[Review Games ] Of Legrand Legacy: sensation "JRPG" classic with a local Flavour! #1

in #gaming7 years ago

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So boasts and a relief that in just the last year, we finally have the chance to enjoy those games "serious" developer Indonesia region which was also built by the global market as a target market. Although understandable we won't get the visual content or presentation that is the equivalent of AAA games, built by developer and publisher giant that isof course, funded by capital, developers-developer Indonesia this can still produce a product worthy of thumbs up. There is a Fallen Legionof Mintsphere + which was eventually released on the PC via Steam with language support Indonesia in it. One of the games that are also not less eagerly anticipated is a project of which had earlier postponed the Semisoft – Legrand Legacy. Games that are already working to popularize her from one event to another event which eventually was released to the market!

Full sense of optimism, this is the impression we got when she first tried the demo Legrand Legacy in the past. Although the demo was taken from the beta period can not be practically perfect and full of technical problems, there is one thing that you can catch it. That the project isnot only carried out by a team that like to just "sell stuff" at gamers, but to vent his love on classic JRPG sensation that is increasingly difficult to be found today. Now, she is finally released to the market. The refinement of one version into another version during beta certainly has happened. Legrand Legacy is finally ready to satisfy curiosity. If he wasso decent product brag about? Or is it a name which fails to achieve the quality we want from an RPG games? The good news, as far as we,the first sensation is jajal appears.

Thus, what is actually offered by Legrand Legacy? Why do we call it a game "JRPG" classic with a local flavour? This review will discuss it more in it for you.

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  • Plot

Legrand Legacy is a fantasy themed games heavy enough as the Foundation. And as you can the predictions, the story of the adventures offered this Semisoft will make you enter into a world full of races, species, monsters, to the diverse strengths of a fictional story that you enjoyfairy tales in childhood or fantasy novels you heartily when a teenageror adult. A story that does contain a lot of the side of cliche, but still interesting to follow. It serupalah who conceived by Legrand Legacy.

Promise to help Finn to find the Princess the inadvertent and submit the required medication, Aria asking for his help to find a figure named Lazarus who allegedly livedin the desert. The fight against the monster that is so exhausting eventually leads them to the desired point, met directly with Lazarus who believed was one of the heroes of the war of the past that has already lasted long enough. Aria Lazarus believe that hold the key to restoring peace in Legrand – world they dwell. Boxer woman with an arrow is called to resolve the conflict in the northern part of the increasingly complex, involving two major countries Legrand which is now ready to take up arms to one of the parties was destroyed to its knees. Instead of just helping him, Lazarus was thus present with more shocking news.

That Aria and Finn, who managed to find her, has now entered into the initial stage of the fulfillment of a prophecy that has already sounded quite a long time. That their destiny is more than just restore peace for Legrand from the hands of the warringcountries. A greater threat would arrive, make these wars feels does more than just toys for children. A race that had invaded Legrand in the past and successfully subdued by the cooperation of so many Nations – Fir Bolgs is believed will return. Aria and Finn are now asked to collect 4 weapon in ancient times from the four corners ofLegrand in order to prepare. These weapons ever believed could revive Legrand itself.

Opens with a battle scene full of blood in an arena, you assume the role of a young boy named Finn. In addition to the capabilities of the wily unable because of muscle memory that still work with so good, he's not a lot considering what happened in the past. Just the name alone.Fortunately, he was saved by a pack of old with the remarkable magical abilities who "rented" to find a cure for the Princess who are sick. In the middle of a trip down the dangerous desert, they attacked bandits. The Finn is still a weak ending unconscious and found that the inadvertent, has died. He met with the rightmost character of the mysterious woman, named – Aria.

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  •  The appeal behind the Visual Standard

How important is visual quality for you, as a gamer? If it includes elements that become the foremost priority, you will probably see Legrand Legacy with one eye. Because if compared with the new AAA game releases on the current platform, representation is not arguably comparable. Textures and character models that he offer feels like a Playstation 2 game that was made into the high-definition format by using anemulator on a PC, a fact that is indisputable. But if you are willing to go and dive deeper, then you will understand that the appeal of his presentation is more than justthe visual details she critical limits stretcher. Because believe it or not, Legrand is an interesting world.

There are two things that deserve our acungi thumb of the world offered by Legrand Legacy. First, of course lore. Although there are various problems from the dialogue or characterization that we'll talk about next, he built on top of the world with the background of an interesting story. That it is a fantasy story that is well thought out, although at some point, he does sound and feels pretty cliché. SEMISOFT managed to give an explanation so well and it makes sense to question the background ofthe conflict that was built, as well as provide a comprehensive perspective of the existence of related parties that are bound up in it, than a nation, race, and giant monsters that you encounter along the way. Hear the story of how a race of ancient dragon menunggani who realized the Middle commit genocide over the others because it is just fear, becoming a preoccupation.

