Do Graphics in Games matter?

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

Games are an art, they are a canvas for a developer to let their wildest dreams come true, to create something special and unique that other people will enjoy, a lot like a movie. As with any technology, as time goes on, technology becomes more advanced, it becomes better, faster, harder, stronger, and this is reflected in games, most obviously and close to surface, in graphics.

Year after year, the newest titles in gaming shock me with how damn pretty they are. I can still remember playing Battlefield 3 and thinking “Well there’s no way games can look much better than this”.Well six years down the track, I can safely say I was wrong. Very wrong. Many stunning titles have come it in the last year, reminding me that there are always ways to create more beautiful worlds.

But keeping in line with the title of this post, do graphics in games matter?

For me, while I can certainly appreciate games becoming more pretty, it’s not such a big deal. I mainly focus on the gameplay, as in, when I am playing the game, is it fun and I’m having a good time, or not. Graphics don’t really play much of a part in that decision for me, they don’t normally affect how I feel about the game that I am playing. At the same time, while some games focus on looking hyper-realistic, other games tend to go with alternative art styles. Whether it be pixel art, cel shading, cartoony , I love all of them in games, and I believe that when it is done well, I prefer it to games that go for a more realistic look.

One of the great things about graphics is the impression they can leave on you, and power that they can have in games when done well. Take Skyrim for example, it was released 5 years ago and still some of the views are just breathtaking when you are wandering the vast world it has to offer. As for a game that has less realistic graphics, the graphics in Terraria always inspired and made me fall in love with pixel art.

What matters to me when it comes to graphics, is the execution.

I want to be able to play the game that I’m playing, without the graphics intrinsically getting in the way of the fun. But that’s too vague, what specifically gets on my nerves is when there are glitches ,when I have to strain to see things, or when the graphics are just confusing. A recent example of glitches getting in the way might be Assassin’s Creed Unity, upon release it was filled with graphical issues and bugs that lead to people with no faces, one of many graphical slip ups I’ve heard from that game. In my opinion, if a developer goes for a particular art style, and doesn’t at least do a decent job or if it just doesn’t synergise with the game that it actually ends up hindering the gameplay, that’s when graphics start to be a problem for me.

Otherwise, the graphics aren’t so much of a factor. If I am planning to buy a game, I will rarely consider graphics in my decision, for me I mainly want to know how it plays, and how fun it is, because if isn’t my kind of game and I’m not going to enjoy it, whats the point. However, in games where the atmosphere plays a big role, such as more narrative or explorative games where graphics may be a key part to enjoying the game, then it will be something that I consider, but even then not much.

The good news is that there are a lot of great games out there, whether it be Crash Bandicoot 2 released some 20 years ago, or the newest Battlefield game, I think they are both pretty. Certainly, graphics in games are only going to improve and move in interesting directions, and I am excited to see what weird and wonderful art styles we will see come to life in the future.

But these are just my thoughts, I would love to know, do graphics in games matter to you? Are there any games that stand out to you as having memorable graphics? Let me know in the comments below, and if you enjoyed reading this, be sure to give it a like, resteem and follow me for more content like this! Until next time guys, stay beautiful 🙂

End note: Authored by Genesis & Locikll for Psilink Gaming & MediGamer Blogs, Redistributed, and edited for Steemit officially


I think that graphics are important for the ambience but they are not the most important thing in games. A game without good gameplay isn't keeping me to play it over a long period of time.

Absolutely man!

Graphics in a game are a fine thing, by all means if they want to make them pretty they should. However I don't think that it should somehow limit game development or be the soul focus of creating the game. If a game is pretty and I stomp through it in 6 hours, then I just paid 10 dollars and hour for enjoyment. Not the most I've ever spent, but if I can buy a different game with slightly worse graphics that has a better story and lasts 30 hours, then I feel I got my money's worth.

All things considered if I can 100% clear a game in less than 40 hours I consider it a waste of time. It should be an adventure, not an episode. I've sunk over 2500 hours into Pokemon games, over 1000 into Monster Hunter games, and I always go back for more. And I go back for gameplay, story, and challenge. Not graphics.

