to sum up just how haywire my emotions go when I play this, right from hopping in the Warthog, making that final leap, and seeing the Master Chief barely escape the blast from the Halo ring. Not to mention that legendary ending, which, before Halo 4 came out, was something I couldn’t stop thinking about. A perfect send off, for what I believe was a near perfect game. GG Bungie.

Well these were just a few of my memorable gaming moments, but I would love to hear from you guys. What are some of your fondest gaming memories? Be sure to let me know in the comments section below. Until next time, stay beautiful, and keep forging those great gaming moments!


Finding out about that missing no glitch in Pokemon Red made me pretty excited as a kid. I loved catching the weird Pokemon that would show up on Cinnabar Island. Most BS memory is from whoever started that rumor that you could find Mew by searching the truck around Vermilion City. Ultimate troll.

Hahaha YES!! I remember doing exactly those things, and being trolled in the same way!

I've never play Halo 3.. but oh man, the way you describe that Halo 3 moment give me goosebumps! I really want to experience that epic moment.

Thanks man :) I really appreciate it, Halo 3 was probably one of my most memorable gaming moments, playing with my friends was a huge hallmark of that especially with the Co-Op Legendary moment and this god-awful flood level on Legendary was really hard but so rewarding!

I understand that feeling well. But the game i relate to the most has to be Pokemon Red. It was the turning point in the pokemon franchise after Yellow. Getting charmander, squirtle and bulbasaur was a classic.
Nice Post

Oh Absolutely, Red defined a new chapter in Pokemon history and really added a bunch of new necessary features which made the game colossally better. Thank you very much man! :D

My most memorable gaming experience was when Marle from Chrono Trigger stepped on to the teleporter. They flipped the switch and base her disappear. Not in my wildest dreams would I have thought she was being sent through time. I was eleven or so when that game came out.

Haha nice! That sounds pretty awesome :P Learning about time and space sci-fi mechanics at such a young age through video games!

Really enjoyed the list you have! Pokemon and Halo 2 have so many memories tied to them. I know many people don't enjoy Pokemon Go but that little game keeps me active.

Definitely! I'm not too much a fan of Pokemon Go either, it just doesn't have the same mechanics nor appeal. Halo and the original pokemon games are among my favourites

This is going to date me, but my most memorable gaming experience was playing Ultima VII: The Black Gate for the first time. I was in high school, and it was my first PC RPG I had ever played. The art (for its time) was incredible, and it was one of the first non-linear, open-ended worlds in the computer gaming scene. Almost like an early Minecraft, you could interact with your environment in creative ways - read books, play instruments, make cloth, use a sextant, bake bread! I was hooked after that. The storyline was great, not just a veneer to put over a combat system. You really cared about the characters. Other than your own questions ("Name. Job. Bye!"), the narrative was quality too.

Haha that's all good man! Absolutely open world games are definitely amazing and I'm glad you've had a lot of memorable experiences with Ultima VII :)

Nice list :) I have to include Pokemon red in mine too because I played and finished it around the same age :) I think hunting for missing Number corrupted one of my saves!

  • Christmas when I was even younger we got a NES with Mario 1 on it and I was the first in my family to finish the first level. This was the first game I'd played.
  • During the 90s playing various RTS games like Age of Empires over LAN was awesome. As well as making horrid bitmap skins for doom mods and then later on it was all about Quake.
  • Recently I've been enjoying anti-games like Dear Esther and Firewatch that are not really games in the traditional sense but provide a lovely narrative to enjoy. Also great indy titles like Owlboy have really captivated the spirit of early platformers but with glorious pixel art.
  • Nowadays I do some 3DCGI but making custom stuff for games to use online when I was a child is probably the best experience, not to mention a steep learning curve, of my gaming life. :)

Awesome! Yes! Games like AOE were absolutely awesome playing over LAN (I got my copy from a cereal box), all of the games you've mentioned are definitely memorable and have I have played quite some hours of.

I'm interested in checking out the re-release of Starcraft. RTS really fell down when they stopped doing pixel based art and switched to low-poly 3D IMO.

Remember Realms of the Haunting? Oh wow I replayed it recently and, although it has aged, still enjoyed it considerably. ROTH's story and general horror is totally missing from today's more atmospheric/lighting-driven narratives. :)

Oh definitely, the 3D based RTS' are pretty rubbish, and yeah SC Re-released would be pretty awesome. I definitely remember RotH and was an absolutely awesome game especially for it's time :)

Great post, certainly brings back some of my childhood gaming memories!

Thanks man :) Absolutely, That's what it's all about!

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