The second? Of course the environment he racik. As we know, in contrast to the three-dimensional models of the standard for character he critical limits stretcher, Legrand Legacy offers city and dungeon you are frequent in the form of hand-drawing in high definition. As well as classic JRPG games, such as Final Fantasy era of the past, the two dimensional world that feels something born from the creative brain anda fantastic ending a Paintbrush. Although admittedly some dungeon looks unattractive because the color combination is there, but the majority of the city that You willfrequent enough to make your eyes termanjakan. The city is indeed divided into various parts, but each of them comes with a camera point of view quite cinematic. From a desert city with statues of a lion-sized human-body mammoth at various angles, as far as the city filled with lentara after a festival is held. Each of them have a unique identity of each. The good news? The small button with the pointer direction and shading is good enough, you will have no trouble distinguishing the world in three dimensions in the perspective, including the matter of height though.

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  •  hodge - podge

How is the simplest way to discuss Legrand Legacy? Call it a hodge - podge of so many classic JRPG gameplay system of loved ones seem to be so precise statements. Because there is a clear effort to offer as complete a ROLE-PLAYING experience possible in the game who is ready to confiscate tens of hours of your time on this one. Hewrap sensation classic JRPG, mini-games, and also the format fight-based strategy in it. For gamers who grew up with the genre got around this in the past, certainly there will be a sensation familiar to some mechanism which he may offer.

From the most basic mechanical side will often you meet, it is a turn-based RPG game classic. The attack take turns with the three members of the party of six peoplewill dominate Your playing experience. This will turn the system got the informationa matter of electoral action sequences until you can arrange the plan to invade or survive.

But its not that simple. Each time the property system, such as the strike Shadow Hearts or The Lost Odyssey, there will be a button-based timing you have to press in a limited environment. Succeeded in making this needle goes into the provided limitsand calculated a "Perfect", then there's certainly benefit you get. The damage is more likely to be regular attacks and calls a Grimoire called the skill it takes time for the process of channeling before it could be executed, will be less likely to be bothered by the attacks of the enemy. Outside the limits and exposed the conditions of"Miss", then get ready for the attack you end up failing. The process of the attack and is running at once between the enemy and the team party, until the bout went pretty fast. One is for sure, you can't turn her attention from your system "QTE" is granted. 

Other functions on offer also includes Defend and Change. Defend, which is like attacking system will also bring up a timing-based circle bar is also special. Each character will have a different effect to Defend. For example, the Finn will automatically bring up a Reflect effect will automatically reverse the damage of the attack that he got. While Aria, had the effect of AP Charge, which make the process this will Defenddirectly followed by the process of charge AP. AP is itself a resource that is requiredto issue a special attack called "Arcana", which of course, promising the damage is huge. While the Change, such as Final Fantasy X, will allow you to change the instantteam members in turn, without losing a fight. This last feature, indeed essential accounting.

Why? Because as predictable, every enemy has always had a weakness for the exploited, whether than just the type of attack, until the element that they are critical limits stretcher. There is an enemy that is more vulnerable on the attack type Slash, while the other type air-Pierce. There is an enemy that is afraid of the Fire element, while others are afraid of the water. Understand and comprehend information related strengths and weaknesses of every enemy that you can instantly access will help you to win the battle. Replace team member who effectively is the most action wise. But keep in mind, the composition of the teams you also need a lot of consideration. From the mere election of a standing position that will determine what you can/can'tdo. As an example, melee fighter can't strike out if you put them in the back. Until just a role, given each Member had a row aka Grimoire the specific skill. As an example? Eris that is provided with the capability of healing is more qualified, compared with other members for example.

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  •  Talking About The Two Biggest Flaws

But of course, Legrand Legacy is not a perfect RPG game. But not because of technical problems and the like that are awesome, not we met throughout the review process. But entrenched on two things that we think are too crucial to miss it. Two things are heavy and the system settings dialog.

As we know, the system settings that limit the weight of the luggage of the main character/party in a certain amount of it is indeed not a new mechanism in the world of RPG. Much like giant Skyrim RPG games or The Witcher 3 apply it is up and running. Legrand Legacy which makes crafting system as the primary way to get a more powerful weapon with different levels of rarity and to preparing the item when youhave no money, this system also features. The bottom line is of course to make you more sensitive to organize essential items which were brought, let alone the Middleteens type of material needed for the crafting process. But unfortunately, in this game, he instead be one of the biggest problems that sucks. What happened?

System weight in Skyrim and The Witcher 3 works because one thing – because basically, you choose which items you want to pick up and which ones you want to leave well enough alone. You have the freedom and the power to it. While Legrand Legacy? He maintains a system of fall of loot and material classic JRPG gameplay style, where all the material you get will be automatically entered into your bag, add a heavy burden, with no opportunity to select or reject it altogether. The result? Is a mechanism that is not well thought out, seemed ripe. Even more bad news again? Instead of making this crafting materials had insignificant weight so not much bother, Legrand Legacy decided to make it at least had a weight of 1. Now imagine, if you only have the limitations of weight of 350 just at the beginning of the game, with 1 the fight that could drop up to 8-10 material weight. Explore one dungeon, enough to make your bag is full, even before you can save it in the provided Storage System.