Exactly! Games should keep you coming back for more and more, there should definitely be a strong element of replayability, and that mainly depends on different approaches in playing the same game (possibly for different story reasons), completing challenges, achievements and collectibles. I think the only game I've gone back to for a graphically related reason was Just Cause 2, it has beautiful sunrises / sunsets which made driving through the environment a beautiful experience.

One game that drew me back in again and again for its beauty was Xenoblade Chronicles X, one heck of a hidden gem on the Wii U. The map was huge, handmade, and breathtaking. Such an excellent game, and that's not me just nerding out for Xenoblade, that game was the business.

I see it got some amazing reviews, I am considering grabbing myself a copy now, cheers :D

New Xenoblade for the Switch down the road too. Just saying.

That reminds me I need to do an upcoming switch titles list. I'm such a slacker, I meant to do that tuesday.

Haha all good man! Good to take a little step back and have a break some times so that post quality is conserved. Yeah I saw Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I'll see how that does before I buy though.

I'll probably end up doing a series on it, I don't doubt that for a second.

Graphics is a definite plus! but I think the gameplay is the most important part. Even with shit graphics you have successful games, but you can't have a good game with awful gameplay. Following, looking foward to your next post!

Definitely man! Games like Super Mario 64 were among my most memorable and that obviously didn't have the most amazing graphics, but they had a 'style' which was brilliant. Thanks mate, another post coming today :)

I agree with you!

For me the graphics don't have to be as realistic as possible. It just has to look pretty for the eye. For example, minecraft, league of legends, crash bandicoot just like you mentioned and so on.

Yeah totally agree on that! I personally also prefer the looks of LoL over DotAs. In Minecraft I never liked realistic texture packs, I always prefered Sphax (or how it was called). I actually even started Overwatch just because I like this kind of look in a game :D

And what about Borderlands! Its Epic!

Definitely man! I think gameplay is the biggest driver of gaming experience for me personally.

I think the most important thing about graphics is how they impact playability. It's been touched on a bit but to be more precise, if the graphics distract from the fun to be had, then they are bad. This of course is different for every person.
They same issues have been documented in the design of pretty much website for example, if the page is designed poorly the readers are less interested in what it has to say. Worst case scenario the page is so bad users won't read it at all unless they absolutely want to know what it has to say.
Same can be said for games, unless someone really loves the game, bad visuals can ruin it.

Absolutely! Visuals and visual style complement the gameplay, you wouldn't want super realistic visuals for cartoon-like gameplay, and you wouldn't want terrible graphics for realistic gameplay, you really have to select the right graphics and style for the playability.

Good graphics and bad gameplay is a bit like a really attractive person who has a terrible personality and is bad in bed. IMHO gameplay > graphics. (That all said, I still remember playing Final Fantasy 7 and 8 as a kid and being blown away by the cut scenes!)

Haha awesome, I love the analogy! And that's exactly right! The gameplay is a game's personality, and the graphics are the look and style. Hell yeah FFVII was absolutely brilliant, and made huge waves for it's time, just like Half-Life!

Gameplay matters more than graphics

how would win in a battle doomguy vs master chief

Master Chief, without breaking a sweat.

True but doomguy is a demon. He would just escaped hell and come back with a bfg.

I don't think he's a 'demon', he just kills them, he's a 'Marine'. I pretty much agree with this outcome:

Masterchief's weaponry and equipment just has much more versatility in it's uses and hence is much more adaptable to the fight.

have you ever watched the movie doom

Graphics matter. But not like in terms of resolution, textures etc. For me the artwork is more important. Take the game Inside or ori for example. These are beautiful games but because of the artwork and not because of the technical side of graphics

Hell yeah man, Ori and the Blind Forrest is an absolutely beautiful and well crafted game! I'm really glad you love it too.

I recently played 'Everybody's Gone to the Rapture' and that is one of the best looking games I have played for a long time, I loved just walking around the open world exploring and looking at the scenery, it was just lovely and refreshing. I don't think graphics are needed, but they defiantly help!

Oh dude, I had never heard of that, but I looked it up and it looks legit! I think I'll buy a copy on steam today man, thanks for letting me know about this

No worries! I really enjoyed it, I hope you do aswell!

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