It is not rare you met scenario annoying. When so many items healers sign in, than just healing up to revive an unlikely You discard it, began to seize the portion weightyou can carry. When exploring a dungeon, with custom gamer JRPG that always wanted to fight with the enemy for the process of grinding level, you start to find that the material continues to automatically go into your bag. Unwittingly, you find your bag is full. The next step? Start sifting sifting through material or which items should you waste to make the main character can again ran, and not just running. You will throw away items that you think is not important, and open space for example, 20 new weight room. A little exploring the same dungeon, fighting with the enemy partythree, and voila! your bag back full. Welcome to waste anymore!

Semisoft actually trying to make the experience set weight is becoming more easilytolerated by providing storage systems anywhere in the city, which is normally positioned near a wide array of merchants are indeed demanding material in it, like a Blacksmith for example. Solve the problem? It is not. Taste a new annoyance? IYA. Why? This storage system is not integrated with the crafting system. Would it be, if you just get a new sword for example recipe, you should check Your Storage crates do you already have or not material stored on behalf of emptying the bag. Here's how?Check it out with one on one. Check out the dozens of material with strange names and forms, just for making a weapon, is not something that is fun. For us, up to this point, the system settings heavy on Legrand Legacy did not have any positive contributions.

A second problem that seriously? Is dialogue. Quite understandable considering thisis the savory game developers Indonesia, until there is a great possibility that smells of any United Kingdom language be felt is not natural. Inevitably, it must be admitted that this also happens in Legrand Legacy. That dialogue is created between the various characters is filled with so much content that it feels awkward and unnatural.How bad? Up to some point, the characters involved as low-paid soap opera performers reading the script, though without voice acting at all.

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  •  OST cool!

Talking about one extra element which also makes our love on Legrand Legacy certainly rooted on the soundtrack that he offer. We all seemed to already know that Semisoft managed to hook the singer's famous Automata NieR OST through Chaos Language flagship – Emi Evans into the ranks of chargers for their soundtrack. Cooperation both spawned the song "Suteki na Mono" are ready to make Your skin crawl occipital feathers. More good news again? It is not the only OST cool you hear during your travels the saving of Legrand.

Legrand Legacy filled with lots of cool OST indeed during this time, being one of the best parts of the JRPG games classic. In accordance with the moment you meet, there will be musical accompaniment of pampering the ear which also matches what the Middle you see on screen, even in stressful combat conditions though. Suteki namono itself appears in an instrumental version to strengthen personal moments between some of the characters there. The magical world of elegance is also sometimes carry the full soundtrack chant-chant mysterious occipital feathers are ready to make Your skin crawl or just, to calm your soul.

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  •  Conclusion

Exceed the initial expectations, Legrand Legacy ended up being a game with elements of classic JRPG that offers a solid gaming experience. That there is a clear impression that the developers preparing this game to resurrect an approach cita-rasa theJRPG is indeed increasingly faded with a great sense of love. Fused many systems inthe past, but the title still retain their own unique identities to deliver a fantastic combination. The combination of the OST for the thumbs up, the level of difficulty is quite challenging and demanding specific, strategic approach to just design the monsters and an environment that is hand drawn, it will meet the expectations of any classic JRPG fans. A turn-based JRPG game who is ready to make you satisfied. We present you with a sense of skepticism, and ended up writing this review with a wide smile.

But of course, he's not perfect. Of all the things that our sample, two of the biggestweakness lies in the management system of weight which is annoying and also, the approach of dialogue and story that feels so awkward and weird at some point. Oneother complaint is the loss of one of the standard RPG design that we think should be there – Equipment/Accessories to strengthen characters. Why? Because believe it or not, for the moment, there is no system that can be used to block entry of the status of the effect at the time of the fight, for example. If the enemy is a global attackon three party You and produce so many effects, such as the status of the Confused,Paralyze, or Poison for example, there are no preventive measures you can do to prevent it the case, which of course, nullifying a potential to deal with it in a more strategic step. And it is often a problem of its own.

But the shortage of outside, Legrand Legacy into a savory local developer RPG games worthy of You jajal. For a game that rewarded only 160 thousand Rupiah with dozens of hours of content in it, its quality as an JRPG game also can not be considered one eye. Believe it or not, this is a game that we wouldn't have objected to buy it at a price range of 250 thousand dollars though, for now. Believe it or not.

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  •  Excess
  1. OST indulgent ear
  2. Environment with images of the hands
  3. Garang's boss design
  4. The game system easily mastered
  5. There is an element of the strategy is to look for
  6. Pretty challenging levels of difficulty
  7. Contains many classic JRPG concepts familiar
  8. The interesting world of lore
  9. Eris

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  •  A shortage of 
  1. The dialogue feels stiff
  2. There was a moment of awkward and strange stories
  3. Heavy on system settings item
  4. There is no chance to do preventative measures on the status of the effect
  5. Suitable for gamers: the classic JRPG lover, connoisseur of fantasy lore with a solid

Not suitable for gamers: the making of the visual as a primary quality standard, notpleased with the turn-based RPG system

Source  reference 1 , 2 , 3 dan 4


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